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December 18, 2018   

Love Letter to FSIM
~By Elaine Anderson, FSIM President                     
It's time. My term is up.  

I have served as President of FSIM for four years, Vice President for the 4 years prior to that, and several other roles on the FSIM Board for the +/- 11 years before that - usually in the realm of marketing and communications. And I am a dinosaur; the last of the original founding crew to remain on the board. Really... it is time to go. 
Eight and a half years ago, when I agreed to take on the VP and President roles, in partnership with Hinda Abrahamson (without whom I could never have done it!), I couldn't believe this day would come. It seemed so far off in the distance! During the years there were moments when I was exuberant and moments when I was bewildered. Mostly there was within me a constant warm pilot light of love and respect for the board and the members of FSIM - incredibly honorable and decent people, making the world a more intentional place, each in their own way. As I exit stage left from this incredibly significant chapter of my feng shui journey, I want to leave you with a few thoughts, impressions and maybe even a few exhortations. 
FSIM achievements during my presidency: 
  • Added our ACE - Ambassador for Community Engagement - a person focused on creating opportunities for nurturing our members' connections with each other and the community. This was the impetus behind our seasonal solstice & equinox gatherings - free and informal get-togethers around bonfires and kitchen tables. 
  • Altered FSIM policy to allow members to present at meetings, as well as increasing member involvement in other aspects of meetings 
  • Expanded social media presence on Facebook and Twitter 
  • Increased the number of FSIM gathering and learning offerings to nearly one every month 
  • Increased newsletter publication to once a month 
  • Accomplished a complete renovation of our website that now includes member log-in accounts to make your own directory updates and track your own CEUs, and is mobile friendly! Michelle Doilney, board member (who, from a "former" life has experience as a website professional), has ably and boldly led this effort. Debbie Miller, Ellen Johnson, (Kim Julen when she was on the board), and I have served as the website committee for over two years. Many hours went into committee meetings reviewing, updating, even re-writing every page, and updating our organization's process and policies. Countless, truly incalculable, hours of Michelle's time were - and still are - devoted to this project. As each of you completes setting up your account in the next weeks and months I hope you will send an intentional cup brimming with appreciative ch'i over Michelle's way! 
Thanks to last year's survey we know some of our members' favorite things about the last few years: 
  • Tours: Hindu Temple, Japanese Garden at Como Park, Labyrinths, Artomancy at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Andrew Hong's tour of the Terra Cotta Warriors at the MIA 
  • Integrating spiritual professionals from outside the FS community: Cyndi Dale, Laurie Wondra, and Carol Lowell, Lyndall Johnson, Master Chunyi Lin, Annette Rugolo, 
  • One meeting that was a standout for many members was the Reiki & Energy Healing experience of April 2017! 
  • Healing between FSIM & WWS 
  • Moving membership renewal away from the end of the year December crush into the springtime 
  • The Lion Dance at 2017's annual meeting 
  • ACE C3 gatherings (conscious, compassionate, community) for the equinox and solstice - backyard bonfires, drumming, angel card readings, tapping with EFT, s'mores and great food! 
  • The newsletter 
  • Hearing about the Chinese New Year forecast and flying star at the Annual meetings 
My own gratification and gratitude: 
  • Our rejuvenated relationship with Wind and Water School of Feng Shui. For complex reasons our organizations had been separate for several years. Early in my presidency I reached out to Carole Hyder and found an opening to make a new collaboration. While FSIM has grown beyond its origins as an extension of the school, we enjoy a wonderfully beneficial affiliation that helps us coordinate our offerings for our many mutual members.
  • Welcomed board membership and outreach to members not living in the MN area 
  • Led a fiscally stable and increasingly strong budget - leaving our finances in stronger shape than ever before 
  • Brought back volunteering with semi-annual sessions at Bridging, and began collection drives - such as the blanket drive last October 
  • Promoted connections with other organizations: Spring Forest Qi Gong, Jaime Meyer Drumming the Soul Awake, Minnesota China Friendship Garden 
Yup... there are things I wanted to get accomplished that haven't happened yet. A few months ago I gave the board my President retirement "bucket list". Some have come to be (new website up and running! Yay!) And some are still in process. That's feng shui, right? You're never done. Along the way I have learned many lessons; some of them gracefully, some of them clumsily. I have more faith and experience with the power of intention; and I have familiarity in biting off more than I can chew. 
I am leaving the board - well, the whole organization, in fine, strong, capable hands with Debbie Miller at the helm. I couldn't be more appreciative of her support and leadership along the way, and couldn't be more confident and proud of the work she has done and will do with FSIM in the future! 
I can't sneak out without expressing my deep appreciation for my mentors, colleagues and friends: Carole Hyder for getting the journey of studying feng shui started, leading FSIM for years, and myriad learnings and lessons along the way. Hinda Abrahamson for being my wise mentor, my dear friend, and my partner in crime. All the past board members who served along with me; but particularly during my term as president... Kathy Connors, Sandy Forseth, Kim Julen, Dorine King, Cheryl Larson, Lisa Rock, Melissa Smith, Caroline Vinup, and Laurie Whipple My beloved current board colleagues - Debbie Miller, Ellen Johnson, Michelle Skally Doilney, Kathy Bartle Hedstrom, Sonia Ellis, Rachel Loeslie, Jane Petrich, and Victoria Kaupp-Barkhoff. The FSIM members - from whom I have received a deep well of respect, support and encouragement. My husband, Marc, and my family who have embraced and supported my passion for feng shui, for teaching, for healing and for leadership. 
What does "time to go" mean? I won't be far. I will remain involved in FSIM and in initiatives as a president emerita. I will also enjoy more bandwidth to attend to some feng shui endeavors in my life. What you can count on for sure is that I will perpetually be encouraging, imploring, yes, exhorting YOU, our members, to become more involved too. I know you're busy! We can always find ways for you to contribute that can fit into your life and the rewards are tremendous! 
Thank you each from the bottom of my heart! 

