You are invited to a special Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest Earth Day event! We have a wonderful opportunity to come together to celebrate and support Mother Earth! Everyone is welcome to attend at NO CHARGE! WEDNESDAY APRIL 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM Meeting ID: 643 122 0349
We have a wonderful opportunity to come together to celebrate and support Mother Earth! Through our combined gifts of feng shui and dowsing, we have become aware of the importance of creating beauty, healing, and balance for both our homes and the land we live on. Through the use of our gifts, we have also become aware of the sacredness of the earth, our connection to it, and our responsibility to protect her and heal the damage that has been done. The more we focus our attention on the healing of the earth, the more we become aware that we are not alone in this endeavor and we begin to open the doors to other dimensions. How many of us have created fairy gardens, brought in gnomes into our homes and yards or feel a strong connection to spirits in the Elemental realm? On Earth Day 2020, as we move through the experience of a global pandemic, we have an even greater call to bring healing to the earth and, in return, to all humanity. Annette Rugolo, master dowser, and environmental healer will be sharing her experiences with the elemental realm during our Earth Day celebration. She will lead us in a meditation to help each of us remember and celebrate our connection to the earth and the elementals. Joining our energies together, we will focus on bringing forward the healing that is most needed right now.