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November 2021
Preparing for and enjoying the holidays!
by Peg Ganey, FSIM Board Member

Imagine your ideal circumstances and work towards them. In your minds eye, what happens? Think about what you'd like to create and it will help guide you as you're catapulted though some potentially crazy and stressful times! 

Engage in maintaining balance through the holidays by saying to yourself and others "I want simplicity this year and I'm going to make it real"!
* Declutter. Find a place for everything and everything in it's place!
* Make room in your space for the holidays: Clean out the fridge, pantry and coat closet in preparation for entertaining. This is a perfect opportunity to take canned goods to the Food Bank. Check to see if you have everything on hand to make the holiday treats your family loves. Donate old coats to make room in your closet to hang your guests’ coats. 
* Involve the kids. Do they want a new doll or truck? See if it’s time to give away a toy before a new one arrives.
* Get out your holiday items and take the opportunity to evaluate if each item is actually being used or still important to you, or if you could donate it to a charity?
* Live with what you love and get rid of the rest! Look at the decorations you’re putting up and decide if you love it; if not, let it go! It’s ok to get rid of the reindeer cookie jar you never liked!
* Make room for your decorations and Christmas tree before you start unpacking your ornament boxes. You may have to store some of your regular decorations away to avoid overcrowding your home with objects. Why layer on your holiday décor when you can make it the focal point? 
* If you’re using decorations from years past maybe it’s time to change them. Dried florals and imitation plants lose their Ch’i (or good energy) after a number of years. If you must use them, make sure they're dust free and not faded. 
* Morning house routine: clean something or straighten up something rather than read the paper or drink your coffee while you do so.
* Clear the entrance hallway. Feng shui promotes the belief that golden opportunities come through your front door, so clear the pathway leading to it.
* Make sure nothing is pointing toward incoming guests like spiky plants
* Maximize the sparkle. Crystals spread energy through space, so create a sparking feel by cleaning all your crystal, including any chandeliers.
* Eat at a round or oval table for a friendlier feeling. 
* Have a round centerpiece on a square table or a square centerpiece on a round table. 
* If you do have a rectangular dining table, make sure your guests are not seated too close to the corners, which can cause a feeling of unease during the meal.
* Square tables could be on a round rug.
* Decorate with green or gold at the table. 
* Thanksgiving colors are traditionally the earth element colors of orange, brown and gold. Earth element is a grounded, stable energy. Green is wood element which has a flexible energy and good for conversation. Red tends to enliven and animate energy. The shapes of these two elements are also widely used in the Thanksgiving good feng shui home decor: the grounding, stable and solid square shape of the earth feng shui element and the triangular shape of the fire element. 
* Candles as the fire element and a variety of earthenware containers as earth element are also very popular items with excellent Feng Shui energy for the Thanksgiving celebration.
* Low centerpieces encourage communication, not staring through fire.
* Place vocal or argumentative people with their backs to the door and soft spoken people facing the door. 
* Group dinners can get manic....prepare ahead of time to drop conversation into more meaning. One at a time lets see what each is grateful for. What is one of the most meaningful or happiest experiences you’ve had since last year? What are you looking forward to doing in the future?
* Shared feast: everyone bring their favorite dish.
* Step outside and walk up to your own steps and front door, pretend you're there for the very first time. First, is the pathway safe? Good Feng Shui means a safe sidewalk and steps. We do the Minnesota shuffle here. No ice should be present.
* Red is a good color for front door decor and holiday greeter pots and it’s great feng shui for calling good energy into your home! Plus it’s festive!
* Wind Chimes call in good energy. The perfect place for a wind chime or plant is by your front door. This is where gusts of energy enter your home. A wind chime or plant will slow the energy down as it enters and create a harmonious home. Be sure to choose a sound that is pleasing to you.
* Is your entrance area welcoming, spacious, neat and uncluttered? Can your guests feel the holiday atmosphere upon entering your house? 
* Add a couple of Christmas ornaments in the entrance area, and set the mood with enticing aromas. A saucepan filled with orange peels, cinnamon sticks and cloves that you keep on low heat will fill your home with a warm glow.
* Be careful not to create an over-stimulating environment with too many different colors and lights.
* There are places and times when you may want to create a lot of energy, and that's where you can mass those bright holiday decorations.
* Your choice and placement of decorations is crucial to the atmosphere of your home and to the harmony of those who enter. As mentioned above, too many bright colors can create an overly-stimulating environment and increase the risk of tension. Yet not enough holiday items will result in a "dull atmosphere". 
* In small rooms add decorations that have a matte finish, rather than lots of reflective surfaces, to help absorb excess energy. The flowing shapes of ribbons and fabrics also help create a soft, gentle atmosphere.

