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The Use of Plants in Feng Shui

Speaker(s) Renata Senatore


When: Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Where: via Zoom

Fee: $0 for FSIM Paid Practitioner & Friend Members;

$18 for Guests and Newsletter subscribers.


Plants help us to purify the air and remove toxins from the environment. In Feng Shui, the element associated with plants is wood, the element of new beginning, nourishment, and uplifting energy. Individual plants can have one or more elements and can enhance the missing energy in the room. There are plants for every area of your home and every person, even those who might say they do not have a “green thumb” or that under their care every plant eventually dies. Not to worry, there are not too many plants in Feng Shui that we should avoid, but there certainly are specific one’s worth mentioning. In my presentation you will get insight into how to slow down the chi in the environment and how to best take care of your new green addition.  

“Feng Shui is a way of thinking that leads to happier life.” 

The experiences and love of nature inspired me to learn Feng Shui, this ancient complex study of art and science. I have a passion and intuition for incorporating the five elements, the Baqua and the balance of Yin and Yang into people’s surroundings and everyday life.

I am Renata Senatore, the director of School of Feng Shui and Interior Decoration (SFSID). My program includes certification in Feng shui Studies and Certification in Interior Decoration. I have been a member of the International Feng Shui Guild since 2012, a Red Ribbon Professional and currently serve on the Board of Directors for International Feng Shui Guild.  

My education background is in science and arts. I received Bachelor of Science Degree in Slovakia, Bachelor of Arts Degree in New York, obtained my Feng Shui Certification from Metropolitan Institute of Design in Syosset, New York, and Advanced Interior Decoration Certificate from New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), New York. After graduating from NYIT, the following students expressed interest in learning about Feng Shui. I began teaching Feng Shui and Introduction to Interior Design classes to adult students enrolled in the Extended Education Program. However, in 2020, the Extended Education Department dropped its program, and I have decided to open my own school, the School of Feng Shui, and Interior Design, and have been teaching online since January 2021. 

Please check my web site https://www.fengshuiambiance.com/ and the page for School of Feng Shui and Interior Decoration https://www.fengshuiambiance.com/sfsid-school.