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March 20, 2018  

FSIM C3 Circle Spring Equinox Celebration
Friday, March 23, 2018
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in Maple Grove 

Everyone is Welcome... bring your friend or spouse!

Hosted by Cheryl Larson - Ambassdor of Community Engagement.

Our FSIM C3 Circle (C3 is Conscious, Compassionate, Community) will be held around the fireplace indoors in Maple Grove (due to so much snow still on the ground) with EFT Tapping lead by Ellen Johnson  in circle with your Feng Shui family.

There will be light appetizers and beverages provided.  Please feel free to bring something to share if you'd like too!  Remember to bring your red envelopes to release to the heavens by burning them in the fire!

"The Equinox is the perfect reflection of the Yin and Yang energies and balance. It is a time where we experience almost equal light and darkness. This gives us time to think about whether we are in balance. The yang energy is rising. Spring is the season of bringing to light, all the seeds of self that have been waiting over the long winter to burst forth and flourish. Spring brings forth new visions and dreams. It is the time to climb out of the cocoon and spread your wings like a butterfly, as your life force reaches out to the light of the sun." ~ Chunyi Lin

William Meader
2018 April Quarterly Meeting

Thursday, April 12, 2018 
Time:  6:30 - 7:00 p.m.  Networking/Socializing, 
            7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Meeting and Program 
Location: The Marsh  
                 15000 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka, 55345
                 (952) 935-2202
Keynote Speaker: William Meader 
Topic: The Soul and Its Creative Destiny 

Open to the public: Non-Members $27, Members $0

The destiny of the soul is to creatively express its wisdom as an act of service to humanity. When this is done well, an individual's influence in the world is uplifting and profound. In this talk, William Meader will reveal how to more effectively manifest the soul's creative intention. This will involve a deep and profound look at the steps to be followed in the ancient art of spiritual magic (creativity). He will also reveal how to recognize the soul in the day-to-day aspects of life. Register TODAY!

William Meader biography:
An influential and respected teacher of The Esoteric Philosophy, William Meader has established an international reputation for his gift as a communicator of this philosophy. His extensive teaching program includes a diverse array of workshops and lectures devoted to nurturing a deeper understanding of the spiritual path, both from an individual and global perspective.

After completing an undergraduate degree in business administration from Mankato State University, William acquired a Masters Degree in psychology from Pepperdine University in 1988. He obtained a Doctorate Degree in Esoteric Philosophy in 2000.

William's book 'Shine Forth: The Soul's Magical Destiny' was published in 2004 by Mariposa Publications. He has also published more than thirty articles focused on esoteric topics such as the spiritual constitution of human beings, the evolution of consciousness, spiritual initiation and practical mysticism. He has produced a fine library of audio and video recordings and is a regular speaker at the Wrekin Forum, international conferences and Theosophical Society venues. He recently presented at the Findhorn Foundation in northern Scotland. William offers individual counseling utilizing esoteric astrology as a tool to facilitate students towards a deeper understanding of their unique spiritual purpose.

His work-often described as a 'next step' in spiritual evolution-assists students in the refinement of the higher abstract mind in order that they might align with the soul's creative intention, thereby coming en rapport with the One Life and the ashram (inner home of the soul). William's gentle humor, sensitivity and deep understanding of the spiritual path is appreciated by dedicated students of the Esoteric Philosophy-also known as the Ageless Wisdom -worldwide.
William Meader resides in Oregon and presents regular workshops in the United States, Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Website: https://meader.org/

Astrological Consultations:
While in Minneapolis, William will be offering esoterically interpreted astrological readings. For more information or to schedule an appointment click here.  
There are three other opportunities to attend additional workshops with William while he is in Minneapolis:

Friday, April 13th: Unity of the Valley
(subject to still be determined) 7-9 pm talk 

Saturday, April 14th: Inward Bound meditation workshop 1-5 pm at Southtown Office Park.
Sunday, April 15th: The Flaming Heart workshop 9-5pm Southtown Office Park.
In the Name of Light 
By: William Meader

What is light? This question is important to anyone dedicated to the soul and its fuller expression.  In most spiritual traditions, light is a term used to depict the nature of divinity, both within ourselves and within Creation as a whole. For example, we often find ourselves describing divinity using the phrase the "light of God." Given this, it is important that we more profoundly consider light as it pertains to the spiritual dimension of life. By so doing, we can begin to better recognize its radiance within the fabric of our individual lives.

