FSIM July Quarterly Meeting with Celeste Rak and Geshe Tenzin Gelek |
We are excited to welcome Celeste Rak and Geshe Tenzin Gelek as our speakers for our July quarterly meeting. They will speak about: "3 Ways - Connecting Feng Shui & Spirituality".
When: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Via Zoom
1.5 CEUs Fee: $0 for Members; $18 for Guests |
Feng Shui is the balance of our mundane living space. It is energy flowing in a positive direction. We make our living space more comfortable, however arrangements in the home, work out, one way or another as we are balancing our belongings through energy, to be comfortable and to feel right. We are balancing our space. When we apply a bagua to a floor plan, even more comes to mind to achieve the right balance and flow of energy.
Cleansing and blessing in our space is equally important. We want to make sure that our flow of energy is clean and pure. Sometimes it takes continuous action of cleansing to have the correct and satisfying feeling. It is cleaning the house. Some housekeepers do a sloppy job at cleaning the space and others can move through the space quickly and easily. The Blessing of the space can put the seal of approval of the changes we make. It provides a stamp of approval of the steps we have taken for a comfortable living or working space. We enhance all our efforts and make wishes for our future through body, speech and mind blessings.
Spirituality is the ultimate answer for balance and happiness. Our home is a perfect way for today. For the spirituality part we need to dig deep. Deep in our prayer, deep in our meditation, deep in our practice. The first layer is our mind, and the training of our mind. The next layer is our heart, experiencing our own truth and the love in our heart. Finally, to go deeper to our center and find our blocks and how to free ourselves from blocking. We can connect to our true power. This connection working together can strengthen every part of our life.
Please join us in this lively presentation of your road traveled, where you are, and how to keep forming a road map of happiness. |
Biography of the Speakers: Celeste Rak has studied Feng Shui since the mid 90’s. Her respected teacher was His Holiness Yun Lin. Celeste attended over 45 workshops taught by HH Yun Lin. She also participated in 9 silent retreats given by the Yun Lin Temple. Celeste teaches classes and provides consultations by personal recommendations. She lives in Chicago with her husband Geshe Tenzin Gelek.
Geshe Tenzin Gelek has studied Bon Practice, which is native of Tibet. Geshe la joined Menri Monastery in Dholonji, India at the age of 7 years old and served as a monk till 40 years old. He earned his Geshe degree, which is equal to a PhD, Doctor of Philosophy. Geshe la taught at Central University of Tibetan Studies, Varanasi, India for 14 years. He continues to teach the Bon Practice to groups & individual practitioners. At the Menri Monastery he was appointed Chant Master by HH 33rd Abbott, for 3 years, and was appointed the Secret Dance Master for 6 years. He taught the young monks the spiritual dance. Today he teaches students the many ways of the Bon, holding both private classes and group classes. Since the Covid outbreak, classes can be found on Zoom. Geshe la also has weekly prayer sessions for anyone to join. He lives in Chicago with his wife Celeste Rak. |
FSIM Summer Solstice Gathering Recap by Debbie Miller, FSIM President
On Friday, June 18th, FSIM members gathered to celebrate the Summer Solstice for a C3 (Conscious, Compassionate, Community) event. This year we featured fellow FSIM member Michele Heisler who shared with us her tips and insights on the benefits of journaling in her presentation: "Journaling Through Your Journey".
Michele Heisler is the owner of Riverway Consulting Feng Shui & Coaching from New Richmond, WI, where she offers Feng Shui Consultations and Life Coaching. She first developed her handmade journals for her Feng Shui clients. The journals have become an important tool in both aspects of her business.
Here are 9 benefits of journaling: 1. Safe place to process emotions and thoughts 2. Express yourself 3. Manage anxiety 4. Reduce stress 5. Cope with depression 6. Improve your mood 7. Prioritize things 8. Provide an opportunity for positivity 9. Identifies negative thoughts and behaviors
Michele gave us discussion topics as we broke out into small groups to share. She reminded us that we are midway through the year and this is a good time to review the goals that we set for ourselves. By asking ourselves the question, “what is working for you and what isn’t”, we can gain more clarity around our intentions.
Opportunities to Join the FSIM Board
We are still looking for a couple of volunteers to fill our open positions on the FSIM Board of Directors. Please consider giving back to our FSIM community by volunteering to fill one of the following positions:
Communications Coordinator We are looking for a Communications Coordinator to create newsletters, events, and emails via Constant Contact to send to our email list to promote our organization's events and activities.
Website Coordinator The Website Coordinator is responsible for the maintenance of the FSIM website, including communication with the website contractor for updates and issues; handling web changes as discussed with the Board, making some updates to the website, and helping membership with login issues.
Please consider joining our extraordinary board members who are dedicated to our members and growing our organization. As an FSIM Board member, you can take advantage of a discounted or free FSIM membership while contributing to the well-being of our Feng Shui community. Contact FSIM President, Debbie Miller, or Vice President, Ellen Johnson, with any questions you may have. You can find their contact information here. Training is provided. |
Save the Dates - 2021 & 2022 |
2021 FSIM Quarterly Meetings (Free to members, open to the public).
We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.
FSIM is celebrating the Year of the Metal Ox with the remaining upcoming, exciting programs:
Tuesday, July 13: Celeste Rak and Geshe Tenzin Gelek - "3 Ways - Connecting Feng Shui & Spirituality"; via Zoom
Friday, September 24: Fall Equinox - in person! Watch for details.
Saturday, October 16: Hindu Temple Tour.
2022 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Free to members, open to the public).
Tuesday, January 11: Echo Bodine (topic and location TBD)
Tuesday, April 12: Dawn Morningstar (topic and location TBD)
Tuesday, July 12: TBD
Fall Field Trip - TBD
C3 Events: Friday, March 18: Spring Equinox (topic and location TBD)
Friday, June 24: Summer Solstice (topic and location TBD)
Friday, September 23: Fall Equinox (topic and location TBD) |
Member Classes/Workshops/Services |
Wind & Water Center News: |
- Re-Certification is due Saturday, July 31. Emails went out, but if you didn't get them or need the form, contact Lisa.
- Featured class: Feng Shui 101! We’d love your referrals, or it’s a good class to get credits for CEUs if you need them. Check out this and other offerings via our catalog.
- Have you listened to our weekly Feng Shui and More podcasts? If not, check them out!
- Also, be sure to follow us on social media - we're on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Health, Wealth, & Relationships Feng Shui Workshop
This workshop is designed to explain the principles of Feng Shui and is a starting point in discovering how the energy of things around you impacts your life. Healthy living starts with your home.
- Tips to create spaces that support your health and give you energy.
- Learn how to manifest more abundance in your life.
- Apply basic principles to your space to strengthen and support your relationships.
Healing Waters Health Center 6150 Oren Ave North, Stillwater, MN 55082
Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 6:30 - 8:00 PM Workshop Fee: $27 (Limited to 10 Guests) |