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  Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest  Community News                                 June 23, 2015   

Summer Invitation


Transformative, productive, active, social - these are facets
of the Fire element.


Fire energy is supportive of making life changes. Summer is a good time to ask yourself: Does your life reflect your desires and values? Is there a quality you see in yourself that you have yet to manifest? Is there a project that you have been meaning to create? Are you as physically active and healthy as you want to be? Do you know your neighbors, your community? The element of fire supports you in accessing the power to step fully into your life.


A note of caution: balance the expansiveness of creative fire energy by supporting yourself with times of quiet less extroverted activities. This is especially true for those of us who more easily succumb to burn out.


Enjoy your summer! -- Laurie Whipple


Summer Quarterly Meeting - July 14, 2015


July 14th, Quarterly Meeting - Guest Speaker: Carol Lowell
Ghost Work: How it Relates to Energy Clearing and Rebalancing

Feng Shui is all about energy flow. Sometimes stuck energy such as predecessor or ghost energy is hard to release. That's when you call in someone like Carol Lowell. She will share a variety of energy clearing and rebalancing techniques to shift predecessor or ghost energy. Bring your questions and Carol will provide insight on projects you are currently working on.


Event Date: July 14 from 7-9pm 

Venue: The Marsh     15000 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345

Room: Dragon room, upstairs



Energy Clearing and Rebalancing Techniques to Shift Predecessor or Ghost Energy  

Written by Carol Lowell


As a Medium, Psychic, Ghost & Spirit communicator, Carol Lowell clears & balances energy sources that no longer provide harmony within ones space. 

There are a variety of modalities that provide special methods and techniques to achieve proper energy flow, which enhance one's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. During my presentation at FSIM's July meeting, I will talk about ghost work and how it relates to energy clearing and rebalancing. I will also open the floor for questions regarding ghosts, and past, present or future projects you have thoughts about.


When I work with a client, I am psychically open, allowing myself to tune in to the energy flowing within my client's physical body, around their body/energy field, in their home or business (both inside and outside of the physical structure). There are many different tools, in addition to my psychic abilities, that are useful to enhance proper energy flow such as burning sage, locating chimes and plants, etc. When certain items have been properly placed in specific areas of a client's home or office, it can create a balancing effect within minutes or over a period of days or weeks, depending on the situation. 
(Read complete article

About The Speaker

Carol Lowell is a Medium, a Psychic, a Ghost and Spirit communicator, a Hands-on Healer, a Teacher and Lecturer. She is a Reiki master who has achieved certification for Level 4 Healing Touch, a certified 5-PATHâ„¢ Hypnotherapist, a certified 7th Pathâ„¢ Self-Hypnosis Teacher and a Past Life Regression Facilitator. She has been working
with clients for over 20 years. Carol facilitates classes, workshops and ghost tours throughout
the United States.

Words to Take Home


At the beginning of the April 14th Members Only meeting, attendees were asked share to a word about what the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest means to them. 

Words offered were:


*friends *grounded *community *luck *mom *golf *beginnings*community *social
*Cheryl *spiritual enlightenment *journey *necessity *balance 
*adventure *learning *community *energy *fascinated *learning *release *welcoming *fun *desire *gratitude!


At the end of the meeting attendees shared a word about their experience of the evening.

*encouraged *energy *synergy *relaxation *connection *healing *knowledge
*color *fun *joy *connection *experimental *excited 
*learning *awakening
*sharing *grateful *gratitude


Thank you everyone who attended for sharing your gifts of these words.

FSIM Community News


The first FSIM C3 Circle will be held on Friday, July 24th

Hosted by Cheryl Larson - FSIM Ambassador for Community Engagement


Community Bonfire As our new FSIM Ambassador, I have been appointed to work as a positive spokesperson within the FSIM community and in the larger community to boost membership and community engagement.  This will be done in three ways.

  • Create and host gathering spaces for FSIM members and community to meet in person on an irregular basis. We will call these FSIM C3 Circles - C3 stands for Conscious, Compassion, Community
  • Lead collaborative ventures - Create partnerships and new ways to collaborate with other organizations.
  • Advocate for being of world service - Create volunteer opportunities for members. (Find a volunteer opportunity that fits your heart and schedule at: www.volunteermatch.org)

The first FSIM C3 Circle will be held on Friday, July 24th in Cheryl's backyard with a bonfire, music, smore's and more....  All are welcome! Stay tuned for details!

FSIM Board News

FSIM Board has 2 openings!

We are seeking people with applicable skills and passion to fill two roles:

  • Treasurer: Our finances are in great shape and we are looking to continue the responsible stewardship of FSIM's resources! The position is open immediately, with training/handoff from Laurie Whipple, our outgoing Treasurer. 
  • Newsletter. We have a great system in Constant Contact for building the newsletter and event announcements, and we have professional support as well! We need someone who knows Constant Contact or is willing to learn... (This is not hard at all - several of us have learned it on the fly. Seriously!) ...And who can coordinate content, communicate with contributors (both members and others) and meet the timing. 

Our next board meeting is in early July, and we would love to get you started with us at that time!


We are a fairly small organization, and our members know that it takes a village to keep us functioning. As president, I know I speak for the board in letting you know how appreciative we are when members step up and take their turns on the board. If you haven't ever been involved, or haven't been for a while, please consider joining us now!


If you want to nominate yourself or someone else or just have questions... please contact Elaine Anderson (763-439-3313), Debbie Miller (612-414-7181) or any one of the board members!


......Elaine Anderson, President, FSIM


A Heartfelt Thank You...


Our "treasured" Treasurer, Laurie Whipple, has resigned her position on the board, after 4 years of dedicated service to the job, and to the spirit and energy of our organization! 


Laurie has been the key to getting our budget and finances running in a clear and sustainable manner. She has been very instrumental in helping us move into the "modern age" with online registrations, and she has been a passionate advocate for FSIM to be a strong, healthy and forward moving organization. Not only was she our treasurer, she also generously took on the Newsletter responsibilities in recent months, helping to create a great template for sequencing the phases of the newsletter production. 


Additionally, Laurie has been and will continue to be a dear friend to us as she re-enters Feng Shui "civilian" life, discovering what next lucky endeavor will benefit from her passion and principle. 


A million thanks to you, Laurie!



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