we end the Summer season and begin Fall, we find ourselves amidst the
nurturing stability of Earth, a welcome break from Summer's pace. The
Earth element encourages us to slow down to feel more connected – to the
earth and to one another.
next Quarterly Meeting offers a Field Trip to experience a piece of
Chinese history. On November 3, we will be able to learn, through a
private guided tour, about China's Terracotta Warriors. Not only is this
an opportunity to connect with Feng Shui's Chinese roots, but also an
opportunity to connect with the Feng Shui community.
Registration is required, and spaces will fill up fast! See details below.
Also in This Issue
Don't miss another feature article by Barbara Everett
Find details on the next Quarterly Meeting below, plus numerous other upcoming events in the right sidebar
Don't forget to scroll down to the Member News section to see what's new with fellow members
happy to be a Feng Shui community resource. Please forward this issue
to friends or colleagues with whom you'd like to share.
Enjoy the fall!
P.S. Did you know FSIM has a blog? Check it out here or scroll down to read the latest post by President Hinda Abrahamson.
Next FSIM Meeting: Let's Get Together
November Quarterly Meeting Field Trip
Date: November 3, 2012
Location: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Time:11:00 am to 12:00 pm Guided Tour
(Please arrive at 10:45 am)
Tour Guides: FSIM Honorary Board Member Andrew Hong & Fellow Docent
Topic: Chinese Terracotta Warriors
Open to the Public
Non-Members $27
Members $0
Registration is Required – Space is Limited! Contact Lisa Rock
to register, or look for online registration details in your email inbox.
Hong will be one of our guides as we journey to 3rd century BC to view
China's Terracotta Warriors, one of the greatest archaeological
discoveries in modern day history. Imagine an army of soldiers to
protect the Emperor, while also securing that the Emperor has someone to
rule over in his afterlife…
The Autumn Equinox heralds new beginnings. Summer ends officially, and a
new order of life unfolds: one of structure, form, and disciplines. We
put on long sleeves, jackets, coats – set alarm clocks for school and
obligations, put away summer furniture.
enter the bridging season, one of the four transition periods which
mark the seasons. The two equinoxes tell us that balance and harmony are
part of life. When the day and night are equal for several days, these
are cosmic clocks. We often do not see equality around us in society or
in personal life, but they hold the standard for humanity to strive
towards, and ultimately achieve.
enter the sign of Libra – the sign of balance, harmony, beauty, and
culture. This air sign is ruled by the planet Venus, the powerful
influence of justice, peace, intelligence, and relationships.
brings balance between aggression, greed, and hostility. We profoundly
see these struggles in 2012 as the call for peace becomes stronger than
the urge for war. Humanity seeks greater understanding of the power of
love in all human relationships.
to this season the magnitude of the Archangel Michael, the cosmic
guardian of the season from Autumn Equinox to the Winter Solstice. His
gifts are courage, confidence, and spiritual support. Archangels are
universal, being found in the texts of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian
two forces of light, Venus and Archangel Michael, work together to
inspire humanity to not settle for the status quo, but to see beyond the
ordinary, hold values that lift our hearts, be infused with courage,
and inspired to live lives of beauty, truth, and goodness.
Each of us is the bridge to this higher consciousness – following with courage the path of evolution now appearing before us.
Shine brightly, live with courage.
In harmony,
Barbara A. Everett
About Barbara
Barbara is a spiritual teacher, intuitive counselor,
astrologer-numerologer, and an independent minister. She founded the
Aquarian Light, a very successful spiritual center in Minneapolis, MN
and now offers seasonal events, weddings, ceremonies and personal
appointments for Wisdom Readings. Co-founder of LightHouse Events.
For more information, Email Barbara or call 952-378-1701
My Summer Breakup
Blog Post By FSIM President Hinda Abrahamson
been a summer of clearing out, deciding what stays and what goes. The
most difficult decision was whether or not to keep my bookcase.
I learned about Feng Shui, I had the bookcase custom built for my
bedroom, no less! While serving its purpose, it made the bedroom
"noisy," to say the least.
This summer found us re-carpeting, requiring that the
bookcase be unloaded and disassembled. If ever a change was going to be
made, this was the time.
love that bookcase! As I went through the pros and cons of whether or
not to keep it, I noticed my inner dialogue was not unlike the
ambivalence of a pending "break-up." It went something like this…
Membership Renewal for January 2013 – December 2013
Renewal for Practitioner Members and Friends of FSIM will be coming up
soon. A reminder to Practitioner Members that Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) will be due, and their submission is required with the online
renewal application.
Practitioner Members, fulfillment of 6 CEUs is required annually, and
demonstrate your commitment to expanding your Feng Shui-related
knowledge and growth as a Practitioner.
October 30, 2012
Beginning Your Feng Shui Experience
Feng Shui Class & Wine Tasting
Debbie Miller
Carlos Creek Winery
Alexandria, MN
More information and to register
November 16, 2012 2-6pm
November 17, 2012 9-2pm
Heart of the Earth Creations Holiday Sale
Jane Petrich's Home, Minneapolis
Start your holiday decorating before Thanksgiving! Holiday pots,
princess pine wreaths, swags, sugar pine cone ornaments, knitted/felted
items, jewelry, photos cards, and more. Sale Information
Contact Jane by email
or call 612-822-2691
November 27, 2012
Understanding Feng Shui
Kathy Connors
New Richmond Community Education Center
New Richmond, WI
More information and to register Or call 715.243.7421
September 2012
(Not too late to register!) Contact Lisa
Set Sail: a 9-week personal credential program, entirely virtual. Interested in Feng Shui, yet not ready for certification?
More information
January 2013
Navigate the Voyage: a 9-month professional certification program starts
January 23. Become a certified Feng Shui professional and create
balanced environments for yourself and others.
More information
Carole Hyder Classes & Events
Sunday, October 14, 7 PM
Feline Feng Shui: What Cats Are Communicating About the Energy of Your Space
75 minute teleseminar. More information and to register