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FSIM Fall Quarterly News

September ~ October 2014
Greetings FSIM Members & Friends...

Well now, we had barely set foot into the month of September and Fall was upon us. Each year Nature guides us through the turning of the page from the yangred-foliage-shoe.jpg energy-filled Summer to the quieter, yin-ward period in preparation for the deep winter ahead. Autumn is represented by the Metal element. One of its important values is in letting go. We usually associate Spring with "spring cleaning" -- making room for the growth ahead, but Autumn's energy of letting go is about returning to the internal, getting to the bare essence. A feng shui blogger offered that the trees don't hang on to their leaves - in case they might need them later on. We can take a lesson from our friends the trees. They don't cast off their coats and belongings with outward ch'i, but that which is not essential slips off as the life force is pulled inward to the center. Soon they will be completely naked. There is nothing left to the imagination of "who they are". If we take those steps, we have the potential to find that jewel that is ourselves shining within. Lets each try this in our own way...
We don't have to go all out like the maple in the front yard. Pick an area of your life that feels burdened, weighed down or crusted over. Have the intention that releasing whatever is gumming up that area will allow a part of you to recenter and shine. Maybe it is a work table where you like to be creative, maybe it is a rack or shelf in your closet, maybe it is a mess of outdated files within your computer. Let the Autumn breeze blow through, and see what treasure you find!
FSIM Fall Quarterly Meeting: Personal Mandala Workshop
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2014 
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 
Location: The Marsh
Presenters: Mary Madill & Alanna Gibbs, Circle of Wellness   

Topic: Personal Mandalas  


Please read the article below for a description of this unique workshop, and plan on joining us for the fascinating process of creating your own personal Mandala!  


Circle of Wellness grew out of a collaborative project of four Master of Arts in Holistic Health Studies students who researched the lived experience of creating mandalas. Alanna and Mary are pleased to carry this research forward and have been offering workshops on mandalas to others as a tool for healing and self-discovery. Mandala presenters

Alanna, with her eye for nuance and  interpersonal interactions, tends to the experience and holds space for the process to unfold. Mary is the creative force of the duo and brings bountiful amounts of inspiration to each workshop.  


Open to the Public
Members $0

Guests $27


Click HERE for more information about this meeting. 


Personal Mandalas: Tools for Connecting with our Inner Wisdom! 
by Mary Madill and Alanna Gibbs, Circle of Wellness

The word mandala comes from Sanskrit. Manda refers to "essence, Spirit, or energy" and adding la to any word indicates "a container of vessel for". So a mandala is "a container for essence, Spirit, or energy" and as such it becomes a wonderful tool for deep inner exploration and understanding.

Mandala LogoMandalas for Personal Exploration

Creating a personal mandala is a relatively simple process, yet one that may elicit profound results. In our individual experiences we have uncovered a variety of insights that informed, even transformed, our personal journeys.


There are many ways to approach mandala work. Our work follows a three step process and includes a focus on increased personal awareness with an attitude of openness and curiosity. We will walk you through this exciting process when we gather together, but briefly, here are the three components.

Step One: Intention

 Read More 


FSIM Daily Healing


Our Feng Shui community values sharing members' accomplishments and life's events. We love hearing from you about job changes, promotions, new grandbabies and travel adventures, to name a few. What is also important to us is supporting each other during challenging times. Several of our members recently shared personal challenges and loss and would appreciate our support. In response, we created FSIM Daily Healing. Between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. we ask that you please take some time to think about the following members, sending them love and healing energy:  

Lenora Renneberg, a newer member of our FSIM community this year, had mastectomy and reconstructive surgery in mid-September for breast and lymph cancer, in Fargo, N.D.   

Lisa Rock completed treatment for a recurrence of ovarian cancer in mid-September. She reports she is doing well, and appreciates thoughts and prayers.   

Cheryl Larson's aunt, in need of transitional healing, and strength for Cheryl as she is her primary support person. 

Jane Goodspeed and Jane Petrich for their losses of beloved family members, both in April.  

Another member would appreciate supportive energy for career and financial challenges within her family.  