Don't miss our FSIM Annual Meeting in a couple weeks to Welcome in your new FSIM President, Debbie Miller and celebrate the upcoming 
Chinese Year of the Pig!

2019 FSIM January Annual Meeting  

"Intention, Attention, No-Tension: Harnessing the power of the mind, heart and will to live the life you choose"   
with Paul Scheele, Ph.D. 
Dr. Paul Scheele

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Registration, Social Hour: Appetizers & Vendors  
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 
Meeting, Presentations & Prizes

The Marsh 15000 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN

Open to the public: Members $27; Non-Members $45
(1.5 CEU Credit) 


To achieve a goal, you must establish the intention to attain it. Clear vision for where you are going is a starting point, but the best ways and means for getting there will only become apparent as you begin the journey. Dr. Scheele shares his findings on transformational learning and change so you can proceed to your destination with grace and ease. He'll guide you through experiences that help you maintain a habit of positive expectancy - a "relentless knowing" - that you can achieve what you set your mind upon.

Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D., is the CEO of Scheele Learning Systems, a company dedicated to helping leaders create more brilliant results through transformative learning. His expertise in human development, leadership and transformational change has influenced leaders around the world for more than 35 years. His programs in accelerated learning, problem solving, creativity, communications and leadership development have been used by individuals and organizations worldwide. He is the author of the bestselling books, PhotoReading, Natural Brilliance and Drop Into Genius.

Dr. Scheele is also the founding partner of Learning Strategies Corporation, a premier publisher of personal development programs. His published work includes over 70 learning programs that have been translated into more than 19 languages and purchased by enthusiastic clients in 185 countries. 
Learn more about Dr. Scheele's work by visiting, https://scheelelearning.com/about/paul-scheele/

Guest speaker: Carole Hyder 
Carole Hyder
Carole Hyder, FSIM president emerita, will once again be providing information on what to expect in the Year of the Pig. She will outline what animals will be positively supported and which ones will be challenged, along with appropriate adjustments for the 2019 Flying Star.
Annual Meeting Vendor Opportunity

Each year at the Annual Meeting we have room for vendors to display and sell products related to Feng Shui living. Space is limited. 

As part of your FSIM membership, if you would like to reserve a vendor table, contact Rachel Loeslie, before December 21st, 2018 at  
Winter Solstice Blessing with Jaime Meyer
 ~By Elaine Anderson, FSIM President

In these last few years, lots of you have joined FSIM as we have hosted casual equinox and solstice events at members' homes. The seasons rotate, the weather changes, the food varies, but the community camaraderie is always palpable.
This year, for something new, FSIM is partnering with shaman/healer/drummer/teacher/ performer, Jaime Meyer, of Drumming the Soul Awake, for our members to attend his 16th Annual Winter Solstice Blessing. Some of us have been to this event and are always awestruck by its potency! See Jaime's website for details. 
The FSIM board and friends are planning to attend the Friday night performance - but tickets are selling fast! Possible FSIM early Happy Hour at a restaurant nearby prior to the event - check our Facebook page for details.

Friday December 21; (Box Office opens at 6:15)
The House opens and drumming begins at 7 PM. Show starts at 7:30.
The Minnesota Opera Center, 620 N 1st St., Minneapolis, MN 55401
Click here for a map.

Part Theater Performance. Part Shamanic Ceremony. Participatory. Communal. Solstice Sacred Wahoo

Member Classes/Workshops 
To post your classes or events in the next
newsletter, please contact Cheryl at: cheryl.a.larson@gmail.com

Change Your Space - Change Your Life - A New Class Series with Julie Ann Segal
Infinite Possibilities - The Art of Living Your Dreams
2-part class: 
Saturday, January 12, 2019,  
9:30 AM-12:30 PM 
Saturday, January 19, 2019,  
9:30 AM-12:30 PM
The Cambria Gallery on 7th, 625 Ave S, #101, Minneapolis, MN
Health, Wealth, & Relationships Workshop with Michele Heisler 
Healthy living starts with your home. Learn tips to create spaces that support your health, increase your abundance and improve your relationships.
Saturday, January 12, 2018, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM; $27
Points of Stillness, Hudson, WI
Details for registering 
Save the 2019 Dates  
2019 FSIM Annual Meeting: (Open to the public) 
Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - FSIM Annual Meeting - Speaker: Paul Scheele   
Topic:  Intention, attention, no tension: Harnessing the power of the mind, heart, and will to live the life you choose

2019 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Open to the public, free to members) 
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 -  Sarah Seidelmann, a presentation based on her book "Swimming with Elephants: My Unexpected Pilgrimage from Physician to Healer".

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 - Julie Ann Segal, Topic TBD

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 - William Meader, Topic TBD
Saturday, October  5, 2019  - Chinese Garden Tour with Linda Mealy Lohman
Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest, P.O. Box 130631, Roseville, MN 55113
Sent by rachelloeslie@fsim.org in collaboration with
Constant Contact
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