Fire element: Red is energetic, firey; conical, pyramidal and star shapes. Liven it up with red or variation thereof: purple, and pinks for romantic looks.
Metal element: Silver and gold, white, light gray, round shape: serene and mental.
Wood element: Natural elements, plants, blues and greens.
Water element: Crystal, mirrors, black or navy blue, undulating shapes.
Earth element: Pottery, ceramics, square or rectangular shapes, browns, golds, yellows.

Fire element through candlelight or lowlight keying everyone down.
Wood element with greenery: plants, living tree also represents earth.
Earth element predominant for people to relax. Taste is earth element.  
Metal element: white or metal or stone for candleholders. Smell is the metal element. 
Water comes in through crystal and glass or the sense of sound: classical, nature sounds, something peaceful for dinners. Pandora on computer or soundscapes on the tv.
Feng Shui can enhance a whole array of areas in our lives. By surrounding yourself with things and people you truly love, and following some basic tenets, you can create harmony balance and relaxation, which will carry you through the holidays an into new year. 

I encourage you to set your intentions today! Focus on simplicity, serenity and creating sacred spaces with those you love!

Peg Ganey is a Certified Feng Shui Professional since 2010 and received her training through the Western School of Feng Shui.
Join us for our FSIM 2022 Annual Meeting!
"It's Time to Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts and Tools!"
"The Year of the Water Tiger".
When: Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: Via Zoom

Program starts at 7:00 pm
With Special Guest Speakers:
Echo Bodine: "It's Time to Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts and Tools!"
Carole Hyder: "The Year of the Water Tiger"

Since we are not able to meet in person, we are excited to mail a gift package to each person who registers with gifts from FSIM (available to continental US addresses only).

1.5 CEUs
Fee: $0 for Members; $27 for Guests
Limited to 98 persons.
Become an FSIM Member!
If you are not already an FSIM Practitioner or Friend member, go to: fsim.org/Membershipinformation and register as a member today; your membership will allow you to register for the annual meeting at the member rate ($0) and receive the gift package at no additional cost.  

Your membership will cover all FSIM events for one year (additional special events could be subject to charge). 

Note: The FSIM Friend membership level is open to all; the FSIM Practitioner membership level has eligibility requirements. See the FSIM Membership page for further information on membership levels and fees.
Register for the FSIM 2022 Annual Meeting today!
$0 for Members/$27 for Guests. 

For event questions contact: 
It's Time to Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts and Tools!
by Echo Bodine

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say it’s time to recognize your psychic abilities and use them in your work and every day life? An old lady with unkempt clothing, several scarves, big hoop earrings and one or two teeth missing and of course her black cat? Or maybe a sermon comes to mind when your clergy person told you psychic abilities are the devils tools?

When I was seventeen years old, a very sweet normal looking woman in a house dress with none of the expectations we think of when we hear the word psychic, told me that I was born with all four of the psychic abilities and the gift of healing and that someday I would be a famous psychic. I had no idea what this woman was talking about, let alone did I want any of it.

That was back in 1965 and much has changed over the years regarding psychics and their gifts. There was a lot to learn about having these abilities and living a normal life. Even though we’ve come a long way, there’s still a stigma about anything psychic. I have been a professional psychic for well over fifty years and what’s most important to me today is clearing up the misconceptions and helping others recognize their God given spiritual gifts.

