Spring Welcome
I love the change of seasons most of all. There is a gentle tension between the passing energies that cleanses the air and gives a life forward momentum.
Feeling surprised and a little sad at my readiness to leavebehind the soothing introspective water energy I so treasured months ago, I am reminded of how my children, when off on a new adventure, could hardly take time to wave goodbye. Everything is drawn forward. Life moves ahead into full wood, so happy and creative. It is time to plan, where will we go, how will we get there, what will we find! Even the lingering cold hasn't discouraged the buds on the bushes. They will burst forth. I hope this wood time finds you looking forward, your life wonderful and budding with possibilities.-- Laurie Whipple
FSIM Members Only Spring Quarterly Meeting
Reduce Your Stress-Live With Grace and Ease
Presenter: Joni Polehna, Mind Body Spirit Integration
When we perceive or even recall a threat, our brain and body shuts down into survival mode, where we function to survive but not to our potential. Being in long-term survival mode dampens our body's ability to perform natural and needed internal functions and can actually make us ill.
Learn how to identify your stress symptoms, what to do about them, and how to open yourself back up to the natural, optimal functioning of your mind, body and spirit.
Date: April 21, 7-9pm
Venue: The Marsh
Address: 15000 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345
Room: Dragon room, upstairs
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Change Your Perceptions, Change Your Life
by Joni Polehna
Stress kills. It's not glamorous; in fact it's rather ugly.... but it's true. Stress kills.
Stress comes from our own programs about how we think life and living should be.Those programs actually come from our parents' DNA downloads to us, and their lineage downloads from their parents, etc. Which says, then, that our belief systems-our perceptions-run pretty deep...generations deep!
But the epigenetic (above the genes) research of Bruce Lipton MD., demonstrated in his book, "The Biology of Belief", proves that we no longer need to keep those DNA download perceptions, and are able to let them go. Expecting that we may have inherited heart disease, diabetes or obesity from our family no longer needs to be kept as a belief. What we believe actually happens.
We all have expectations of how life should be, and when things don't go the way we think they should, it causes us some form of stress. That stress shuts down our brain and body as we respond in the survival mode of fight, flight or freeze. This is extremely efficient for survival, but is meant to be very temporary, and often lasts too long in today's world, rendering us poorly functioning and unhappy. (Read complete article)
FSIM Minneapolis Institute of Art May Field Trip
Ask a Question About Your Life and Get the Answer
from a Work of Art
Presenters: Laurie Phillips and Mary Cayan
Art-o-mancy turns the art museum into your personal oracle. We invite you to experience it for yourself. Art-o-mancy is a multi-sensory mode of interaction with artworks and artifacts that turns the entire museum into a giant Tarot deck.
When you play it with the Art-o-mancy team of Oracle Guides, you'll close your eyes and let yourself be directed by your intuition (with your Guide keeping you safe) to a work of art that suggests an answer to even the deepest questions about your life. Play with a group of your fellow FSIM members who will share their insights about you.
Price: $36.00
Date: May 21, 5:30-9:00 pm
Venue: Minneapolis Institute of Art
Address: 2400 3rd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415
Register Now!
Here what others are saying ... Art-O-Mancy Testimonials
- The Artomancy experience is like nothing else. I have participated in it two times, once in an individual session and once as part of a group. Both were very powerful. It is like having a 3-D, living and breathing I-Ching reading from the artwork in the museum rather than via coins or colored stones!
My experience going it with a group was very meaningful and personalized; and was especially validating from the aspect of observing others in their process and seeing how perfect the experience was for each of them.-- Elaine Anderson
A year ago, I was invited by a Feng Shui client to participate in "Art-O-Mancy" at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. I had no idea what it was, but knowing my client and MIA, I immediately said "yes." I didn't know at the time Art-O-Mancy was the brainchild of my friend, Laurie Phillips, and her husband, John. Laurie and Mary Cayan have been popular presenters for our FSIM member's only meetings, engaging us in creating powerful vision boards, both personal and for our professional Feng Shui Organization (FSIM). They have teamed up again to offer a new compelling experience.
I am a member and frequent visitor to the Minneapolis Institute of Art. I go to lectures, special exhibits and just to wander through the galleries. My experience that day with Art-O-Mancy provided an exciting new way to interact with art. I was invited to silently ask a question; it could be an issue needing clarity or an intention I set for myself. I was then instructed to allow my intuition to be my guide, stopping when I felt I should stop, turning to the right or to the left, or retracing my steps. After being blindfolded, I was gently led by an Art-O-Mancy guide though galleries of my intuitive choosing. Whatever I indicated to my personal Art-O-Mancy guide, she steered me in that direction, all the while keeping me from bumping into a wall or art object. The pacing was totally mine.
I have no idea how many galleries we passed or walked through or how many times I was called to stop in front of a piece of art before moving on until I finally said, "Let's stop here, this is the one!" My blindfold was removed; I was taken by surprise by my intuitive selection. It was not something I would have otherwise chosen, if going through "looking" for a piece of art to support my intention. I was then asked to comment on what the item meant to me and how it might relate to my question or intention. With skill and knowledgeable insight, my Art-O-Mancy guide helped me hone in on the personal metaphor of that object. It was amazing! It affirmed my intention and provided powerful new insights! I was wowed! My immediate thought was to bring this to FSIM. I'm enthusiastically looking forward to sharing this unique and powerful experience with my Feng Shui colleagues.-- Hinda Abrahamson
FSIM Community News
Community Service
FSIM member Cheryl Larson & Tom Brunmeier are fulfilling their "Unforgotten Dreams" being of service with African Impact to Northern Zambia in Africa. For the month of March, living at Chimpfunshi (This word resembles Chimp-Feng-Shui, auspicious huh?) - The world's largest chimpanzee sanctuary and taking part in a combination volunteer program; teaching children at the Community School and caring for the chimps through the Chimpanzee Conservation Project. See for yourself; prepare to have your heart melted.
FSIM member Sandy Forseth is in Cambodia with Operation Smile. Her role on the team is as a Child Life Specialist preparing pediatric patients for surgery to repair cleft lip and palate.