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FSIM Spring Newsletter                                                                                       March 9, 2017
Scroll down to find:
Members Only Meeting Registration
Article by our Speaker, Debbie Ringdahl
Details about Healing the Healers: An Evening of Compassionate Care
C3 Event: Book Exchange Fund Raiser
Board Position Opening!! Membership Coordinator
Save the Dates!
visit our website www.FSIM.org
In Times of Self Care
 ~Elaine Anderson - FSIM President

It started way back late last summer. During conversations within our FSIM board as we were planning our events and programs for 2017... up into the conversation arose the experience many of us were having of fatigue and distress over the level of discord, of disharmony, which was overwhelming the collective national and international experience. How can we support our members who are likely feeling the same thing? We turned to the April Members Only meeting. Back those many months ago we calculated that April would be several weeks after the inauguration of a new President and no matter what had happened in the election, it was likely that we would still benefit from focused healing energy. Of course, we couldn't imagine then how incredibly prescient/appropriate/needed this thinking would be now!

Sure, sure, sure, we all know the concept, "Put your own oxygen mask on before you attempt to help others with theirs." But how many of us really follow that principle? Probably not enough of us -- or at least not enough of the time! In my work as Coordinator of Integrative Therapies at University of MN Medical Center, I have learned more and more about the physiologic benefits of mind body practices. I have seen consistently how important these are for those of us who do healing work (which really IS most of us), and how our use of them cultivates our own resiliency and translates into more effective, powerful care of those we serve.

Enter our 2017 Members Only Meeting:
Healing the Healers: An Evening of Compassionate Care
Pair of female hands reaching out to the word  healing  surrounded by a word cloud of healing related words on a rustic stone effect pastel colored background
I have created similar events through my work, but it has been truly inspiring to see how our FSIM team has gone above and beyond in creatively collaborating to design this occasion! While we know that many of our members are familiar with a variety of healing practices, some are even professional practitioners of them, this evening is for YOU to receive healing. Please leave your "helper" hat at home for this. (Okay, bring some cards or brochures that promote your healing work for our Share Table.) Instead, wear your "I'm a person deserving of care and compassion" hat. We are incredibly excited to offer this experience for you! We look forward to connecting and sharing the love with you on April 11! 

2017 FSIM April Members Only Meeting
Healing The Healers:
An Evening of Compassionate Care
FSIM is excited to share our Members Only Meeting with you!
If you are not a current member, but would like to be - so that you can attend this and our other wonderful programs... Join Here!

Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Debbie Ringdahl
Time:     6:30pm-7pm  Networking/Socializing
               7:00pm-9pm  Presentation & Interactive Meeting 
The Marsh - 15000 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka MN 
Debbie Ringdahl, DNP, RN, CNM, Reiki Master
For more information on our speaker check the FSIM website Events Page 
Topic: Healing the Healers; Reiki Practice for Self and Others 

Description: Reiki and other healing modalities will be featured and explored for a personal healing experience for all attendees. Read more about it below...

Members are FREE to attend and yet...
Please please please be sure to register (by April 6) so that we can be adequately prepared for the number of participants!  

Reiki Practice for Self and Others
By Debbie Ringdahl 
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a hands-on practice that is used to restore balance and promote healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It has origins in a Japanese healing tradition that was introduced into this country in the 1970's. Since then, Reiki practice has gained credibility as a stress reduction and relaxation technique that is used in many health care settings. It can be easily learned and effective in as little as ten minutes, practiced in a chair or bed, and used in a variety of settings. It also can be used as a self-care practice!!
How is it used?
I first learned Reiki when I was a nurse-midwife student (1982); it was a great way to support women in labor by increasing relaxation and reducing pain. Since then, my experience with Reiki has expanded to include diverse populations and settings: from premature infants to the elderly, from intensive care units to long term care. Reiki has been shown to reduce pain, ease nausea, enhance relaxation, and help with sleep.
I believe the most VALUABLE use of Reiki is for self-care: daily practice reduces stress and has potential for decreasing burnout among formal and informal caregivers.
3 Reasons to use Reiki on self:
  1. Reiki practice is portable, simple to use, and easy to learn.
  2. A short Reiki session elicits the relaxation response and can 
    manage anxiety, stress, pain, and improve sleep.
  3. Reiki promotes energetic hygiene and self-awareness.
The 5 Reiki Principles
  1. Just for today, I will live in the attitude of gratitude.
  2. Just for today, I will not worry.
  3. Just for today, I will not anger.
  4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
  5. Just for today I will show love and respect for every living being.
These principles support mindfulness, resiliency, and wellbeing. If we can practice these principles, we can bring our best energetic self into all aspects of our life. Reiki is one simple tool that can influence our health and wellbeing. The best way to understand Reiki practice is to experience a short session!

An Special Evening to Receive Personal Healing
Healing the Healers: An Evening of Compassionate Care

This multifaceted evening will include:


Speaker: Debbie Ringdahl, professor at the UMN School of Nursing and the Center for Spirituality and Healing, will talk with us about healing approaches and self-care.


