FSIM Fall Equinox Event Recap by Sonia Ellis, FSIM Board Member
After so many months of not being able to get together in person, it was a joy to sit around a blazing firepit with my Feng Shui sisters. The intent of the Fall Equinox in my backyard was to be present, to hold space, to rejoice in sitting in a circle again.
We enjoyed both somber and happy moments. Stories that brought us to tears of sadness remembering family and friends who have passed and laughter at some of our fun experiences with life. We shared about all these months of hardship and sadness but looked ahead optimistically, with the help from reading an astrologer's newsletter about upcoming astrological events. Although the reading cautions us to slowdown as Mercury Retrograde approaches, it gave us clear guidelines of what to expect. Begin or build your meditation practice, walk in nature, stay grounded, release clutter of any kind, be it physical, virtual or of the mind, contemplate and reflect on your inner world, your life, take time to be, just be.
Even though the night was blustery and chilly, the fire was warm and vigorous, as was the chatter. Most of us were able to release, if not only our red envelops, calendars and letters, also our frustration and longing for human interaction which we so deeply missed.
Since we forgot to take pictures, instead visualize in your mind’s eye, six of your Feng Shui journey travelers wishing our community a safe and healthy transition through this cool metal yang season of fall which brings us closer and back to Mother Earth. Go forth and enjoy, reconnecting with your roots and yourself! We missed you! Be well. Sonia |
Join us for our fall field trip to The Hindu Temple! |
When: Saturday, October 16, 2021 Time: 9:15 - 11:30 am Where: The Hindu Temple in Maple Grove
1.5 CEUs Fee: $0 for Members; $18 for Guests Limited to 25 persons.
The Hindu Society of Minnesota provides religious, spiritual, educational, social and cultural activities for all generations of the Hindu community. It is the largest Hindu temple in North America, is authentic and built according to “Vastushastra” – a traditional system of Hindu architectural design. There are 21 mini temples which are identical replicas of several famous temples from all regions of India.
We'd be delighted to have you join us to tour the Hindu Temple to view and enjoy the spectacular beauty of this local treasure.
(Note: you will be required to wear a mask if you have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. No admittance if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms. Also, shoes are not permitted in the main temple hall.) |
FSIM Annual Meeting When: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 Time: 6:30 - 9:00 pm Where: Via Zoom 1.5 CEUs
With Special Guest Speaker: Echo Bodine: "It's Time to Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts and Tools!"
We had hoped to start having our quarterly meetings in person, but, unfortunately, due to the uncertainty of the Covid-19 situation, we have decided to err on the side of caution and hold the annual meeting via Zoom.
Watch for more information and registration details coming soon! |
Opportunity to Join the FSIM Board We need your help!
We are still looking for a volunteer to fill our open position on the FSIM Board of Directors. We cannot continue providing the number of quality events without your help! Please consider giving back to our FSIM community by volunteering to fill one of the following positions:
Communications Coordinator We are looking for a Communications Coordinator to create newsletters, events, and emails via Constant Contact to send to our email list to promote our organization's events and activities.
Please consider joining our extraordinary board members who are dedicated to our members and growing our organization. As an FSIM Board member, you can take advantage of a discounted or free FSIM membership while contributing to the well-being of our Feng Shui community. Contact FSIM President, Debbie Miller, or Vice President, Ellen Johnson, with any questions you may have. You can find their contact information here. Training is provided. |
Save the Dates - 2021 & 2022 |
2021 FSIM Quarterly Meetings (Free to members, open to the public).
We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.
FSIM is celebrating the Year of the Metal Ox with the remaining upcoming, exciting programs:
Saturday, October 16: Hindu Temple Tour.
2022 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Free to members, open to the public).
Tuesday, January 11: Echo Bodine: "It's Time to Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts and Tools!" (Via Zoom)
Tuesday, April 12: Dawn Morningstar (topic and location TBD)
Tuesday, July 12: Wes Hamilton (topic and location TBD)
Fall Field Trip - TBD
C3 Events: Friday, March 18: Spring Equinox (topic and location TBD)
Friday, June 24: Summer Solstice (topic and location TBD)
Friday, September 23: Fall Equinox (topic and location TBD) |
Member Classes/Workshops/Services |
Wind & Water Center News: |
- We're having our last Feng Shui Reset call of the year on Tuesday, October 19, more 5 element info and Lifting your chi. If you are re-certified, contact Lisa to register (it's free). If you are not re-certified, sign up via our catalog.
- We'll be starting our next Masters program on Tuesday, November 9. Watch for info via email or contact Lisa for information.
- Remember we have some nice class offerings for you and your clients (some are free) and we'd love your referrals. Please check out our catalog.
- Have you listened to our Feng Shui and More podcasts? If not, check them out!
- Also, be sure to follow us on social media: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
CollageX event, October 10, 9 AM to 6 PM: Our own Carole Hyder and Carolyn Vinup will be among the 24 presenters during this live event.
Carole's topic: How Your Home Speaks To You. Using dowsing and kinesiology, Carole will demonstrate how your home affects your body and, therefore, your well-being. Learn how to communicate with your home so you can determine what supports and what weakens your energy. Knowing the subconscious influences of a space enables you to create an environment that inspires and uplifts, where you can thrive both physically and mentally.
Carolyn's topic: Magnetizing Waves of Abundance. Everyone has a unique relationship with the energy of Abundance. Some people think it is all about money and material items, while others may view Abundance from a more holistic mindset. Your level of awareness and state of consciousness has a lot to do with how you magnetize a life in alignment with your purpose, passions, and potentiality. Join Carolyn as she creates sacred space to help open your chakras and energy channels so that you can remove obstacles in your life that may be holding you back from living the life you say you are ready to claim. After a dowsing demonstration, Carolyn will build an energy grid in the center of the room to support you to awaken your abundant heart so you can become a vibrational match for your wishes, dreams, and desires.