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March 8, 2016  

Hello Spring
~by Cheryl Larson (FSIM Ambassador)

With Spring right around the corner, I must apologize for not hosting our pond skating & sledding C3 gathering this winter, as I announced at our annual meeting. From the lack of snow and cold, to sickness in my family, it was impossible to schedule. We did not expect one of the mildest winter's on record and staying healthy for me and my family this winter was an additional surprise.

All of us seem to know someone who is dealing with a health challenge. The topic for our Spring Quarterly Meeting "Building Biology and Your Healthy Home" by Carol Cannon is perfect timing. 

Carol Cannon has combined Feng Shui and Building Biology in her consulting practice
sunshine image for the past 23 years. Carol has long bridged the gap between mainstream and esoteric worlds. A native of Pennsylvania, her passion is to help people discover how buildings impact their health, serenity and success. As a FSIM member this event is free, register today! 

We are thrilled to offer our first collaborative partnership in 2016 with Wind and Water School of Feng Shui to bring Carol Cannon into town for our Spring Quarterly Meeting and an extra bonus two day Flying Star workshop with Carol Cannon and Carole Hyder. 
(see details below.)

Remember this is the year of the Chinese monkey, so being flexible, expecting surprises and going with the change in plans will serve us well.  See the below article on
"Seven Ways to Create a Healthy Home with Building Biology". Surprise, you may need to change a few of your household routines. Bring on the sunshine!
Carol Cannon 2016
Carol Cannon  has combined Feng Shui and Building Biology in her consulting practice for the past 23 years. She is certified as a Feng Shui Practitioner, a Building Biology Environmental Consultant as well as a Master Level Himalayan Singing Bowl Practitioner. 

FSIM Spring Quarterly Meeting 
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Time:     6:30pm-7pm  Networking/Socializing
7:00pm-9pm  Meeting/Presentation
Location:  The Marsh 
   15000 Minnetonka Boulevard, Minnetonka MN 55345     
Presenter: Carol Cannon, Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant     
Topic:  Building Biology and Your Healthy Home 
Bau (Building) Biology, the science of how buildings affect human health, is an important field of awareness for Feng Shui consultants. Our human bodies face challenges every day in our world's built environment. Learn about the 25 principals of Building Biology, which include concerns about air quality, building materials, electro-magnetic fields, and water quality. This presentation will outline what to look for in your homes and businesses. You'll expand your ability to recognize the warning signs of hidden environmental dangers, and why it is important to your health.

Reserve your spot at the event by registering today!

If you're interested in having your own gauss meter, we will be sending out information shortly on where to purchase a gauss meter in advance of the meeting.

Members FREE 
Guests/Non-Members $27

register now
Questions about this event? 
Contact Carolyn Vinup, FSIM Meetings and Events Coordinator

A Collaborative Partnership with 
Wind & Water School of Feng Shui and FSIM 

Flying Star Workshop
Friday, April 14th and Saturday April 15th, 2016 $249

Join us for this 2-day workshop that includes both classroom time and field time with Carole Hyder and Carol Cannon. Flying Star is a methodology that helps you discover the innate properties of your home based on when it was built (and occupied), as well as provide specific ways to use the 5 Chinese Elements as adjustments. 

Priority registration will be given to re-certified Wind and Water School of Feng Shui graduates. More details will be provided on the Wind and Water website.

Contact Lisa McCue Janusz to register

7 Ways to Create a Healthy Home with Building Biology
by Carol Cannon
You know how to keep a clean home - but is it really a healthy home? What if it is possible that there is more to it than simply vacuuming, washing windows or keeping clutter at bay?
The German science of Bau (Building) Biology touches on areas of your home that you may not have thought of before!
Here are 7 essential ways that you can move beyond cleaning your home. You'll be making a positive impact on your health, as well, in the process.
  1. Pull the plug in your bedroom.
    There's an invisible field of energy flowing through the electrical wiring of your electronics. Fewer items plugged in at night = deeper, sounder sleep. Let your pineal gland produce the melatonin that it is made to produce by eliminating excessive electromagnetic radiation while you sleep.
  2. Purify your water.
    Water filtration is an important component for drinking, cooking and bathing. Mineral rich waters for drinking and cooking will give your body the nutrients that it needs. Filtered bath water will let your body feel hydrated vs dry from chemicals found in most public water supplies.
  3. Let the sun shine in.
    Natural light shining into your home is healthy for you and your home. Avoid Compact Fluorescent lighting. Consider solar tubes to bring more natural lighting in. Humans thrive in natural, not fluorescent, lighting!
  4. Do not make your bed!
    Yes! Take a pass on immediately tidying up in the morning and let your bedding breath! Especially if you are not using natural fabric sheets! Which leads to Essential #5...
  5.  If it's not natural, don't bring it inside.
    We were born into a natural, breathing world. Most synthetic fabrics and materials don't breath. They also may be off gassing nasty byproducts. Think organic. Learn to love cotton, linen, wools, and silks. You'll be healthier for it.
  6. Stay local.
    This includes building and design materials, as well as your food. Less global warming + less transportation impacts = a positive impact on your own as well as Mother Earth's health.
  7. Connect with nature.
    Develop your green thumb, indoors and/or outdoors. Plants can help create better indoor air quality. Outdoor plants help you connect with Mother Earth. Feel the connection of the soil and nurture your plants. Create a beautiful vista to look out from your windows - whether it is a vast expanse of nature or a beautiful garden creation of your own making. This will nourish your soul.
Building Biology has 18 more ways to create your own healing environment. I'll be covering all of these items and more at the FSIM quarterly meeting on April 12th, 2016. You'll learn how to expand your own Feng Shui practice with these tools!

Carol Cannon, Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant
Contact Carol at Carol@CarolCannonGroup.com for more information on how you can incorporate healing into your own environment!

Save the Date
Please add July 12, 2016 to your calendar for our Summer Quarterly Meeting for FSIM members and guests! Lyndall Johnson, President and Founder of Aslan Institute and licensed psychologist will be presenting "Feng Shui and the Evolution of Consciousness". This one you won't want to miss!

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