When pondering the nature of light, it is important to see it as a radiation having the power to reveal. Indeed, the expression to "shed light" on an issue infers that we have gained a deeper understanding of something. Though this idea is usually applied to the ordinary aspects of life, it is a principle that has relevance to spiritual light as well. A key concept to here consider is that light is known by what it reveals. For example, when visible light strikes an object, we recognize it as it reflectively reveals the object. By comparison, when we consider spiritual light, the same principle also holds true. It too reveals, in that it conveys light not directly seen. For example, things such as the light of wisdom, the light of love, the light of idealism and the light of beauty all bear witness to the revelatory nature of spiritual light. These are just a few of the many forms of light related to the soul and its power to shed light within our minds and hearts.

In various spiritual circles the term "enlightenment" is often used. Generally speaking, it is a word depicting a state of liberated consciousness. This definition is certainly valid. Yet it is also useful to view enlightenment as a gradational recognition of the light within oneself. When viewed in this way, enlightenment is best understood as incremental.  It is a measure of one's capacity to identify with the light of the soul. This always entails the purification of the mind, emotions, and physical appetites so that the soul's light can shine through the personality with less and less encumbrance. It is to "lighten" the darkened areas of the lower-self and, by so doing, shine the soul's light through it with increased brilliance.

Read Full Article Here

Workshop to Explore Your Past Lives
with Rev. J. Thomas Hyder

Rev. J. Thomas Hyder
Over half of the world's population believes in reincarnation and that karma is "destiny from cause and effect". Many major religions hold the belief that we live one life as a Soul and gain experience through many lifetimes and personalities. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, and Shamanism teach reincarnation as a basic tenant. Twenty-five percent of Christians accept the reality of multiple lifetimes.
Have you explored your past lives? Have you wondered how and why you feel like you've been in a place before, known someone you just met, or tried to heal by discovering the "originating cause" of an innate physical condition?

In this workshop you will have the opportunity to explore your ancient past. You will be guided to other lifetimes to discover more about who you truly are. You will also gain experience in assisting another on their ancient exploration.

How do Feng Shui and reincarnation intersect? Find out by performing a Feng Shui adjustment in your home from another life time. Register TODAY!

Rev. J. Thomas Hyder has been a spiritual practitioner and student for 40+ years. He has a private practice as a spiritual counselor, and has led many workshops on psychic development, dowsing, and reincarnation. Tom was ordained through Sancta Sophia Seminary. He is a master gardener, and lives Feng Shui through his twenty-three-year marriage to Carole Hyder.

Date: May 5, 2018 Time: 1:00PM - 5:00PM

Location: Unity Church, 4000 Golden Valley Rd, Golden Valley, MN 55422 

Open to the public: Non-members admission $72, Members $54

Member Classes/Workshops
To post your classes or events in the next
newsletter, please contact Cheryl at: cheryllarson@fsim.org

Wealth and Relationships Workshop with Michele Heisler   
Learn tips to create spaces that support your health, increase your abundance and improve your relationships!
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 7:00-8:30PM; $27
Inspiring Actions Wellness Center, 1370 Hosford Street, Hudson, WI 
 Details with Registration HERE

Feng Shui Love It or Leave It with Michelle Skally Doilney 
Lean how to Keep only what you love and need.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 7:00-8:30PM; $27
St. Paul/Crocus Hill location 
Email Michelle
to register and for more information
Feng Shui Satsang with Michelle Skally Doilney 
Learn the "Four Main Principles" of BTB Feng Shui
Thursday, March 22, 2018, 7:30-8:30PM 
Donation to Meditation Center appreciated 
The Meditation Center
631 University Ave. NE, Minneapolis, 55413 
Details for more information

Wealth and Relationships Workshop with Michele Heisler   
Learn tips to create spaces that support your health, increase your abundance and improve your relationships!
Thursday, April 5, 2018, 6:45-8:15PM; $27
Cook & Henriksen Chiropractic, 529 2nd St, Hudson, WI 54016 
Save The 2018 Dates  
 2018 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (All Open to the public in 2018, Free to members)
Thursday, April 12, 2018 - FSIM Quarterly Meeting
- Speaker: William Meader
Topic:  The Soul and Its Creative Destiny 
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 - FSIM Quarterly Meeting - Speaker: Annette Rugolo 
Topic:  Dowsing 
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 - FSIM Quarterly Meeting - Speaker: Beth Freschi  
Topic:  Relaxation & Meditation Training 

Special Events: (Open to the public) 
Saturday, May 5, 2018 - Speaker: Rev. J. Tom Hyder, Topic:  Explore Your Past Lives 
Friday, August 3, 2018 -  Speaker:  Ralph Dehner, Topic:  Face Reading 

C3 Circle Events: (Open to the public, Free to All) 
Friday, March 23, 2018 - Spring Equinox
Friday, June 22, 2018 - Summer Solstice
Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 - Fall Equinox 

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest, P.O. Box 130631, Roseville, MN 55113
Sent by rachelloeslie@fsim.org in collaboration with
Constant Contact
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