If you would like to be included in our Daily Healing, please contact Debbie Miller. We'll list your name or honor anonymity, if you prefer. Regardless, please know you will be the recipient of our collective healing energy.


FSIM Community Newshands_together_sand.jpg
We build our connections with our Feng Shui "family" members by sharing the yins and yangs (and in-betweens) of life. We are grateful for the uplifting moments, as well as the daily routines! Here are a few community updates we've learned about:
FSIM Board member, Melissa Smith had a healthy, bouncing baby boy, Charles (Charlie) Allen Smith, on July 12, 9 lb, 7 oz and 23.5".
Kathy Connors and Lisa Rock welcomed -- with wide open arms -- new grandbabies into their lives!
Kathy's grandson is Harlan Owen Ostbye: 8 lb 6 oz,    21 1/4", born Saturday April 19. Lisa's is Theo William Rock: 6 lb 7 oz, born at 9:04 AM on Tuesday July 22nd.
Sandy Forseth, FSIM Membership Coordinator is embarking on her second Operation Smile medical mission of the year (#1 was to the Philippines in June). She will travel to Vietnam in November. Her role on the team is as a Child Life Specialist preparing pediatric patients for surgery to repair cleft lip & palate. "Good morning Vietnam" will be said with mixed emotion.
Elaine Anderson
is most grateful for her new job as Coordinator of Integrative Therapies at the University of MN Medical Center and University of MN Children's Hospital. 


What's up with you? Please share your news with us by contacting any board member!


We look forward to seeing you soon!
Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest

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In This Issue
FSIM Fall Quarterly Meeting: Personal Mandala Workshop...Date:...Tuesday October 14, 2014
Personal Mandalas: Tools for Connecting with our Inner Wisdom!...by Mary Madill and Alanna Gibbs
FSIM Daily Healing
FSIM Community News
Opportunity Knocks - It's the FSIM Board!
Upcoming Classes and Events
Opportunity is Knocking ---  
It's the FSIM Board!

Your FSIM Board is looking for a "few good women" to fulfill needed roles and functions in our organization. 

Wanted: Energetic and logistically adept FSIM member with great communication skills to fill Board position as Meetings/Events Coordinator. Start date: as soon as possible. Will be lovingly oriented by Lisa Rock for January's FSIM 2015 Annual Meeting.
Also... we have openings for assistance in newsletter, social media, community connections and special events.
Passion for supporting vision and growth in our organization are a plus!

If you, or someone you know, are (possibly) interested -- or would like more information, please contact Elaine Anderson at 763-439-3313 or redtortoise999@gmail.com.


Upcoming Feng Shui
Classes and Events
Evolution of Consciousness  

Lyndall Johnson, M.A., L.P. and Eloise Erasmus, Ph.D., L.P.
Date: Friday Sept 26 and Saturday Sept 27
Location: The Aslan Institute
4141 Old Sibley Memorial Highway
Eagan, Minnesota , 55122
Time: Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m./ Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $189
Contact Info: http://aslaninst.com/
More Info: This workshop will give you an overview of the evolution of consciousness as manifested in creation and humanity from the Big Bang to the present. You will be provided with a comprehensive map with which to understand human development in cultures and societies, and as replicated in each individual life.

Event: Feng Shui for Body, Home and Soul 

Facilitator:  Barbara Bobrowitz  
Thursdays, Oct. 2nd & 9th  
Location: Aslan Institute
4141 Old Sibley Memorial Highway 
Eagan, MN 55122 
Phone: 651.686.8818
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Cost: Course fee: $54 (standard tuition)
Contact Info: Barbara 763-571-9437 or EnergeticAlignments@gmail.com 
More Info: In these two sessions, you'll learn basic principles of Feng Shui including: meanings and use of the Bagua to read the energy of your space, support personal growth, and feel more solidly grounded in all areas of your life, placement of the Bagua on your floor plan and ...more.

Save the date

Make this the first appointment in your new calendar:
January 13, 2015 

Special speaker, wonderful food, exciting announcements! It's going to be great!!

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest | 5437 Sanibel Drive | Minnetonka | MN | 55343


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