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November 21, 2015   

Time passes.  
Things change. 
The world around us evolves. 

park_snow.jpg When we get to this time of year the stark reality that there are endings and beginnings is hard to avoid. Goings and comings of months, seasons, years. We know from our studies of Chinese thought that there are larger cycles. The 5 elements rotate in cycles. The animal year horoscopes, the 20-year cycle of "Ages"; the 60-year cycle of the 12 animal years passing through the 5 element phases. 

We also know from living through time that it isn't always a cakewalk(!)... and that the walk through the cycles of life can be strewn with the unexpected. This is why it is so important to find the beauty and grace in life as another year, another season, another cycle winds down and a new one is emerging on the threshold.  
Mark your calendar now!
Our FSIM "holiday" tradition centers on the Annual Meeting...coming up on January 12, 2016! 

As always, this year we will honor some of our long-standing traditions (festive gathering, cash bar, packed agenda, vendors with lovely items for sale). And we will create new ones. (Less food, more meaning!) We will be honoring the past; we will be welcoming and embracing the future.

In keeping with the season, this coming Annual Meeting will be an exceptional recognition of the life cycles of FSIM. 

First and foremost, I am eager to announce that the stars and schedules have lined up for our featured guest speaker to be FSIM's founding President, Carole Hyder.We are looking forward to Carole's presence among us and hearing her perspective on The Evolution of Feng Shui: Where it Stands Today. To make the evening even more special we are welcoming both Hinda Abrahamson, President Emerita, and Andrew Hong, founding Vice-President to participate in the meeting. 

Gratitude. Belonging. Affirmation. Touch. (Read more)
Another Annual Cycle...
Its Membership Renewal Time 
We are fast approaching the New Year!!  We are excited to offer you FSIM 2016 Annual Membership Renewal Registration
at this time... before the hustle and bustle of the holidays! Renewing now accomplishes three good things:

a) it supports FSIM financially
b) it helps us as an organization to plan accordingly for next year's activities
c) you get to cross an important To Do off your list... without needing to remember in the midst of your holiday celebrations! 
We appreciate early registration for New and Renewing Members!

The renewal form has the 2015 CEU information included on it for your convenience. You can renew as a Practitioner or Friend. This will offer you the opportunity to experience FSIM speakers, meetings and activities in addition to the benefits of networking, sharing, and community in Feng Shui. We welcome all new and returning Friends and Practitioners. Don't wait...renew NOW!!
We look forward to your support, involvement and passion for Feng Shui. 
FSIM 2016 Annual Meeting

January 12, 2016

:  6pm-7pm  Networking/Socializing/Shopping
7pm-9pm Meeting/Presentation
Location:  The Marsh 15000 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka MN 55345     952.935.2202
Carole Hyder, MA  International Feng Shui Expert
President Emerita FSIM   www.carolehyder.com 
Topic:  The Evolution of Feng Shui: Where it Stands Today

Open to the Public
Members:  $27
Guests:  $45
Note: The food for the annual meeting will feature smaller plates and light appetizers. 

Please join FSIM in celebration of the New Year, speaker Carole Hyder, and a preview of upcoming events in 2016. We are excited to see you, connect, and network at our Annual Meeting. New to Feng Shui? FSIM? We would love for you to join us at the Annual Meeting. Want to become a member?  This is the perfect time to join! See our Membership links above. 
FSIM Community News

We build our connections with our Feng Shui "family" members by sharing the yins and yangs (and in-betweens) of life. We are grateful for the uplifting moments, as well as the lessons learned from challenging times. Here are a few community updates we've heard about:
Susan Okins' husband, Bryan, recently received a serious health diagnosis and they are open to getting your loving healing energies sent their way. Please circle Susan in white light, she needs our loving "helpful people" support more than ever. Please know our hearts & prayers are holding you & Bryan in divine love.   
Our FSIM president, Elaine Anderson added a few more letters behind her name by achieving the certification of Holistic Nurse Baccalaureate - Board Certified (HNB-BC). Congrats Elaine, this goes hand-in-hand with your compassionate heart!
FSIM Board Member, Carolyn Vinup, celebrated her 30th Wedding Anniversary with her husband Mike in Hawaii. Congratulations you lovebirds!
Lisa Janusz and husband, Aaron, will be welcoming their second son in February. Congrats! We can hear older brother Evan's pure excitement!
FSIM Ambassador, Cheryl Larson, welcomed in her first shining light Granddaughter, Clara Jo Schommer born on Friday, September 18, 2015 Congratulations Gramz Cheryl, teach your baby girl how to hug!
What's up with you? Please share your news with us by contacting any
board member.
APRIL 12, 2016  
To Be Announced
JULY 12, 2016 
Lyndall Johnson, M.A., L.P.,  Aslan Institute
OCTOBER 11, 2016  
Panel Discussion with Practicing Feng Shui Design Professionals

All meetings are held at the Marsh.
Board of Directors,

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest
Board of Directors,

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest

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