How many of you get pictures in your head when wrestling with a work problem and realize it was a perfect solution? Or maybe words come into your head that have no connection to what you were thinking about and again, perfect solution. Then there’s those gut feelings we all get and we’re astonished how helpful they are.

These pictures, words and your inner knowing are psychic abilities and intuition. In my presentation I want to help you recognize the gifts you already have. These are tools to help guide all of us through our lives. It’s time to take the negative stigma off of these abilities and understand them for what they are.

So please join me Tuesday, January 11th, 7:00p.m. so that I can help you identify your spiritual gifts and understand the truth about Intuition, the still small voice within.
Register for Event!
Opportunities to Join the FSIM Board
We need your help!

We are still looking for a volunteer to fill our open position on the FSIM Board of Directors. We cannot continue providing the number of quality events without your help! Please consider giving back to our FSIM community by volunteering to fill one of the following positions:

Communications Coordinator
We are looking for a Communications Coordinator to create newsletters, events, and emails via Constant Contact to send to our email list to promote our organization's events and activities.

Membership Administrator
We are looking for a Membership Administrator to oversee details related to FSIM membership, membership renewal, and retention, especially meeting membership management and membership drives.

Please consider joining our extraordinary board members who are dedicated to our members and growing our organization. As an FSIM Board member, you can take advantage of a discounted or free FSIM membership while contributing to the well-being of our Feng Shui community. Contact FSIM President, Debbie Miller, or Vice President, Ellen Johnson, with any questions you may have. You can find their contact information here. Training is provided.
Save the Dates - 2022
2022 FSIM Quarterly Meetings
(Free to members, open to the public).

We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.

FSIM is celebrating the Year of the Water Tiger with the following exciting programs:

Tuesday, January 11: Echo Bodine: "It's Time to Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts and Tools!"; Carole Hyder: "The Year of the Water Tiger" (Via Zoom)

Tuesday, April 12: Dawn Morningstar (topic and location TBD)

Tuesday, July 12: Wes Hamilton (topic and location TBD)

Fall Field Trip - TBD

C3 Events:
Friday, March 18: Spring Equinox (topic and location TBD)

Friday, June 24: Summer Solstice (topic and location TBD)

Friday, September 23: Fall Equinox (topic and location TBD)
Member Classes/Workshops/Services
Wind & Water Center News:
  • Save the date for the virtual W&W Chinese New Year Retreat on Saturday, Jan 29, 2022. More details to come - but you may want to put a placeholder in your calendar.
  • Check out our catalog for class offerings for you and your clients (some are free). We'd love your referrals.
  • Our Feng Shui and More podcasts will inform, entertain, and hopefully make you smile. And most are under 20 min. Get them via our website or wheerever you get your podcasts.
  • Let's be social! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Title: Prepare your home for a Zen Holiday: Uplift the Vibration of Your Home with Feng Shui and Sacred Sound: A Clearing and Blessing Ceremony (A Live Demonstration)
Date: Tuesday, November 16
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Fee: $54.00

Title: Third Eye Pineal Gland Activation
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Fee: $54.00

Title: Introduction to Sacred Sound Healing (2-part series, 2 hours each one price $99.00)
Date: Thursday, January 20 and Thursday, January 27, 2022
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Fee: $99.00

All workshops are in person, and take place at Gateways to Brilliance: Healing Places and Spiritual Spaces Event Center. For more information and to register for any of Carolyn's workshops, go to: https://gatewaystobrilliance.com/tickets/
Practitioner Members: Since our January Annual meeting will be virtual again this year, we wanted to support you by offering our FSIM Practitioner members the opportunity to advertise their products in the December and January FSIM newsletters (normally we only allow advertising of Classes/Workshops/Services). Please send your information to EllenJohnson@FSIM.org by Wednesday, December 15th and include the following:
  • Name/usiness name
  • Brief description of what you're selling
  • Website or how they can contact you
Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest | P.O. Box 130631, Roseville, MN 55113
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