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February 2022
Happy Chinese New Year!
Welcoming the year of the Water Tiger!
As we embrace the changes that the Water Tiger brings to 2022, we at FSIM are looking forward to our upcoming quarterly meetings and more informal Equinox and Solstice gatherings to help us navigate the strength of the tiger and flexibility of water that
this year can provide.
We hope you'll join us for some or all of our meetings!
Join us for the FSIM C3 Spring Equinox Event
Feng Shui Q & A:
When: Friday, March 18, 2022
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Where: Via Zoom

1.0 CEUs
Fee: $0 for all, but you must register.
Limited to 98 persons.

Bring your Feng Shui success stories and your Feng Shui questions for an enjoyable evening of sharing and learning.

Join us for our April Quarterly
Meeting featuring:
Dawn Morningstar:
"Three Simple Steps to Living in a Beautiful State-No Matter What is Happening Around You"
When: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Where: Via Zoom

Program starts at 7:00 pm
With Special Guest Speaker:
Dawn Morningstar: "Three Simple Steps to Living in a Beautiful State - No Matter What is Happening Around You"

Due to the resurgence of the pandemic, we plan to have this meeting via Zoom.

1.5 CEUs
Fee: $0 for Members; $18 for Guests
Limited to 98 persons.
Three Simple Steps to Living in a Beautiful State -
No Matter What is Happening Around You
by Dawn Morningstar

When I first heard the term “beautiful state” and that it was possible to stay in one no matter how challenging life could be, I found it unbelievable or at the very least, a fantasy. How could anyone walk around in a beautiful state? Had they seen the world and what’s going on in it lately?

The idea of living with constant inner peace, feeling connected with people and situations and being creative, happy and loving, seemed like a lovely, but impossible state of being to maintain. Then the way to do it was revealed, and it works. 100% of the time.

Enlightened sages Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji, co-founders of Ekam Academy in India, have a mission to end human suffering and what they teach, when practiced, changes one’s life from stress and suffering to tranquility, abundance and joy.

Think of your life as a series of above-the-line feelings and below-the-line feelings. Contentment, calm, clarity, abundance, connection and love are a few feelings that are above the line and set the conditions for a beautiful state of being. Frustration, fear, confusion, lack, separation and hatred are below the line and guarantee times of stress and suffering.

There are only two states one can be in, in any given moment--a state of stress or a state of non-stress. There is no third state.

Choosing from which state to live requires only one thing: awareness, the conscious awareness, of what is being felt in the moment--knowing there is no right or wrong feeling. The feeling is what it is. The awareness of the feeling is what helps it to dissolve so that a fresh moment, in the calm present, emerges.

Here’s how it works:

  1. When experiencing a below-the-line feeling, stop, close your eyes, breathe deeply and name your feeling specifically. Let’s say, for this example, it’s fear. Ask “Am I fearful about something I did in the past? Something that might happen in the future?” Be honest with yourself, without judgment.
  2. Now see a tiny flame at your third eye, between your eyebrows, and see the flame move slowly into the center of your brain.
  3. Take a conscious breath and open your eyes. 

This Serene Mind practice helps in every aspect of life. When creating New World Women, an international women’s self-empowerment and economic sufficiency organization, my business partners and I practiced being in the beautiful state as much as possible--and have agreed to operate every aspect of our business from the beautiful state. The results are stunning--in our personal lives and our professional lives.

May you live in a beautiful state more than you live in a state of stress or suffering. The choice is yours and the results are beyond belief. Give it a try and you will see how living in a beautiful state creates the life you desire.

Dawn Morningstar is a Master Certified Coach Practitioner, published author, former radio talk show host and inspirational speaker committed to personal, professional and spiritual evolution. She describes herself as an “inspirateur,” one who draws out and brings forth the greatness that resides in each of us. She is the founder of Venerable Women LLC which inspires women to transform our world starting with themselves.
For More information – visit her website at: https://www.shopvenerablewomen.com
Register for Event!
Save the Dates - 2022
2022 FSIM Quarterly Meetings
(Free to members, open to the public).

We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.

FSIM is celebrating the Year of the Water Tiger with the following exciting upcoming programs:

Tuesday, April 12: Dawn Morningstar: "Three Simple Steps to Living in a Beautiful State-No Matter What is Happening Around You" (via Zoom)

Tuesday, July 12: Wes Hamilton & Lori Palm (topic and location TBD)

Saturday, October 15: Fall Field Trip - Normandale Japanese Garden Tour

C3 Events:
Friday, March 18: Spring Equinox - Feng Shui Q & A; via Zoom 7:00-8:30pm

Friday, June 17: Summer Solstice (topic and location TBD)

Friday, September 23: Fall Equinox (topic and location TBD)
Member Classes/Workshops/Services
Wind & Water Center News:
  • The Year of the Tiger e-book now available via our catalog - includes energy for the year ahead, Flying Star, and horoscopes.
  • Reset is also open for registration (free for re-certified graduates). Sign up via our catalog.
  • Check out our catalog for other class offerings for you and your clients (some are free). We'd love your referrals.
  • Our Feng Shui and More podcast will inform, entertain, and hopefully make you smile. And most are under 20 min. Get them via our website or wherever you get your podcasts.
  • Let's be social! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
In memory:
Marie Dachel Hall (graduate 2011) passed away in September from liver cancer. An avid student of Feng Shui, she never missed attending the Annual Retreat every year commuting from her home in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. She left behind her husband, two daughters and three grandchildren.
Feng Shui Lifestyle with Carole Hyder is in its tenth year as a membership program. It consists of two emails per month with Feng Shui suggestions, historical background and auspicious and challenging dates for the month. A private Facebook group is the perfect forum for asking questions, studying blueprints, and examining the details behind Feng Shui adjustments. A monthly or annual option available. For more details and to sign up, go to https://www.carolehyder.com/feng-shui-lifestyle-with-carole-hyder/
Diana DiCristina: Wind Water Harmony

In 2022, The Year of the Tiger, the pig is the six harmony “secret friend” to the tiger; carry a personal pig gemstone charm during the year of the tiger to help avert misfortune, bring blessings and attract wealth. Personal pig gemstone charms are available again this year from Diana DiCristina, Wind Water Harmony; call or text Diana today at 612-242-2428 to place your order today - click here for more information.
Debbie Miller: Energetic Adjustments

Energetic Adjustments is a great resource to find Feng Shui adjustments for yourself and your clients. Many of the items are handmade and include an organza gift bag. Free shipping on everything! For more information, contact Debbie Miller: DomicleDesign@gmail.com

March Workshops
Feng Shui Series: Your Space Reflects Your Life - Clutter is a Big Deal! $54.00
  • Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 6:30-8:30pm
  • No prerequisite

Energetic Boundaries for Empaths, Emerging Light Workers and Healers, $54.00
  • Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 6:30-8:30pm

All 2022 Workshop Calendar Listings:

All workshops are in person, and take place at Gateways to Brilliance: Healing Places and Spiritual Spaces Event Center. For more information and to register for any of Carolyn's workshops, go to: https://gatewaystobrilliance.com/workshop-tickets/
Are you looking for a Feng Shui Professional?
Check out FSIM's Practitioner Directory to find a practitioner to help you with your Feng Shui needs!
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