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September 11, 2015   

Welcome Autumn

The transition to Autumn finds us leaving behind the fire spirit of summer, and we are called forward to the metal element reflected in the gentleness of the waning light, cooler air and movement inward.  


Autumn Leaves

We welcome the bright blue skies with the fall colors, and we reconnect to nature with walks and travels to view Mother Nature in glory and bright hues. Gratitude warms our soul as we enjoy the abundance of food from summer activities, relationships and the harvest of nature's nourishment and gifts. Our Fall Field Trip embraces this transition as well. Labyrinths are ancient symbols relating to wholeness, circles, spirals. Labyrinth walking can be a quiet journey inward to our center and back out again where we can appreciate our own journey and gifts. There are three locations to enjoy on the Labyrinth tour with Lisa Gidlow Moriarty. 


We hope you embrace the upcoming Autumn season and all the abundance it brings!! ~Kathy Connors

FSIM Members Fall Labyrinth Field Trip 
The Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest invites members and guests to experience a half day Labyrinth tour with Lisa Gidlow Moriarty, Paths of Peace. This is not just a tour of labyrinths, but a spiritual pilgrimage. Using movement, ritual and silence, we will experience several Twin Cities area labyrinths during this half-day journey. Each stop will include a ritual to deepen our encounter as we create a space for contemplation
and celebration.

FSIM Arrival time for first tour location:   8:45 AM 

Peace Lutheran Church
1744 Walnut St. St. Paul, MN 55113

Please Note:
The church has a small area across the street and will hold 15 cars parked diagonally. On street parking is available and unrestricted. This is a residential area.
Tour Time:  9 AM -12 PM

Lunch (optional, at members expense) to follow the tour:  
Muffuletta 2260 Como Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 644-9116  muffuletta.com
RSVP to Carolyn@CarolynVinup.com if you wish to join us for lunch.

Labyrinth Tour Locations:
  1. Peace Lutheran Church, Lauderdale (2 indoor labyrinths in a small residential church)
  2. Como Park, St. Paul (large outdoor concrete labyrinth in a unique design incorporating yin-yang symbolism)
  3. Children's Hospital, St. Paul (rooftop garden)
Lisa Gidlow Moriarty is past president of the international Labyrinth Society and owner of Paths of Peace in Stillwater, MN. Lisa regularly offers labyrinth bus tours, retreats and workshops. She is a professional labyrinth maker and an internationally recognized speaker, tour leader and labyrinth facilitator.

Bus capacity 30 people. Be sure to reserve your space soon! 
Registration closes Sunday, SEPTEMBER 27 or when the bus is full! 

Why Labyrinths and Why Now?
by Lisa Moriarty
One of the daily rituals I've learned to love is walking in circles, using the seemingly confusing pattern of a labyrinth to let go of confusion and chaos and to seek silence and grace in the present moment.
Labyrinths are not new.  In our global community labyrinths have been around for thousands of years.  But over the span of time, the interest and use of labyrinths has ebbed and flowed, often in direct correlation with the level of chaos in the world. Periods of increased turmoil or strife have also been associated with times of increased use of labyrinths as places for people to escape or make sense of the world.
So why labyrinths and why now? If we consider the world we live in, it is crowded with chaos and clutter.  There is a deep spiritual hunger for ways to calm down and find balance.
Labyrinths offer a safe container for whatever is important in our lives, be it burdens or sorrows, joys or celebrations, problems or simply a place to get away, to shed the noise and allow the quiet to open our hearts to the inner wisdom, that still, small, whisper of a voice that we can only hear if we take time to listen.
The graceful pattern of the labyrinth paths offer a predetermined space and time commitment. It is a single path, the only decision we need to make is whether or not to step in. Within the winding paths we can journey to the center of our deepest soul and return with new insight and self understanding.
The labyrinth not only invites you in, it welcomes you back to who and what you really are. It can be a place for wisdom seeking and transformation.  In walking a labyrinth, we are asked to surrender to the path, allowing the path to lead.  Letting go of the need to control and understand can open us to new awareness.
The labyrinth may speak to us in symbols, images, memories or emotions, the language of our soul.
Labyrinths can also be used with a specific intention or purpose.  I find the back and forth turning offers insight at clarity to problems or creative blocks. The gentle paths are also a wonderful place to carry concerns or release burdens, and walk out with a brighter outlook.
As a spiritual practice, labyrinth walking balances body, mind and spirit.  A gift of grace to begin the day or a way to close the day with an expression of gratitude.
The Twin Cities is labyrinth rich, with over 100 public labyrinths, more public labyrinths than any other metropolitan area in the world.  Why?  Perhaps it is our creativity or our deep spiritual tradition.  Whatever the reason, here you can find labyrinths in hospitals, churches, schools, city parks and even the Shakopee Women's prison.
I hope you will take the opportunity to join me on the FSIM bus tour October 3rd and experience several of the many labyrinths available to our community.
Questions about this event?
Contact Carolyn Vinup, FSIM Meetings and Events Coordinator
FSIM Community News

We build our connections with our Feng Shui "family" members by sharing the yins and yangs (and in-betweens) of life. We are grateful for the uplifting moments, as well as the lessons learned from challenging times. Here are a few community updates we've heard about:

Hinda Abrahamson - After two months of being home bound, Hinda continues the slow and steady healing process from an injury to her left hamstring and tearing on the left hip joint lining Please send Hinda your healing love & light and a gentle squeeze. 

Dorine King - Her son Michael James Ciochetto, age 36 unexpectedly passed away in his sleep on July 22, 2015. Please hold Dorine and her family in your heart and prayers during this difficult time. Sign guest book here.

FSIM Board member, Kathleen Bartle Hedstrom's father, Harold Eldon Bartle passed away on September 5, 2015. Nothing can ever replace the wisdom, advice and love of a wonderful Dad, know these precious gifts live on in you, Kathleen. We send you our love. 

FSIM Board member, Debbie Miller welcomed in her first precious Grandson, Rowen T. Bonner born on Friday, April 10, 2015. Congratulations Grandma Debbie!

"The higher your every field resonates, the more you're able to impact others with your own healing energy. Change the way you look at things and things you look at change." In loving memory of Wayne Dyer. 8-30-2015

What's up with you? Please share your news with us by contacting any
board member.
Save the Date
Please add January 12, 2016 to your 2016 Calendar for our Annual Meeting for FSIM Members!


2015 CEU's (6 ceu's) are required for the upcoming 2016 Annual Membership Renewal in December.  

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