Feng Shui Senses
~Kathy Connors
I spent February and March this year in Arizona and then traveled to Palm Springs, saw Joshua Tree National Park and then headed to California with my husband in our RV. From there we traveled up the Oregon Coast taking in all of the incredibly beautiful coastline views.
I never thought I would ever like "RV traveling" but it has it's
benefits of your own space and getting into communities and seeing places from a more integrated perspective. This picture of the undulating sidewalk with flowers was taken in Palm Desert outside the RV park where we stayed. This kind of undulating"Feng Shui" sidewalk is ubiquitous in this area. There are lots of waterfalls and beautiful flowers gracing this desert area. I can't help but look with "Feng Shui Eyes" as I see different parts of the country, people's homes and our gardens.
As we approach the Fire Element with the Solstice, it won't be hard to use your "Feng Shui Senses" to see, smell and feel all the beauty of summer flowers and activities come into peak performance. FSIM is having a bonfire this week on Friday, June 23rd to celebrate our Members and the Solstice. If you are a member of FSIM, bring your Feng Shui Senses and join us for this
Our summer Feng Shui spirit will be peaking with our FSIM Members quarterly meeting in July. Please join us as Laurie Wondra speaks about Purposeful Energy and how to enhance the energy of our space. As Feng Shui enthusiasts, we know about feeling the energy of spaces. Laurie will broaden our Feng Shui Sense of how to heal the energy of spaces. Register Here
Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear Laurie Wondra talk about energy and vibration.
Lastly, I have been on the Feng Shui Board for 5 1/2 years, first as Secretary and second as Newsletter Coordinator. I have decided to give up my FSIM board position as Newsletter Coordinator. The Board is a happy place to be with the enthusiasm of a Feng Shui universe!! This is a bittersweet decision. I am grateful for the years of service and connection to the FSIM Board of Directors. I am happy to announce that Dorine King will be taking my position as secretary. Please welcome Dorine to the Board along with Jane Petrich who will be our new Membership Coordinator. Kim Julen, previous Membership Coordinator, moved to Hawaii. We are so grateful for the contributions of service from our FSIM membership.
| Laurie Wondra |
2017 FSIM Members Only July Quarterly Meeting and Registration
FSIM is excited for our Quarterly Meeting on July 11, 2017
Presenter: Laurie Wondra - YourLifeCore
Topic: Purposeful Energy
Purposeful energy - practical ways to clear, charge or activate space
Everything around us and within us emanates a vibrational frequency that interacts with other energy. These interactions can magnetize or repel other like energy. Whether you have a new home or office, or have been in your home or office for awhile, the energy may not be the energy you really desire in that space. Laurie helps us understand simple principals of energy and space, while giving techniques to clear, collapse or expand a vibrational frequency with intent and purpose. She'll cover simple use of sage, Palo Santo, crystals and other methods to ignite space for its intended purpose.
Laurie Wondra, is a Shaman, psychic medium, and Transformational Life Coach Lives change when you work with Laurie and experience her powerful connection to the divine energies of the Universe. Shaman, Psychic Medium: Since a small child, Laurie has been working with the Archangels, Ascended Masters, the Collective Light, and other Universe energies to channel their messages and provide healing powers. She connects people with their loved ones who have died and brings important messages from the spirit world. Energy Healer: Laurie combines channeled divine energy with her heart frequency to activate lives and heal fields of energy. Her healing vibrational modalities also include crystals, sacred drumming, Tibetan bowls, and voice. Life Coach, Author, Speaker, Teacher: As a former C-level Executive Laurie brings real life experience to her clients. She is the author of four books. She is a regular speaker at LHSC, a frequent guest on WCCO Radio in the Twin Cities, highlighted on The Science of Magic Canada radio and Minnesota Business Magazine recognized her as an Inspiring Women in the article titled, 'She walks between worlds.' Current classes and retreats can be found on her website. www.YourLifecore.com
Feature Article by Laurie Wondra We are Vibrational Energy "Everything in Life is Vibration" - Albert Einstein
The Law of Nature states everything has a vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. If you've taken a chemistry class, you probably remember learning about atoms, and that everything is made up of atoms. These atoms are in a constant state of motion and depending on the speed of these atoms; things appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. These layers of energy create our physical being, but we also have layers around us that comprise our energetic, emotional, mental and astral layers. There is science that studies the interactions of these energies, including when they clash. Everything is energy, including us. We vibrate at varying frequencies, and we also have conflicts of energy with other frequencies. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. As human energy, our vibration creates and magnetizes like frequencies to us. When we focus on a particular thought or idea, it will eventually attracts its vibrational match. Vibrational matches include both high (happy) or low (sad) frequencies.