Experiential opportunities: 2 - 3 healing modalities will be available for you to receive in 10-minute mini-sessions (seated in chairs, no need to climb on a table)
  • Energy Healing: Reiki // Healing Touch practitioners:
    • Reiki: a spiritual, vibrational healing practice used to promote balance throughout the human system. It does not involve physical manipulation but, using gentle touch, works with the subtle vibrational field thought to surround and penetrate the body. More about Reiki
    • Healing Touch: an energy therapy that uses gentle hand techniques to help re-pattern the patient's energy field and accelerate healing of the body, mind, and spirit. More about Healing Touch
  • Hands on Healing Practitioners:
    • Healers trained with the Hands on Healing techniques from Echo Bodine and Carol Lowell will be on hand, with the assistance of their guides, to share their healing energy. They will channel God's healing energy to your body, mind, spirit and soul for your highest level of good.
    • If you would like to read about laying on hands healing, suggested reading is Echo Bodine's book "Hands That Heal". Learn more about the Hand On Healing program or read some of the testimonials they have received.
  • M Technique:
    • This simple technique for your hands is a method of structured touch using a set pattern of soothing gentle touch lets you melt into relaxation. M Technique

Information on the Healing Pen Pals program through Echo Bodine -

a free service in which a request for healing is made to one of their registered healers, who will send absentee healing (every day) for 15 days. 


Share Table: Please bring business cards and brochures for your healing or other work you do to share with your FSIM colleague


An evening without shopping: In order to support our intention of a nurturing, healing experience we will not be having sales from vendors or members. Participants who have resources for sale may bring web-links or printed materials about their sale items.


 FSIM Book Exchange Fundraiser Event
                                      Hosted by Cheryl Larson, Ellen Johnson and Jane Petrich

FSIM C3 Circle (C3 is Conscious, Compassionate, Community)     
is holding our first book exchange fundraiser on Saturday, March 18th from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. 
The kind of books to bring are: Feng Shui books, spiritual development books; chi gong books, chakra books, gemstone, numerology, astrology books, etc., you get the idea. Leave your romance novels, political books, mysteries, text books, etc. at home or donate them to a Thrift Store at the same time. You can also bring along any divining tools you're ready to let go of. (dowsing rods, crystals, candles, I Ching coins, tarot cards, etc.)
Bring a book, take a book or just come to support the cause and be with our Feng Shui Family. Suggested love offering for each book you take home is $2 to $3.00. All money received will be donated to the American Cancer Society in memory of Susan Okin's husband Bryan Horner, Lisa Rock's husband, Michael 'Rocky" Rock, and Lynn Ritter who all passed away from cancer.   
Thank you to Susan Okins for initiating this event by starting the ball rolling in clearing out your excess book collection. Let's all follow her lead!
Please bring a friend or two, we certainly want all the books to find a good home!!
Date: Saturday, March 18th, 2017                Time: 11:00AM - 2:00 PM   
Location: Cheryl Larson's home; 7918 Kimberly Lane, Maple Grove, MN 55311
Snacks will be provided. 
If you are not able to attend the event, but have books to donate, please call or send an email to arrange for a pick up time to:
Ellen Johnson @ 952-594-5693
ellenjohnson@yahoo.com or
Cheryl Larson @ 612-860-9511 

FSIM Board Opening - Membership Coordinator

Board positions terms with FSIM are a minimum of 2 years, however our membership coordinator position is opening up earlier than expected. Kim Julen, our Membership Coordinator, is moving to Maui later this summer."I was born and raised in Minnesota, but have known for some time that I am meant to move. I have always felt a very strong connection to Hawaii, having visited there several times. Over the past several months I have received clear guidance from my "Spirit Team" to move to Maui as it's part of my path in this lifetime to energetically support the land and waters of the Hawaiian Islands. I don't have a move date yet, though I'm excited about beginning this next chapter in my life!  I will certainly miss my Minnesota friends and the amazing members of FSIM and in particular the FSIM Board, whom I've come to know more deeply over the past year. I may stay on in a peripheral role (perhaps blogging or social media for FSIM), however, it's not practical for me to continue in the Membership Coordinator role after I move." 
The membership coordinator role is best for someone with good organization and detail skills along with an interest in knowing our membership personally. We have several newer members on the board and we all are loving their fresh perspectives! Please email Debbie Miller  or Elaine Anderson if you think you are interested, or if you know someone you think would be great fit for this open board position!   



Friday, June 23, 2017 - C3 Circle Community Event - Summer Solstice Celebration and Bonfire. If it rains, the event will be rescheduled for a later date.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017  Quarterly Meeting: Crystals and Rocks for Healing and Energy Work with Laurie Wondra   
Saturday, October 7, 2017 - Field Trip: Japanese Garden Tour at Como Park with Barbara Bobrowitz
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - Annual Meeting: Master Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest 

For more info visit www.fsim.org 
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