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April 2021
FSIM Summer Solstice Virtual Gathering
with Michele Heisler
"Journaling Through Your Journey"

When: Friday, June 18, 2021
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Via Zoom
Gather for our C3 (Conscious, Compassionate, Community) event for a presentation from FSIM Practitioner member Michele Heisler. Michele will be sharing about:

Journaling Through Your Journey  
The act of writing down your goals or intentions can have a profound effect on your journey. As we write, we become more connected with our thoughts, allowing us to process intimately and gain direction or clarity. Perhaps your journaling assists you in remembering quotes, scripture, or memories. Let’s explore ways you and/or your clients may benefit from spending time with a journal.  

Michele will give us discussion topics as we break out into small groups. The break-out groups will allow us to connect and converse with others from our awesome community. Due to COVID, this will be a virtual event.

Michele Heisler

0.5 CEUs
This event is free for all; but you must register to receive the Zoom event information.
FSIM July Quarterly Meeting
with Celeste Rak and Geshe Tenzin Gelek
We are excited to welcome Celeste Rak and Geshe Tenzin Gelek as our speakers for our July quarterly meeting. They will speak about:
"3 Ways - Connecting Feng Shui & Spirituality".

When: Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Via Zoom

1.5 CEUs
Fee: $0 for Members; $18 for Guests

Feng Shui is the balance of our mundane living space. It is energy flowing in a positive
We make our living space more comfortable, however arrangements in the home, work out, one way or another as we are balancing our belongings through energy, to be comfortable and to feel right. We are balancing our space. When we apply a bagua to a floor plan, even more comes to mind to achieve the right balance and flow of energy.

Cleansing and blessing in our space is equally important.
We want to make sure that our flow of energy is clean and pure. Sometimes it takes continuous action of cleansing to have the correct and satisfying feeling. It is cleaning the house. Some housekeepers do a sloppy job at cleaning the space and others can move through the space quickly and easily. The Blessing of the space can put the seal of approval of the changes we make. It provides a stamp of approval of the steps we have taken for a comfortable living or working space. We enhance all our efforts and make wishes for our future through body, speech and mind blessings.

Spirituality is the ultimate answer for balance and happiness.
Our home is a perfect way for today. For the spirituality part we need to dig deep. Deep in our
prayer, deep in our meditation, deep in our practice. The first layer is our mind, and the training of our mind. The next layer is our heart, experiencing our own truth and the love in our heart. Finally, to go deeper to our center and find our blocks and how to free ourselves from blocking. We can connect to our true power. This connection working together can strengthen every part of our life.

Please join us in this lively presentation of your road traveled, where you are, and how to keep
forming a road map of happiness.
Biography of the Speakers:
Celeste Rak has studied Feng Shui since the mid 90’s. Her respected teacher was His Holiness Yun Lin. Celeste attended over 45 workshops taught by HH Yun Lin. She also participated in 9 silent retreats given by the Yun Lin Temple. Celeste teaches classes and provides consultations by personal recommendations. She lives in Chicago with her husband Geshe Tenzin Gelek.

Geshe Tenzin Gelek has studied Bon Practice, which is native of Tibet. Geshe la joined Menri Monastery in Dholonji, India at the age of 7 years old and served as a monk till 40 years old.
He earned his Geshe degree, which is equal to a PhD, Doctor of Philosophy. Geshe la taught at Central University of Tibetan Studies, Varanasi, India for 14 years. He continues to teach the Bon Practice to groups & individual practitioners. At the Menri Monastery he was appointed Chant Master by HH 33rd Abbott, for 3 years, and was appointed the Secret Dance Master for 6 years. He taught the young monks the spiritual dance. Today he teaches students the many ways of the Bon, holding both private classes and group classes. Since the Covid outbreak, classes can be found on Zoom. Geshe la also has weekly prayer sessions for anyone to join.
He lives in Chicago with his wife Celeste Rak.
Learning to Live: Five Awakening Lessons
Meeting recap by Nancy Baxter, FSIM Membership Administrator

On Tuesday, April 13, Catherine Duncan spoke to members of FSIM via Zoom on the topic: Learning to Live - Five Awakening Lessons. She began by sharing her personal story and how a crisis taught her from an early age to live in the present moment. Years later, a second crisis prompted her to change course in her life and to study Theology and Spiritual Direction. 

As her path has evolved, she has learned to support others in recognizing and experiencing Five Awakening lessons:
1) We are not alone. We live in an infinite field of possibility! Many live on automatic pilot. Come into your body and breathe. Move out of the thinking mind and into your heart. Feel. Awareness is the first step of healing. 
2) Living in the present moment. Catherine invited us to feel the energy in our hands and feet, and to focus on our breath. When we focus on our breath, we cannot think at the same time. Mindfulness means paying attention, non-judgmentally, on purpose, in the present moment. 
3) Listening - Living from our heart. Catherine encouraged us to listen to that inner wisdom which resides deep within and guides each one of us. 
4) Self Compassion - Love Thyself. As a Reverend, Catherine recognizes that all people, at the end of life, want love. Love begins with learning to love yourself. How do we nurture ourselves? Do we allow for self-kindness, and recognize that we all fall short at times and make mistakes? Do we implement healthy practices such as daily meditation, good nutrition and exercise? Do we have at least one close friend? 
5) Balance and Flow. Every moment is an opportunity to accept, open and expand. Don’t fight the current. Let go and go with the flow. This takes strength and courage. Can you be with your feelings and allow them to flow through you?

Catherine ended the evening with some experiential exercises including a Breath Exercise, a Guided Meditation, Body Movements, and a Self-Soothing Exercise. All of these helped to calm, bring us into our body, and ground us. She concluded with a list of several other useful mindfulness tools.

To connect with Catherine go to her website: www.learningtolive.org
Opportunities to Join the FSIM Board

Communications Coordinator
We are looking for a Communications Coordinator to create newsletters, events, and emails via Constant Contact to send to our email list to promote our organization's events and activities.

Website Coordinator
We are sorry to see Megan Eagledale leave this position, as she has done a fantastic job keeping our website up-to-date; we will miss having her on the FSIM Board. The Website Coordinator is responsible for the maintenance of the FSIM website, including communication with the website contractor for updates and issues; handling web changes as discussed with the Board, making some updates to the website, and helping membership with login issues.

Please consider joining our extraordinary board members who are dedicated to our members and growing our organization. As an FSIM Board member, you can take advantage of a discounted or free FSIM membership while contributing to the well-being of our Feng Shui community. Contact FSIM President, Debbie Miller, or Co-Vice President, Ellen Johnson, with any questions you may have. You can find their contact information here.
Membership Renewals

As spring rolls in, it is the time of year when the majority of our FSIM Practitioners and Friends are up for renewal of their membership. As an organization, we recognize that some of our members are still struggling from COVID-related financial issues. If you have put off renewing or (re-)joining FSIM as a result, we would love to welcome you back into the fold and are again offering a partial refund of the membership fee for anyone that's been affected. Please contact Debbie Miller, FSIM President, or Ellen Johnson, FSIM Co-Vice President, to request a partial refund of your 2021 Membership fees. You can find their contact information here.

Here is a reminder of the renewal process: 

  • Thirty days before your renewal date you will receive a reminder e-mail. Once you receive that notification, please can log into your account at FSIM.org. Be certain to use your proper User name: for most users it will be your last name with your first initial (example: Jane Doe = doej). Occasionally computers will autofill the log in User name with an e-mail address which creates log in problems. 
  • Once you’ve logged in, check that your Contact Information and Practitioner Details (if applicable) are current; if you are a Practitioner member, enter your CEUs from the past year (6 Total: 4 Feng Shui-related, and 2 can be in related topics). For additional CEU details see: https://www.fsim.org/PractitionerEligibility. You can enter CEUs by first selecting the “Add CEUs from Event” button, followed by the “Select One” option (this will give you a large drop down menu with many sponsored events). Highlight the one you want and select the blue “Add CEUs for Event” button. Repeat this process until you have completed this section. You may also manually enter your CEUs but enter those from the drop down menu first (these CEUs may need to be approved by our Membership team before your renewal can be completed). 
  • Then go back to the “Level” section of the initial dashboard page and select your desired membership level: Practitioner, Friend or Student. You can pay by credit card, or via Pay Pal. If you prefer to pay by check please email us directly at Members@FSIM.org.
  • As a final note, please remember to renew your membership before your renewal date. If you do so afterwards, some of your initial information will automatically be deleted and will need to be re-entered. Once you have renewed, your membership date will be one year from your prior renewal date.
  • If you have any questions or issues renewing your membership, please email us at Members@FSIM.org; we're happy to help you!
Thank you for your continued support of FSIM. We look forward to seeing you at the many informational and enriching FSIM meetings in the future!

Nancy Baxter, FSIM Membership Administrator and
Mary Conley, FSIM Membership Coordinator
Save the Dates - 2021
2021 FSIM Quarterly Meetings
(Free to members, open to the public).

We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.

FSIM will be celebrating the Year of the Metal Ox with the upcoming, exciting programs:

Friday, June 18: Summer Solstice with Michele Heisler - "Journaling Through Your Journey"; via Zoom

Tuesday, July 13: Celeste Rak and Geshe Tenzin Gelek - "3 Ways - Connecting Feng Shui & Spirituality"; via Zoom

Friday, September 24: Fall Equinox - Location TBD

Saturday, October 16: Hindu Temple Tour.
Member Classes/Workshops/Services
Wind & Water Center News:
  • Set Sail 9-week program begins May 26. Great shorter review program for those interested and qualifies for 5 credits towards CEUs.
  • Next Feng Shui Re-Set is April 27: Ming Gua and Securing the Embryo. Free for re-certified graduates (contact Lisa); $18/session for graduates (register via our catalog). This quarterly review webinar will feature topics from the professional program such as the I-Ching, Ming Gua, and more.
  • Have you listened to our weekly Feng Shui and More podcasts? If not, check them out!
  • Check out these and other offerings via our catalog.
  • Also, be sure to follow us on social media - we're on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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