Documented as early as 1928, there have been studies of the human form and its impact on vibrational energy. The Buddha said, "Anything that arises in the mind starts flowing as a sensation on the body." We experience and are influenced by vibration in many different ways. Sound and color are a few examples. If you scatter sand or salt across a drum or in a Tibetan bowl, you can watch patterns form when playing the bowl or drum. Some designs on ancient structures are the patterns of sound vibrations and if we were to translate the images to sound we would hear the music. If everything vibrates, and vibration affects our life and our physical bodies, and we manifest based on those vibrations how can we attract what we want in our life?
Your thoughts, your words, your actions, your space and the things you put in your space all vibrate. What you manifest is drawn to you by those frequencies. The strongest vibrational magnet starts with your emotions and how you feel about something. If you are transitioning to a job, relationship or self-development, during this transition period as your emotions are releasing, expanding, evolving, you may want to use the help of other vibrational frequencies to keep your emotional vibrational energy high. Music in the frequency of 432Hz works at the heart chakra, "the feeling," and therefore could have an influence on the emotional change in any situation. 432Hz is our natural heart frequency and therefore can contribute to creating a sense of balance. 528Hz according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, is believed to have the ability to heal damaged DNA. Studies in this area continue as science becomes more interested and evolves in understanding impacts of energy on the physical bodies, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Colors contain a vibrational frequency, and wearing chakra based colors may help the energy in that space. An example of this would be to wear blue near your throat on days you need to do more public speaking or share your inner voice to the outside world. Wearing red may bring a feeling of stability and security as that color is aligned with our base chakra. In my book Becoming a New Frequency - The use of Higher Energy, I write about the use of frequency alignment in our chakra system and using frequency as a means to support the laws of manifestation.
The Law of Rhythm states that everything has a natural cycle. The tides go in and back out, night follows day, seasons, and life regenerates itself. We all have good times and bad times, but nothing stays the same. Change is constant and continual, and so is our energy field. We are continually changing and sometimes the assistance of other tools such as sound and color help, but I'm also a believer in the vibrational power of rocks and crystals. All stones and crystals also have a vibrational value that can hold, raise or sometimes purposefully lower a vibrational frequency for us. In a stressful time, you would want a crystal or stone that has a lower, calming frequency. When you are tired and would like energy, you may want to hold or wear a crystal that has a higher vibrational value. If you are speaking in public, for example, you may want to wear or hold a blue lapis to hold a higher frequency for your throat chakra, and perhaps a rose quartz to calm any nerves. You may even place a piece of blue lapis in the knowledge center of your workspace.
As the Laws of the universe state, we are forever changing and that means our vibrational patterns will often clash with other vibration frequencies. I use my gifts to see, heal, repair or expand these energy fields we have around us. I see they are changing for all of us. The earth is continuing to elevate her vibrational frequency, and our living on earth creates change in our vibrational fields. As a community and culture, we are also shifting. Though most are average life frequency changes, sometimes we experience conflict or abrupt life changes that create abnormal waves in our frequency. These tools, techniques, and practices will help us during these transitions.
FSIM Community News Kathy Connors is the proud grandparent of Adler Nightingale Hannon. She was born on May 2nd and weighed 8 lb and 12 oz.
Lenora (Lana) Renneberg, former FSIM member from Park Rapids, MN, passed away from breast cancer in the fall of 2016.
Newest Members of the FSIM Board Newsletter Coordinator, Dorine Doyle King
I am humbled and honored to accept the 2-year position of Newsletter Coordinator for FSIM and look forward to working with the dedicated board members of The Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest. As most of you know, I am a Feng Shui Practitioner trained in both Classical Feng Shui via Roger Green, New York School of Feng Shui as well as Contemporary Feng Shui via Carole Hyder, Wind & Water School of Feng Shui. I am also a trained Certified Aromatherapist holding my diploma from the American College of Healthcare Sciences. You can find out more about me and classes/services I offer at my website www.TheRedPhoenix.com. 612-272-8425
Membership Coordinator, Jane Petrich
I started my Feng Shui journey in the late 1990's. Fortunately, I heard about the Wind Water School of Feng Shui from which I graduated in 2003. While conducting appointments and speaking engagements, I decided to continue learning via the level 3 Masters program and completed that in the fall of 2012. Ten years ago, a friend and I decided to begin a seasonal business. Heart of the Earth Creations was born. My focus has been on the business over the past several years but I continued to learn and keep active in the Feng Shui community. Mr. Rogers once said, "Often when you think you are at the end of something, you are at the beginning of something else." Therefore, I said yes when was asked about being on the FSIM board. Saying yes means I am willing to embark on a new journey with members and friends of FSIM. I look forward to meeting many younger people involved in Feng Shui work. I am very happy, at this time of my life, to be able to stay involved. Looking forward to meeting everyone at the membership table in July.
July 11, 2017 Members Only Quarterly Meeting: Laurie Wondra Crystals and Rocks for Healing and Energy Work
October 7, 2017 - Field Trip: Japanese Garden Tour with Barbara Bobrowitz
2018 FSIM Meetings
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - Annual Meeting: Master Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong