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Explore Your Past Lives

Speaker(s) Rev. J. Tom Hyder


Unity ChurchRev. J. Tom Hyder

4000 Golden Valley Rd, Golden Valley, MN 55422

Time of Event:
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Event

Open to the Public: 
Non-Members admission $72, Members $54

Over half of the world's population believes in reincarnation and that karma is "destiny from cause and effect". Many major religions hold the belief that we live one life as a Soul and gain experience through many lifetimes and personalities. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, and Shamanism teach reincarnation as a basic tenant. Twenty-five percent of Christians accept the reality of multiple lifetimes.

Have you explored your past lives? Have you wondered how and why you feel like you've been in a place before, known someone you just met, or tried to heal by discovering the "originating cause" of an innate physical condition?

In this workshop you will have the opportunity to explore your ancient past. You will be guided to other lifetimes to discover more about who you truly are. You will also gain experience in assisting another on their ancient exploration.

How do Feng Shui and reincarnation intersect? Find out by performing a Feng Shui adjustment in your home from another life time.

Rev. J. Thomas Hyder has been a spiritual practitioner and student for 40+ years. He has a private practice as a spiritual counselor, and has led many workshops on psychic development, dowsing, and reincarnation. Tom was ordained through Sancta Sophia Seminary. He is a master gardener, and lives Feng Shui through his twenty-three-year marriage to Carole Hyder.

Rev. J. Tom Hyder contact information:
Email: tom@tomhyder.com