Greetings FSIM Members & Friends... The Metal element presides seasonally this time of year. While you are by now likely deep into preparations for your coming December holidays, we want to take a moment to look back at Thanksgiving. We hope yours was a rich one!! The activity of the holiday is a wonderful metaphor for how the Metal element works at this time of year. The preparation of this lovely meal involves distilling the best of the fall harvest and discarding that which is not needed. As we experience this season of contraction, separation and distillation, we reap the benefits of Metal energy which are purity, clarity, and freshness.
The Metal element is active each day in the late after- noon when we wind down. Yang sunlight gives way to Yin darkness. As we prioritize our daily.... Continue reading Season
FSIM 2015 Annual Meeting & Quadrennial FSIM Presidency Transition
Join us for a dazzling evening of beauty and depth as we ready ourselves for 2015 and the Year of the wood Sheep/Ram!
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2015
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Networking/Socializing, Hors d'oeuvres & Shopping 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Meeting, Presentation, Forecasting for 2015 - the Year of the Wood Sheep/Ram, Honoring the Board Presidency Transition
Annette Rugolo, Master Diamond Dowser of North America (for Marie Diamond Global) and Master Inner Diamond Instructor
Color Changes Everything
Learn about the 24 Quantum Colors ... where they come from and how to use them to enhance your life, your environment and your feng shui practice!
Please read our Featured Article below about this unique presentation, and plan on joining us!
Open to the Public
Members $9
Guests $54
More information about this meeting
Register Now!
Featured Article
Color Changes Everything
by Annette Rugolo
It wasn't that long ago that some of us grew up watching black and white TV and our only options were black and white photos and videos. The movie 'Pleasantville' is a perfect example of a world changing from black and white to color.
Over just the past 50 years, our world has been transformed by an explosion of color and we now have an array of color choices in our clothing, paint, cars and just about everything we purchase.
In a book by Steven Johnson 'How We Got to Now', he talks about something called the Hummingbird Effect. Because the flowers, at some point in their evolutionary cycle, became more colorful and produced nectar, part of the bird population evolved to access more of the sweet nectar the flowers were producing. The hummingbirds we enjoy now are a direct result of color!
My own world was enhanced by color in 2001 when I attended my first Inner Diamond seminar in which I was activated with 24 Quantum Colors. I learned that each color, or light frequency, has a specific quality. I also learned how to integrate these frequencies in my heart and use them to radiate light to others along with using them to transform my own life.
After being introduced to the colors, I had a lot of fun playing with them. For instance, I would integrate a color and then wait to see the results. Each color has a specific quality that becomes enhanced when using it. For instance, the Rose frequency enhances...............
FSIM Daily Healing
Our Feng Shui community values sharing members' accomplishments and life's events. We love hearing from you about job changes, promotions, new grandbabies and travel adventures, to name a few. What is also important to us is supporting each other during challenging times. Several of our members recently shared personal challenges and loss and would appreciate our support. In response, we created FSIM Daily Healing. Between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. OR 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. we ask that you please take some time to think about the following members, sending them love and healing energy: Cheryl Larson's aunt, Alma, died in October, surrounded by Cheryl's loving care. Just six weeks later, on December 12, her uncle, Lenny, received his "Angel Wings" as well. We send comforting and loving ch'i to Cheryl, her family, and especially her mother, Evelyn, the remaining sibling of that generation, to help comfort her broken heart during this challenging Christmas season.
Lisa Rock's mother, Connie, died in mid-November after a short period with Hospice care. She was 94 years old. Additionally, four days prior to her mother's death, Lisa's aunt Betty, her mother's sister, passed away. Betty was also very special to Lisa all her life, and now is another "shining star" for her. We send warm and tender energies to Lisa and her family as they grieve these losses during this holiday time. If you would like to be included in our Daily Healing, please contact Debbie Miller. We'll list your name or honor anonymity, if you prefer. Regardless, please know you will be the recipient of our collective healing energy.
FSIM Community News
We build our connections with our Feng Shui "family" members by sharing the yins and yangs (and in-betweens) of life. We are grateful for the uplifting moments, as well as the daily routines! Here are a few community updates we've learned about:
This month we definitely have a theme going!
Kathy Connors became a proud grandparent (again) on November 23. Kathy's son Patrick and his wife Meghan had their first baby, a boy named Briggs weighing 8 lb and 4 oz.
We're celebrating with Lynn Stokke on the birth of the first grandchild - Stella Rose Stokke, born December 3rd, to Lynn's son & his wife.
Debbie Miller is over the moon, as her daughter is expecting a son in April. What's up with you? Please share your news with us by contacting any board member!
calendars, we bring clarity to our day to day lives. We determine what are the top items on our daily schedule and discard the rest. So it goes decluttering, down- sizing and setting priorities are all Metal inspired. We know that metal is extracted from the Earth. This may be reflected in our lives as we separate in relationships, as we age, as we discern our values and as we turn reflective at this time of year. We may experience different levels of loss and grief. Gail Reichstein, author of Wood Becomes Water, reminds us that in our inner body, we separate subjective truth from untruth, discerning the nature of our innermost feelings. Metal shedding water. White and gray/silver are the beautiful, precise colors of metal and round is it's shape. White brings purity and freshness. Metallic, shiny gray brings a sharp, clear energy to our wardrobe and decor. These colors can be used in Holiday decorations to offset the powerful combination of green and red; wood and fire. If you have some potential fiery relationships, or are feeling too "burnt out" with the coming of Holiday visits, consider intentionally adding these colors into your decorations or table settings to bring in gentleness and refinement. Metal energy has inspired the FSIM Board this year as well. We honor our Past President, Hinda Abrahamson, and all of her gifts, passion and stewardship. We welcome our New President Elaine Anderson whose astute and calming guidance brings us forward in our new leadership. The Board is very excited as we have some exciting speakers and events planned for 2015 the distillation of many thoughtful meetings!! We continue to work toward creating enhanced value for our members in the areas of education, experiences and deepening our community connection. This is the time of year for Membership Renewal to FSIM. Please read Our newsletter and website has all the details for renewal. We hope this time of year is a blessing for all of you. Allow yourself to experience all the benefits of Metal energy. We look forward to your continued support of FSIM!!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest
Signup for our Email Newsletter |
FSIM Board Opening
Newsletter Coordinator
We are looking for someone with newsletter/ communications/ editing experience and passion. Experience with Constant Contact is a plus, but not necessary.
...Even if you don't have professional experience in these skills, but have an interest and willingness to learn, collaborate, and grow... please contact us! Our board is a diverse, fun, passionate and compassionate group! Additionally... we are looking for assistance in social media, community connections and special events. If you aren't sure about joining the board, but would like to be more involved, let us know!
If you, or someone you know, are interested in learning more about working with the FSIM Board - please contact Elaine Anderson at 763-439-3313 or
the new website!
We are hoping to launch the new FSIM website with our 2015 membership drive. Watch your emails for a separate link (practically any minute now!) that will connect you to the new 2015 membership application. The new website has the same look and feel of the old website, but should be much easier to use and will allow us to offer more options for our members. There will be more information coming at our Annual meeting, so stay tuned!
Thank you for your patience during this transition. We are testing the renewal forms now, so that when we are ready to go live - it will be a seamless transition!
There is so much to look forward to
Great speakers, enlightening continuing education for Feng Shui Certification, special events/field trips, and opportunities to connect more deeply with our Feng Shui community.
If you aren't a current member, we think you'll want to consider joining!
Watch for a separate email coming soon
with new and renewing member links!
Tuesday April 7: FSIM Members Only Meeting Guest Presenter: Joni Pohlena, B.A. Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/ Consultant, Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
A word about fees for the
Annual Meeting...
You may notice that the fees for the Annual meeting have been changed. While the non-member/guest fee has been increased to $54, the member fee has been decreased to $9.
These alterations were discussed at the October meeting, where incoming Board President, Elaine Anderson, explained that the reason behind the changes is to reflect more accurately the cost of the event to non-members/guests and to create a more tangible value for our members.
We hope having the more accurate fees will encourage potential members to see the enhanced value and benefit of joining our community!