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July 2023
Watch for information for our 
Fall Equinox Gathering and
Caring for Cats Tour soon!

We are finalizing the details, so watch for information on 
registering for these events in the near future!
Recap of the FSIM July Event
Writing With Your Space

Michelle Skally Doilney is a Certified Master Level Feng Shui Consultant through Carole Hyder and the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui, in the tradition of HH Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun. She is also a lifelong writing student, and studies with author/teacher with Natalie Goldberg. Michelle combined her decades of feng shui and writing practice to offer a new way of working within one’s home. Presentation Summary:

Use breathwork to center your self/energy before appointments, writing practice, communication, negotiation. Breath awareness can change our moods, thinking, and focus. Breathing practice in class: align body/spine in seated position; take two deep breaths any way; align body again, taking note to hold body gently, tuck chin in and down naturally; place one hand on sternum/chest and the other on belly and notice movement only at belly; breathe through nostrils for both inhale and exhale with lips relaxed and slightly parted; focus awareness on flow of air in/out nostrils or at heart center/center of chest; take 3 breaths, inhaling to a count of 3 and exhaling to a count of 6. 

Feng Shui basics include keeping only what you love and need; everything has energy – objects have stories, conscious or unconscious; your intention (around items, placement, adjustments) is key; do feng shui adjustments when full, rested, peaceful (energy going into the process and into your environment). 

Talked about three universal spaces we have in our homes, whether it’s a house; dorm, apartment, or one room. Spaces are: Cooking Space (typically kitchen); Sleeping Space (typically bedroom); and Working Space (typically office or worksurface). There are practical, energetic, and structural categories in every space. Class focused on Cooking Space. Practical use is to feed yourself, household. Energetic category is “active” energy; transformation (hot/fire/stove) and preservation (cold/water/fridge). Structural is plumbing; electrical; gas – this space has more use of these building components than other spaces.

Writing practice discussion on handwriting vs. tech/computer. Conclusion is that for this work, one should write in the most natural/non-editing/linear method of writing. More guidelines: Handwriting needs fast-moving pen and any paper (no journals needed). Feel free to write worst crap ever. Do not edit, cross off, hesitate, judge or stop to think. Keep your hand moving. There is no good, no bad. Be a witness.

We did an exercise in class involving a visualization of kitchen/cooking space, then 5 minutes of writing practice. Talked about the power of both reading your writing out loud and witnessing what you wrote this way, and the power of being an active listener while others read. No criticisms, comments, expressions while/after someone reads, just move on to next person. Many people read out loud and talked about having a positive and surprising experience with this practice.

Class wrapped up with discussion, sharing how writing gave us things to think about (but no commenting on actual writing). 

Michelle will be offering a longer workshop to delve deeper into this process this fall. Watch for information in the Member Classes/Workshop/Services section in a future newsletter for details.
Save the Dates - 2023
2023 FSIM Quarterly Meetings
(Free to members, open to the public).

FSIM looks forward to celebrating Year of the Water Rabbit with the following exciting upcoming programs (please note updates):

Saturday, October 7: Fall Field Trip - Caring for Cats Shelter Tour (In-person)

Community Circle Events:
Friday, September 22: Fall Equinox (topic TBD); St. Paul

NOTE: Meeting locations and dates are subject to change - check for up-to-date information when you register for an event.
Become an FSIM Member!

If you are not already an FSIM Practitioner or Friend member, go to: fsim.org/Membershipinformation and register as a member today; your membership will allow you to register for the annual meeting at the member rate ($0) and receive the gift package at no additional cost.

Your membership will cover all FSIM events for one year (additional special events could be subject to charge). Even if you aren't a Practitioner, the Friend Membership is a great deal, as the $72 fee covers the annual meeting and each of the quarterly meetings for one year (from the date of your membership); you would otherwise pay $81 to pay separately for each meeting.

Note: The FSIM Friend membership level is open to all; the FSIM Practitioner membership level has eligibility requirements. See the FSIM Membership page for further information on membership levels and fees.

Please also note that if you change membership levels, there may be additional steps that we'll need to take to make it happen.

If you ever have membership questions please contact us here - choose "Memberships" and complete the form with your question.
Member Classes/Workshops/Services
Feng Shui Lifestyle with Carole Hyder is in its tenth year as a membership program. It consists of two emails per month with Feng Shui suggestions, historical background and auspicious and challenging dates for the month. A private Facebook group is the perfect forum for asking questions, studying blueprints, and examining the details behind Feng Shui adjustments. A monthly or annual option available. For more details and to sign up, go to https://www.carolehyder.com/feng-shui-lifestyle-with-carole-hyder/
Julie Ann Segal: Metro Interiors

Design Your Home and Life with Vision Boards 
Vision boards are a powerful tool to create change and a process of discovery. During this class you'll learn more about how you'd like your home to look and feel, and how that connects with what you want for your life. You'll leave with clarity, creative ideas and an understanding of the Feng Shui Elements with your Vision Board and your fresh Feng Shui design perspective you can align your space and life with what you truly desire. Instr: Julie Ann Segal, Metro Interiors

Come and join us on Saturday, August 26th, 2023, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. The cost for Plymouth residents is $143, while non-Plymouth residents will pay $153. The price includes materials.
Please bring three or more magazines pull pictures from to share with the class.

Plymouth Community Center
14800 34th Ave. N.
Plymouth, MN 55447

Design Your Home and Life with Vision Boards - registration link (Click on the title, then check "Add to Cart" box and click on the "Add to Cart" button at the bottom.).

Change Your Space to Change Your Life
Elevate your energy with feng shui one room at a time

This approachable guide to Feng Shui-centered interior design sits at the intersection of spirituality, energy work, aesthetics, and personal connection. It not only provides room-by-room guidance, but also focuses on the big picture―the interplay between goals, intentions, and mindful design choices. Change Your Space to Change Your Life provides the necessary tools and practical steps for discovering your true desires, reimagining your surroundings, and creating profound comfort. You can turn your home or workplace into a space that reflects your authentic self with Julie Ann Segal's advice, examples, and stories from more than thirty years of experience. After stripping away the mystery around Feng Shui, you can invoke positive change through design and build a better future.

Order your copy of Julie Ann's book:
Debbie Miller: 
It is an honor and privilege to announce my new collaborative book with Feng Shui Master and Law of Attraction Teacher Dame Marie Diamond and 48 globally conscious entrepreneurs from around the world who are making a big difference to communities worldwide. My contribution to this book is the true story of my journey into energy work, Feng Shui, and Dowsing and how it has changed my life as well as the lives of others.

I wrote this chapter from my heart and am excited to share it with you!

Here is a link to purchase the book on Amazon:

It is already a #1 Amazon Best Seller in many countries!

Energetic Adjustments

Energetic Adjustments is a great resource to find Feng Shui adjustments for yourself and your clients. Many of the items are handmade and include an organza gift bag. Free shipping on everything! For more information, contact Debbie Miller: DomicleDesign@gmail.com
Diana DiCristina: Wind Water Harmony

In 2023, The Year of the Rabbit, the dog is the six harmony “secret friend” to the rabbit; carry a personal dog gemstone charm during the year of the rabbit to help avert misfortune, bring blessings and attract wealth. Personal dog gemstone charms are available again this year from Diana DiCristina, Wind Water Harmony; call or text Diana today at 612-242-2428 to place your order today  click here for more information.
Are you looking for a Feng Shui Professional?
Check out FSIM's Practitioner Directory to find a practitioner to help you with your Feng Shui needs!
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