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January 11,  2016  
Attention FSIM Members!

Tomorrow January 12th is our FSIM Annual Meeting!
We are reaching out to those of you who have not renewed as members or practitioners.
There is still time to do this! If you are coming to the Annual Meeting and have not renewed your membership, please do so at our website:  www.fsim.org.

Feng Shui New Year
If you would like to come to the annual meeting and have not registered, no worries. Please come (we promise to keep you warm with networking, camaraderie and laughter). FSIM can accommodate payment by check for last minute registrants for the Annual Meeting at the door. Again, if renewing annually as guest or practitioner, please do so HERE.

Don't miss out on our esteemed speaker Carole Hyder who will discuss the Evolution of Feng Shui and Where It Stands Today. We have several vendors at our meeting for your Feng Shui shopping needs. Bring some new energy into your home or workspace! The Red Fire Monkey is inquisitive, smart, creative, active and full of creative energy. Tap into this Red Fire Monkey energy with FSIM in 2016!

Stay Connected.


January 12, 2016

:  6pm-7pm  Networking/Socializing/Shopping
7pm-9pm Meeting/Presentation
Location:  The Marsh 15000 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka MN 55345     952.935.2202
Carole Hyder, MA  International Feng Shui Expert
President Emerita FSIM   www.carolehyder.com 
Topic:  The Evolution of Feng Shui: Where it Stands Today

Please join FSIM in celebration of the New Year, speaker Carole Hyder, and a preview of upcoming events in 2016. We are excited to see you, connect, and network at our Annual Meeting. New to Feng Shui? FSIM? We would love for you to join us at the Annual Meeting. 
FSIM offers last minute registrants payment by check at the door.
Members:  $27
Guests:  $45 (open to the public)

Here's to the Year
of the Monkey!

Board of Directors,

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest
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