Partnership with Nature: Connecting the Unseen with the Seen in the Garden `Barbara Bobrowitz
Over the past few weeks I'm reminded of why I chose to live in Minnesota with its distinct seasons. Each turn of the seasonal wheel brings a surge of new energy. Spring's Wood invites blossoming and active, upward growth. Our gardens are calling us to come out to play. So how do I, as a Feng Shui practitioner, take the Feng Shui wisdom harvested through years of study into my garden along Rice Creek? I go deep into the roots of Feng Shui, tuning in to my inspiration, honed by the guidelines and principles of our practice to balance both the Seen and Unseen aspects of every space. I tap into the felt knowledge that everything is energy. Since we are intimately connected to every other sentient being in the Universe, I approach every gardening project the way I approach my Feng Shui clients. Who are my clients? In gardening, it's a partnership of three: 1) the human gardener; 2) the Nature spirits; and 3) the entire landscape. Each of these voices need to be invited to speak so that all of our hopes and dreams are taken into account. First, I investigate my own intentions and wishes using the following: Questions concerning my intentions - the UnSeen - for this year's garden renewal: What qualities, habits, routines do I wish to release as I de-clutter the winter debris, thin overgrown plants, sweep off steppingstone paths, and pull weeds? What areas of my life do I want to open up? What projects or opportunities do I wish to make space for? What aspects of my chi need a reboot and re-balancing? Planning questions regarding the Seen aspects of the garden: What types of soil conditions are present and how might they need amending? What might have changed over the winter that affects how much shade and /or sunlight will be available to nourish my plants? What other conditions have changed? This year, the deer seem to have found most of my budding plants in what they consider their salad bar much earlier and a number of my perennials didn't survive the winter. What varieties may be less attractive for the deer? What types of flowers, shrubs, possibly garden ornaments, etc. do I want to add to the garden to anchor my intentions for change? Once that I'm clear about what I want, it's time to communicate these intentions to the nature spirits who reside in the ground, plants, bushes and trees with a brief ceremony. I may do one of our feng shui clearing ceremonies at the beginning of the season along with the physical de-cluttering.
Later, each time I enter the garden to shift things, I make some small offering by sprinkling a bit of water, tobacco, blessed birdseed or rice, along with a centering mantra to ground myself. My visualization of the plans for the day opens the lines of communication with the garden and prepares my partners for what's about to happen. Taking the time to do a small ceremony also helps me remain open to what my garden may be asking for that day. The conversations can be quite illuminating. Now I pose questions to hear from the other 2/3 of my team, whose answers I take into my meditation and journaling time: Questions for my garden and its spirits: What do you want me to add, move, or take out? Are there perennials that are not longer happy to be here or are so overgrown that they are calling out to be thinned and moved? Which ones? Which new plants, bushes, and/or trees would be beneficial for you? Are new garden ornaments needed or wanted? Where would you like to have me place anything new that's coming in? And other questions arise as needed.... Listening deeply to the suggestions from all the garden team members enables me to make the most effective Feng Shui adjustments. From this guidance, I make my garden renewal plan and head out to the local greenhouses. Shopping excursions with my unseen partners mean that I pay attention when I "hear" other plants or things that beg to jump into the cart and be taken home for my garden. Every year my shade garden gets some splashes of yang energy in the form of brightly colored annuals that blossom throughout the season while being quite comfortable in the deep shade. The Five Elements of Chinese Medicine influence which annuals I choose based on their overall shape, or leaf and flower shape, or colors. Alternately, I can select colors according to which gua they will land in. Other possible Yang elements may include things to attract animals i.e. a bird bath or feeder; something moving like flags, spinners, whirligigs; a fish pond or fountain, etc. Our Feng Shui tradition provides so many options! My only sun garden contains a few pots of vegetables and a hanging basket on my deck. We're still in conversation about what yin item will be added this year to create the proper yin-yang balance there. Yin elements we're considering include a small statue, a decorative stone or two, or possibly, a dark-colored trellis. Our garden evolves as this three-way communication continues through the seasons. Every change is reinforced with the Three Secrets at the end of every visit to my garden, connecting the visible additions (and subtractions!) with the invisible power of intention to heal and smooth our own chi, the chi of the neighborhood, city, country, and, ultimately, of the Planet. |
Summer Solstice Celebration and Bonfire The next FSIM C3 Circle will be held on Friday, June 21st at 7:00 pm We are reaching Midsummer, when the days are longer than the nights. It is a time of celebrating the fullness of life and of taking the time to raise our energy to regenerate abundance and manifest our dreams.
How can we do this? Celebrate the outer and inner light with a summer BONFIRE! Solstice comes from the Latin word sol, meaning Sun and sistere, meaning to come to a stop or stand still. On the day of the June solstice, the Sun reaches its northernmost position, as seen from the Earth. At that moment, its course does not move north or south as during most other days of the year, but it stands still at the Tropic of Cancer. It then reverses its direction and starts moving south again.
Don't forget to bring your red envelopes or letters from your clients for the fire. There will also be an opportunity to write down your intentions and release it in the fire.
There will be drumming, s'mores and more! Bring your own chair, beverage and a snack to share with the group. If you have a drum or a rattle - you are welcome to bring it.
Don't miss the drum making class offered especially for our FSIM members on June 9th or September 8th. There is more information below. *There is no rain date as of yet. If the weather is bad - watch the Facebook site for updates.
Register HERE for the C3 Summer Solstice event. (Address and Details to follow with registration). |
Fashion-Felines-Feng Shui
Once again we are having our Fashion-Felines-Feng Shui Event at Scarborough Fair Shop! This is an exquisite place for Carole Hyder's Fashion Feng Shui presentation. The reason for this fundraiser is Caring for Cats.
You will learn about the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) and how to work them into how we dress.
A percentage of each purchase will be donated to Caring for Cats - a non-profit, no-kill, all volunteer shelter for cats and kittens.
Saturday, June 22 at 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Presentations at 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm.
Special Announcement and Opportunity: We are excited to announce that FSIM's 20th Anniversary Annual Meeting will be held at The Marsh on Thursday, January 9, 2020. Our keynote speaker that evening will be Jaime Meyer of Drumming the Soul Awake. We will be inviting anyone that has their own drum to bring it to the event.
In anticipation of the 20th Anniversary event, FSIM has scheduled two separate Drum Making workshops, with renowned drum maker, Wayne Manthey. So, if you have ever dreamed of having AND making your own drum, this is your chance! In the workshop, Wayne will walk attendees through the steps to make their own drum. He will provide the wooden frame, deer hide, stain, etc.; you'll want to bring a small rock or other smooth object - one that could fit easily into the palm of your hand - that can go inside the drum handle.
You can choose to make a 13" or 16" drum. The 13" drum will generally have a somewhat higher tone; the 16" drum will generally have a lower tone (but not always). Many people choose the larger drum, but either one will be amazing!
Pick a workshop: OR Sunday, September 8th 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm
Pick a Drum:13" Drum $126.00 16" Drum $162.00
You will want to sign up ASAP, as each workshop is limited to eight participants. Because of the small class size, we are limiting these workshops to FSIM Practitioners and Friend Members only (unless we have additional space prior to the workshops.) If there is significant interest, we may set up additional workshops.
Sign Up Here!
Spam Update
Many FSIM Members recently received an email that looked like spam/junk. And, it may happen more often now. The fantastic news is that our website is now more visible in internet searches! The not-so-fantastic news is that not only can our future clients and members find us, so can people who would like to ask us for a million dollars or to be best friends or to send them gift cards - all sorts of scams!
Here are a few tips on how to handle not just scam emails from your FSIM info, but any suspicious email: - NEVER open attachments in or reply to any suspicious email, whether it's related to your FSIM directory listing or otherwise. Delete and block emails when you receive them.
- Anyone who can read the online directory can choose to send individual or group emails to any email listed, or can call any phone number listed. FSIM has no control over who reads and accesses the online directory. The purpose is for legit possible clients to find members about classes and appointments, but no one can control who uses posted information or how.
- There is no way for FSIM to control or block people from contacting members listed on the online directory. However, each member can choose to block a sender from sending more emails in their own private email settings (e.g. Google, Hotmail, Outlook). If members receive a phone call from an unwanted caller, they can also block calls on their own phone carrier (phone company if land line, Verizon, Sprint - use phone settings if possible on cell phones).
- If you do not want either your email or cell phone (or both) listed in the directory, you can log in at, go to your Dashboard and change your information in the "Practitioner Details" section. Note: do not change your information in the "Contact Information" section. That section is for FSIM use only and is not shared or published. We keep this information for FSIM to contact members as needed.
Thank you for letting us know about these emails!
The FSIM Web Committee
Meet your FSIM Board Members! Spotlight on Sonia Ellis
Sonia Ellis: FSIM Board Secretary
I was born and raised in Montevideo, Uruguay by British born parents. I have one younger brother (who lives in Uruguay with his family) and an older half sister (who lives in Australia with her family). I moved to the United States in 2005 with my husband, Josh, our then college-bound daughter, Maggie and our 7-month old daughter, Isabella. Maggie studied at UNLV for five years and then moved back to the Twin Cities. By then we already had another daughter, Angelina.
Our family home is a 107-year old house in St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. Maggie and her "manfriend" Kevin live in Woodbury.
In 2008 a Wind and Water student "feng shuied" our home, and although I had heard/read about Feng Shui before, I was hooked! I attended Wind and Water and graduated in 2010. I love this fascinating art, have done consultations, practice many of its rituals and keep in contact with many Feng Shui consultants. My time is still mostly devoted to tending to our family but I do a lot of volunteer work at our church and our girls' school. I am also an online customer service person for a health product site.
It is an honor to be part of the FSIM Board. Thank you for our trust and friendship.
Courtesy of FSIM Board of Directors Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest |
FSIM C3 Circle Celebrations
We are excited to announce that C3 events where we have a speaker/mini-lecture will now be eligible for .5 CEUs for Practitioner members. If an event is "experiential" (drumming, readings) or a purely social gathering, we will not offer CEUs. How will you know? Please check the description on the Constant Contact event link when it comes out, or check you Dashboard on the FSIM website the day AFTER the event to see if the CEU is listed for you to select.
All Practitioner members who attended Amy Randy's talk at the March 2019 C3 event can log in and check their Dashboard on, and add that CEU. Please note that the event date is actually March 22, 2019, but we are listing it as May 1, 2019, so that it can be counted for this cycle of renewals. If you have not yet logged in for the first time and need assistance, please contact Web Coordinator Megan Eagledale at
Designing Your Home, Office and Life with Vision Boards! ~ Julie Ann Segal
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Networking and Socializing 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Meeting and Program (Note time change)
15000 Minnetonka Boulevard, Minnetonka, MN 55345 (952) 935-2202 Members $0 admission and supply fee* Non-Members admission $27.00 and supply fee*
* Supply Fee of $12.00 for all participants is due the night of the class and payable directly to Julie Ann Segal. This is no ordinary Vision Board class - get ready to bring your intentions to life with Julie Ann's creativity, quality materials and your vision. Participants are asked to bring 3 or more magazines to share with class. Register Early!! Participants will receive a Dream Sheet worksheet ahead of class to fill out and bring with them to class for a head start on clarity.
Designing Your Home and Life with Vision Boards
In this class, Designing Your Home and Life with Vision Boards, in Julie Ann's Change Your Space, Change Your Life Series, she will guide you to go deeper into discovery about thinking about your home; what it feels and looks like. Even as Feng Shui experts we sometimes don't take the time to re-evaluate our own spaces. This is a good opportunity to focus on you! What is a vision board?
A vision board is surface to display images on that represent what you want for your life. It's one of the many tools that can help you to visualize your intentions and get you into the right frame of mind to achieve them. Vision boards can include images, drawings, photographs or words. Creating a vision board is a process of discovery. We all want more or less of something. More money, less stress. More romance, less conflict. More career advancement, less health worries. During this class you are going to figure out what you want more of and what you want less of. You'll learn more about how you'd like your home to look and feel, and how that connects with what you want for your life. At the end of the class, you'll leave with: = Clarity = Creative ideas = A fresh perspective = Opportunities for change PLUS, you'll have a tangible visual representation of your goals and desires, to hold the energy of your intentions and inspire you. With your Vision Board and your fresh Feng Shui design perspective, you can align your space with what you truly desire. It can really make a difference!
For the greater part of her 30+ year career, Julie Ann Segal has been an Interior Designer and Feng Shui Consultant helping people create the homes and businesses of their dreams. In 1992, she opened her own firm, Metro Interiors, with her motto being "change your space, change your life."
A Certified Infinite Possibilities trainer, Julie Ann has studied under Mike Dooley, creator and author of Notes from the Universe and The New York Times best seller, Infinite Possibilities.
With her range of knowledge and expertise, Julie Ann partners with clients to create beautiful spaces by becoming mindful of their desires and using intention to support their visions. Taking projects from start to finish, Julie Ann and team aim to make the process as enjoyable as possible.
From concepts to reality, Julie Ann will be your guide. With access to quality contractors and product resources for all interior design needs: from Lighting to Flooring, Wall Coverings to Window Treatments, Furniture, Accessories, Art and more, in a variety of price ranges and styles, you can be sure to find the interior design products and services just the right fit to make the vision for your space - and your life - come alive.
Register Now!
(1.5 CEU Credit)
Practical Mysticism ~ The Way of the Future ~
~William Meader Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Networking/Socializing
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Meeting and Program 15000 Minnetonka Boulevard, Minnetonka, 55345. (952) 935-2202 Open to the public Members $27, Friends/Non-Members/Guests admission $36 Practical Mysticism is a new paradigm that is beginning to shape the consciousness of spiritually-minded people. It is an approach to the spiritual journey that involves developing a mystical connection to the soul, while at the same time remaining grounded, mentally focused, and outwardly effective in daily life. In this presentation, William Meader will examine Practical Mysticism from several perspectives, including the importance of blending love and will, creative meditation, and how to use the mind to properly register the soul's intuitions. William Meader is an international teacher of The Esoteric Philosophy (Ageless Wisdom). He presents a variety of esoteric topics to audiences in Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He has authored 'Shine Forth: The Soul's Magical Destiny' and numerous articles
To post your classes or events in the next Change Your Space - Change Your Life - A New Class Series with Julie Ann Segal Designing Your Home and Life With Vision Boards Saturday, October 26, 2019 9:30am - 1:00pm
Health, Wealth & Relationship Workshop
Healthy living starts with your home. Learn tips to create spaces that support your health, increase your abundance and improve your relationships! Please seen Michele's website for more classes -
2019 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Open to the public, free to members) Tuesday, July 16, 2019 - Julie Ann Segal, Vision Boards Saturday, October 5, 2019 - Chinese Garden Tour with Linda Mealy Lohman 2019 FSIM Special Events:
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 - William Meader, Topic TBD
2019 FSIM 3C Circle (Conscious Community Circle) Events: Friday, June 21, 2019 - Summer Solstice - Bonfire in Circle Pines, 6:30 - 9:00 pm Friday, September 20, 2019 - Fall Equinox - Bonfire in St. Paul, 6:30 - 9:00 pm 2019 FSIM Volunteering Opportunities:
Volunteering at Bridging Thursday, August 15, 2019, 1:00 - 4:00 pm Roseville Warehouse, 1730 Terrace Dr, Roseville, MN 55113 |