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Labyrinth Tour with Lisa Moriarty

Speaker(s) Lisa Gidlow Moriarty

First Meeting Place:
Peace Lutheran ChurchLisa Gidlow Moriarty
1744 Walnut St.
Lauderdale, MN 55113

Time of Event:
FSIM Arrival time for first tour location: 9:00am-12:00pm (Arrive by 8:45 am)

Open to the public: 
Members: $27
Guest: $36


The Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest invites members and guests to experience a half day Labyrinth tour with Lisa Gidlow Moriarty, Paths of Peace. This is not just a tour of labyrinths, but a spiritual pilgrimage. Using movement, ritual and silence, we will experience several Twin Cities area labyrinths during this half-day journey. Each stop will include a ritual to deepen our encounter as we create a space for contemplation and celebration.

Everyone will ride together on the bus, as this time and space is all part of the experience!


Labyrinth Tour Locations:
  1. Peace Lutheran Church, Lauderdale (2 indoor labyrinths in a small residential church)
  2. Como Park, St. Paul (large outdoor concrete labyrinth in a unique design incorporating yin-yang symbolism)
  3. Children’s Hospital, St. Paul (rooftop garden)
Lisa Gidlow Moriarty is past president of the international Labyrinth Society and owner of Paths of Peace in Stillwater, MN. Lisa regularly offers labyrinth bus tours, retreats and workshops. She is a professional labyrinth maker and an internationally recognized speaker, tour leader and labyrinth facilitator.

Lunch Opportunity:

Take yourself out to lunch with your Feng Shui friends! Following the tour, we have a 1:00pm lunch reservation at Muffuletta Café (great food and atmosphere!) in St. Anthony Village, St. Paul. This is very near to the starting point of our tour. Please indicate at Registration if you and your guest will join us! This is a self-pay event.

If you are a non-member, you will not be able to register and pay on this form. Please contact Carolyn Vinup if you would like to attend!

There are a limited number of spots on the bus, so register today by clicking the button below.New for this event: If you wish to pay by check you may register here online, and your check must ARRIVE at the address indicated on or before September 23.


Readings by Lisa Moriarty between labyrinths:

Reading One Location: Peace Lutheran Church - opening welcome:
Reading: The Labyrinth Prayer

We stand together
We honor sacred space
We honor the labyrinth

We honor the east
We honor air
We receive grace

We honor the south
We honor fire
We share responsibility

We honor the West
We honor water
We enjoy life

We honor the North 
We honor earth
We stand for truth

We honor the Above
We honor space
We are free

We honor the Below
We honor the dark
We are safe

We honor the Within
We honor ourselves
We honor each other
We are love

We are the peacekeepers
We are the caretakers
We are the lightbearers

We are all
We are one
We stand together.

Written by my friend, Carol House 2002

Reading Two Location: Peace Lutheran Church - lower level candle lighting labyrinth walk:
Reading: For Light

Light cannot see inside things.
That is what dark is for;
Minding the interior,
Nurturing the draw of growth
Through places where death
In its own way turns into life.

In the glare of neon times,
Let our eyes not be worn
By surfaces that shine
With hunger made attractive.

That our thoughts may be true light,
Finding their way into words
Which have the weight of shadow
To hold the layers of truth.

That we never place our trust
In minds claimed by empty light,
Where one-sided certainties
Are driven by false desire.

When we look into the heart,
May our eyes have the kindness
And reverence of candlelight.

That the searching of our minds
Be equal to the oblique
Crevices and corners where
The mystery continues to dwell,
Glimmering in fugitive light.

When we are confined inside
The dark house of suffering
That moonlight might find a window.

When we become false and lost
That the severe noon-light
Would cast our shadow clear.

When we love, that dawn-light 
Would lighten our feet
Upon the waters.

As we grow old, that twilight 
Would illuminate treasure
In the fields of memory.

And when we come to search for God,
Let us first be robed in the night,
Put on the mind of morning,
To feel the rush of light
Spread slowly inside
The color and stillness
Of a found world.

John O'Donohue from To Bless This Space Between Us.

Reading Three Location: Global Harmony Labyrinth, Como Park:
Reading: A Buddhist Litany for Peace

As we are together praying for Peace,
let us be truly with each other...
Let us be aware of the source of being common to us all and to all living things.
Evoking the presence of the Great Compassion, let us fill our hearts with our own compassion - towards ourselves and towards all living beings.
Let us pray that all living beings realize that they are all brothers and sisters, all nourished from the same source of life.
Let us pray that we ourselves cease to be the cause of suffering to each other.
Let us plead with ourselves to live in a way which will not deprive other living beings of air, water, food, shelter, or the chance to live.
With humility, with awareness of the existence of life, and of the sufferings that are going on around us, let us pray for the establishment of peace in our hearts and on earth. 

Thich Nhat Hanh as found in Earth and All Its Stars edited by Anne Rowthorn

Reading Four Location: Children's Hospital Rooftop Garden:

Don't you dare climb that tree
or even try, they said, or you will be
sent away to the hospital of the
very foolish, if not the other one.
And I suppose, considering my age,
it was fair advice.

But the tree is a sister to me, she
lives alone in a green cottage
high in the air and I know what
would happen, she'd clap her green hands,
she'd shake her green hair, she'd
welcome me. Truly

I try to be good but sometimes
a person just has to break out and 
act like the wild and springy thing 
one used to be. It's impossible not
to remember wild and want it back. So if someday you can't find me you might
look into that tree or - of course
it's possible - under it.

Mary Oliver from A Thousand Mornings collection of poetry