Now that summer is in full swing, it’s time to assess your garden and yard for next year’s plans! What’s working and what isn’t? What areas lack charm or need an extra boost? What do you look out at from your windows? Here are some Feng Shui tips to help you plan for next year’s yard and garden, or use them now while the weather still allows us to be outside and enjoying your space!
1. Assess the sunny and shady areas in your yard. Identify which parts get sun and which get shade and protection. There should be a good balance of both in a Feng Shui yard or garden. 2. Use different heights on plants and bushes for interest and visual stimulation. Consider some things you can stand under or over. 3. Create a protective embrace and assure privacy around the sides and back of your home using plants, berming, fencing, etc. Use protective landscaping in the front of your home if it’s located on a busier street or T-junction. 4. Create a beautiful view from every door and window. 5. Check for safety and comfort, including lighting, exterior maintenance of your home, walkways, and stairs. Trim overgrown bushes or get rid of dead plants. 6. Consider a water feature in the front yard design. Make sure the water flows towards your home or 360 degrees around. 7. Include a curved pathway specifically designed to lead people to the front door. 8. Soften angular housing lines with asymmetrical pathways, patio or walls. 9. Invite in nature by installing birdbaths, feeders, water bowls, etc. Then invite people to relax and enjoy nature by creating “outdoor rooms” with comfortable seating. 10. Clear the clutter! It will eliminate stale and stagnant energy. Outer clutter equals inner clutter so starting with a clean, organized space is key to good Feng Shui. This also includes trimming overgrown bushes, trees and plants, and removing excess furniture and pots. Make a list! Prioritize what needs to be done first. Don’t overwhelm yourself and try to do everything at once. Take your time! Creating a yard or garden with good Feng Shui is about the journey and connecting with nature!
By FSIM Board member, Peg Ganey. Peg is an Essential Feng Shui Practioner. She earned her certification through The Western School of Feng Shui based on the teachings of Terah Kathryn Collins. You can reach her at: It’s Elemental Feng Shui, 507-340-1689. |
FSIM Fall Equinox C3 (Conscious, Compassionate, Community) Event |
We are excited to meet IN PERSON for the Fall Equinox!
When: Friday, September 24, 2021 Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm At the home of FSIM Board member, Sonia Ellis
This will be a social event; no CEUs. Fee: Free for all attendees, but you must register.
We are looking forward to connecting with you in person, finally! We will provide pop, water and snacks; please bring your own alcoholic beverages, if desired.
(Note: for the safety of our members, you will be required to wear a mask if you have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.) |
Join us for our fall field trip to The Hindu Temple! |
When: Saturday, October 16, 2021 Time: 9:15 - 11:30 am Where: The Hindu Temple in Maple Grove
1.5 CEUs Fee: $0 for Members; $18 for Guests Limited to 25 persons.
The Hindu Society of Minnesota provides religious, spiritual, educational, social and cultural activities for all generations of the Hindu community. It is the largest Hindu temple in North America, is authentic and built according to “Vastushastra” – a traditional system of Hindu architectural design. There are 21 mini temples which are identical replicas of several famous temples from all regions of India.
We'd be delighted to have you join us to tour the Hindu Temple to view and enjoy the spectacular beauty of this local treasure.
(Note: you will be required to wear a mask if you have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. No admittance if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms. Also, shoes are not permitted in the main temple hall.) |
Opportunities to Join the FSIM Board We need your help!
We are still looking for a couple of volunteers to fill our open positions on the FSIM Board of Directors. We cannot continue providing the number of quality events without your help! Please consider giving back to our FSIM community by volunteering to fill one of the following positions:
Communications Coordinator We are looking for a Communications Coordinator to create newsletters, events, and emails via Constant Contact to send to our email list to promote our organization's events and activities.
Website Coordinator The Website Coordinator is responsible for the maintenance of the FSIM website, including communication with the website contractor for updates and issues; handling web changes as discussed with the Board, making some updates to the website, and helping membership with login issues.
Please consider joining our extraordinary board members who are dedicated to our members and growing our organization. As an FSIM Board member, you can take advantage of a discounted or free FSIM membership while contributing to the well-being of our Feng Shui community. Contact FSIM President, Debbie Miller, or Vice President, Ellen Johnson, with any questions you may have. You can find their contact information here. Training is provided. |
Save the Dates - 2021 & 2022 |
2021 FSIM Quarterly Meetings (Free to members, open to the public).
We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.
FSIM is celebrating the Year of the Metal Ox with the remaining upcoming, exciting programs:
Friday, September 24: Fall Equinox - in person!
Saturday, October 16: Hindu Temple Tour.
2022 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Free to members, open to the public).
Tuesday, January 11: Echo Bodine (topic and location TBD)
Tuesday, April 12: Dawn Morningstar (topic and location TBD)
Tuesday, July 12: TBD
Fall Field Trip - TBD
C3 Events: Friday, March 18: Spring Equinox (topic and location TBD)
Friday, June 24: Summer Solstice (topic and location TBD)
Friday, September 23: Fall Equinox (topic and location TBD) |
Member Classes/Workshops/Services |
Wind & Water Center News: |
- Re-Certification was due Saturday, July 31.
- Remember we have some nice class offerings for you and your clients (some are free) and we'd love your referrals. Please check out our catalog.
- Have you listened to our Feng Shui and More podcasts? If not, check them out!
- Also, be sure to follow us on social media: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Feng Shui 101 Workshop
Learn how to use feng shui in your home or business! Be more productive, balanced and bring harmony into your home, office, and life. Perfect for everyone.
In this class, you will learn simple ways to shift the energy of any room!
Inspiring Actions Yoga Studio 128B S Main Street, River Falls, MN
Thursday, September 16th, 2021 10:00 - 11:30 AM Workshop Fee: $27 |
Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony - Saturday, August 21st "Please be Our Honored Guests for the dedication of our Peace Pole. This FREE event will take place on Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 10am (rain or shine). This is part of the Global Peace Pole Project symbolizing the oneness of humanity and our common wish for a world at peace. We are very excited and we hope you will join us for this special day." Click here for more details. |