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Liu Ming Yuan:  
~The Newest Cultural Treasure in Your Backyard ~
~Linda Mealey-Lohmann

FSIM is offering its members an exclusive private tour of Liu Ming Yuan on October 5, 2019. During the tour you will learn about the history of the sister-city relationship between St. Paul and Changsha, the history of the Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society, the history of Liu Ming Yuan and the role Feng Shui principles played in this project, the symbolism and meaning of the poetry found there, and the reason for including a Hmong Heritage Wall in this China Friendship Garden.

Liu Ming Yuan: The Newest Cultural Treasure in Your Backyard
Did you know that the Twin Cities is now home to "Liu Ming Yuan" - the St. Paul-Changsha China Friendship Garden of Whispering Willows and Flowing Waters at Phalen Regional Park in St. Paul, Minnesota? Liu Ming Yuan is a place for contemplation and meditation, a place to be artistically inspired (poetry writing, photography, painting), and a place for celebrations (weddings, birthdays, or afternoon tea with friends).  
Liu Ming Yuan is the creation of the efforts of the Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society (MCFGS), a small non-profit that has worked tirelessly for more than a decade to realize its dream of building a China Friendship Garden in the Twin Cities. Liu Ming Yuan was officially opened to the public in July 2019 during a Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting ceremony attended by dignitaries from China, St. Paul, and the Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society. Construction in 2018 and 2019 on Phase I saw the completion of the beautiful open-air Xiang Jiang Pavilion, Hmong Heritage Wall, West Entrance Archway, and Donor Wall.
6 facts you should know about Liu Ming Yuan:
  • Former St. Paul Mayor George Latimer traveled to Changsha in 1988 to sign the sister-city agreement between St. Paul and Changsha. That laid the foundation for a series of educational, business, and cultural exchanges over the years. St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter will send a city delegation to Changsha in October 2019 to further strengthen this relationship.
  • MCFGS became a 501(c)3 non-profit in 2005. Its mission was to build China Friendship Gardens based on the sister-city relationships with China after realizing there were 5 Japanese gardens and no China Gardens in Minnesota.
  • Liu Ming Yuan is a collaboration initiated by the MCFGS, with the St. Paul Parks & Recreation Department and the City of Changsha and the Changsha Hunan Jianke Construction company.
  • The Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society raised more than $1.1 million dollars over the last 2 years, mostly from individual donors to finance the constructions.
  • The Xiang Jiang Pavilion, a replica of one of four famous pavilions in China, is a gift from the City of Changsha and Changsha's Yanghu Wetlands Park to St. Paul, and is the key landmark of Liu Ming Yuan.
  • Liu Ming Yuan is a multi-phase multi-year project estimated at $7 million. Fundraising is ongoing to raise the final $250,000 to complete Phase I in 2019, which will including pathways, rocks with poetry, flowers and shrubs, flowering trees, etc.
Linda Mealey-Lohmann is the President and Co-Founder of the MN China Friendship Garden Society (2005) and manages the day-to-day operations of the organization. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in East Asian Studies, a Master's Degree in Chinese Language and 
Literature, and is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. She has taught Chinese at all levels, from preschool to college, and has traveled to China 22 times over thirty-five years. She is an avid gardener, and has a deep interest in China, Chinese culture and Chinese Gardens. She
received her law degree from the University of Minnesota and works as a mediator and arbitrator, helping parties in conflict avoid going to court and resolve their disputes (formerly an employment law litigator). She is past Vice President of the US-China Peoples Friendship Association-MN Chapter and has helped to organize many public cultural China-related events.  She is the proud mother of a recent Chemical Engineering graduate from the U of M College of Science and Engineering (her daughter!). 

FSIM CEUs 1.5  

Come Gather Around The Bonfire and Joins us for
Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities!  

Dear FSIM Practitioners, Members, Friends and Guests,

You are Invited on Friday, September 20, 2019, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM to the FSIM C3 Circle Bonfire and Equinox Celebration!  All are welcome!   
"Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities" 

Date:  Friday, September 20, 2019  
Time:  7:00-10:00 PM  
Place: Hosted by Sonia Ellis in her St. Paul backyard    

Our FSIM C3 Circle (C3 is Conscious, Compassionate, Community) will be held in Sonia's backyard in St. Paul. We will have Kim Julen in town with us!!

Kim will be with us and give us instruction about:

Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities 

In this engaging and fun session, you will learn:
  • The three main ways universal guidance comes to us
  •  When and how to ask for universal messages
  •  How to interpret the messages
The difference between signs, symbols and synchonicities and ways to be open to receiving more of all of them. 

There will be light appetizers and beverages provided, as well as s'mores after! Please feel free to bring something to share if you'd like too!  We will be outside, so please dress for the weather and bring along a lawn chair. 
Remember to bring your red envelopes and anything else you'd like to elevate to the heavens by throwing them into the fire! 

"Blankets for Bridging!" 

FSIM is collecting new and gently used blankets for Bridging. Each year Bridging serves over 13,000 people. Bring along blankets to help families in need!

If it looks like rain, check the FSIM Facebook page for updated information.

Questions? Contact Sonia Ellis
Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest 

~The Year of Living Danishly~
- By Jane Petrich, FSIM Membership
Reflecting on the connections between The Year of Living Danishly (by Helen Russell) and The Joy of Hygge (by Jonny Jackson and Elias Larsen) with our Feng Shui World.
Jane Petrich
My book club recently read "The Year of Living Danishly."  It is a true story of a UK couple that moved to Denmark so the husband could begin a new job with the Lego Company. 

They soon found out that Denmark was a happy place to live (recently rated #1 in the world of happy places to live.)
Helen wrote in a way that reminded me of some of the tools emphasized in my Feng Shui training; Keep things simple, make your environment as beautiful as you can, be present, celebrate the simple things in life, get rid of annoying things, find gentle soothing things to add your home and self - things that are good for the soul.
In "The Joy of Hygge", the authors describe hygge as a way to be comfortable, cozy and at peace in the world. I would like to share a few tips from the book that fit into our Feng Shui world. 
- Fill your home/space with light, natural or with candles.
- Use nature displays / Experience nature which is great for our mind and soul.
- Be comfortable in your home." Get Cozy."
- Make your home beautiful - declutter.
In our Feng Shui studies, we learned to create space that is a sanctuary. This is so entwined with how the Danes create hygge in their homes.
Whatever we do in our busy lives we need to remember to create spaces that nurture our mind, body and soul.
Get Hygge*!
Jane Rasmussen Petrich
*"Get hygge"  (pronounced as "hoo-gah")

Practical Mysticism
~ The Way of the Future ~
By Sonia Ellis, FSIM Secretary

On Tuesday, September 10th, William Meader blew our 40 attendees minds I am sure! I know it made me think all the way home.  

We are in a very crucial moment in time and space. William's presentation last night on Practical Mysticism explained a lot of what is happening these days on our planet. It is a new paradigm that is beginning to shape the consciousness of spiritually minded people that involves developing a mystical connection to the soul, while being grounded, mentally focused and outwardly effective in daily life.

As we move from one era to another, the outgoing Pisces and incoming Aquarius will inevitably clash, but humanity is ready for its first initiation. We need to stand strong; we need to remain grounded in our soul but listening to our heart. Each zodiac sign is represented in our body, Aquarius represents the circulatory system where as Leo represents the heart. How fitting that the one cannot live without the other!

The next six years are crucial for mankind, 2025 will withhold a big shift. Be present, meditate, stay grounded, use good form, we all have a role to play. As William stated: "No person, no institution, no religion has found the truth, but every person, every institution, every religion has a piece of it."

Taurus Mantra: "I see and when the eye is open all is illumined."

Thank you William for and 'eye' opening evening!
Meet your FSIM Board Members!
Spotlight on Nancy Baxter, 
FSIM Board as Ambassador for Community Engagement

I was drawn into the study of Feng Shui years ago when I found an immediate solution to my child's sleeping problem after reading one of Carole Hyder's books and applying her recommended solution. I literally saw an answer overnight and from that moment on, I was hooked. I've had an interest in the alternative therapies for years.  While my background is in nursing, I went back to school to study massage and now I work as a massage therapist with seniors.  

I'm a mother of 4 grown children and a recent, first-time grandmother. Each of my children was born in a different state, so we moved a lot in the early years, including overseas in Belgium! I'm originally from Duluth, however, so once we moved back to Minnesota, we opted to stay. I studied with the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui in 2003-2004. One day, shortly after beginning my study in the fall of 2003, I heard a crash behind me as I raced out the door with a child's forgotten lunch. My front door had fallen off it's hinges! I had never known anyone who has lost their front door! To me it was a confirming sign, a loud wake up call telling me that I was where I needed to be. 

For me, Feng Shui was a very personal journey. I tended to lack the confidence to do consultations for others, but throughout the years I have appreciated the FSIM quarterly meetings and I see places through Feng Shui eyes. I spent years trying to figure out the relationship piece in my life. I'm now 2 years divorced after 33 years of marriage. I recently sold our family home and bought a townhome. Having less to care for will afford me more time for family, friends, time out in nature and travel! I have appreciated the FSIM community and now look forward to trying to give back for all I have received. 

Courtesy of
Board of Directors

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest
Member Classes/Workshops
To post your classes or events in the next
newsletter, please contact Victoria at:  Newsletter@FSIM.org

It's About Your Space:
How Your Space Affects Your Productivity
Carole Hyder will be speaking at the artbarn52 

Thursday, September 26, 2019
4:30pm - 6:00pm

Donations to Caring for Cats.  

Set Sail Program 
9-week Set Sail Program, Wind & Water School 

Beginning Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Living in the Sacred Dimension
Carole Hyder, Annette Rugolo and Dawn Morningstar will be presenting a day-long event.

Sunday, October 13, 2019
9:30am - 4:30pm
    The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
 Change Your Space - Change Your Life - A New Class Series with   Julie Ann Segal

Designing Your Home and Life With Vision Boards
  Saturday, October 26, 2019
  9:30am - 1:00pm

 Save the 2019 Dates  
2019 FSIM  3C Circle (Conscious Community Circle) Events:

Friday, September 20, 2019 - Fall Equinox - Bonfire in St. Paul, 6:30 - 9:00 pm

2019 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Open to the public, free to members)  

Saturday, October  5, 2019  - Chinese Garden Tour with Linda Mealy Lohman

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