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October 2019  

2020 Annual Meeting
20th Anniversary Special Event!

The Most Important Question 
You Can Ask About Purpose
~Jaime Meyer~

FSIM will be celebrating it's 20th Anniversary on January 9, 2020!!

Our guest speaker is Jaime Meyer!  Here is a littile information about him:

Jaime Meyer's eclectic background includes earning a Masters' Degree in Theology and the Arts from United Seminary of the Twin Cities (1998) and studies with a variety of shamanic teachers since 1983. His book "Drumming The Soul Awake" is an often funny and touching account of his journey to become an urban shamanic practitioner. Since 2001 he has led popular drumming and ceremonial events around the Twin Cities including Winter Solstice ceremonies attended by hundreds of people each year.  

Watch for more information about this special event!!

~Picture/Photo Request~
- To the FSIM Membership
Hello FSIM Family!

We are asking all members/friends who have any photographs taken during any and all FSIM events to share them with us please!
Jane and I are putting together a PowerPoint presentation for the 20th Anniversary Annual Meeting in which we hope to capture the wonderful moments shared with you!    2019 Summer Solstice
Please upload the documents and email them to: FSIMBoard@gmail.com 


Jane Petrich and Sonia Ellis
Lion Dance

The Bonfire 
Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities!  

We enjoyed an FSIM C3 Circle Bonfire and Equinox Celebration! 
"Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities" 
Our FSIM C3 Circle (C3 is Conscious, Compassionate, Community) was held in Sonia's backyard in St. Paul. Kim Julen was in town and joined us!!

Kim shared this article:

She told us the differences of Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities 

We learned the three main ways universal guidance comes to us; when and how to ask for universal messages; how to interpret the messages; and ways to be open to receiving more of all of them. 

Liu Ming Yuan:  
~The Newest Cultural Treasure in Your Backyard ~
~Victoria Kaupp-Barkhoff 

Linda Mealey-Lohmann took FSIM members on an exclusive, private tour of the Liu Ming Yuan on October 5, 2019. During the tour we learned about the sister-city relationship between St. Paul and Changsha, and the role Feng Shui principles played in this project, the symbolism and meaning of the poetry found there, and the reason for including a Hmong Heritage Wall in this China Friendship Garden.

It was a rainy, cloudy day for a backdrop of the Liu Ming Yuan, the St. Paul-Changsha China Friendship Garden of Whispering Willows and Flowing Waters at Phalen Regional Park in St. Paul, Minnesota. We had a very damp day, but very informative. It is a very peaceful and contemplative place. Our guide, Linda Mealey-Lohmann, has been involved from the beginning and was able to share so much information, I would love to go back and learn even more!

Liu Ming Yuan is a place for contemplation and meditation, a place to be artistically inspired (poetry writing, photography, painting), and a place for celebrations (weddings, birthdays, or afternoon tea with friends). 

To learn more about the St Paul-Changsha China Friendship Garden of Whispering Willows and Flowing Waters at Phalen Park and TheMinnesota China Friendship Garden Society visit their website at www.mnchinagarden.org.  
Meet your FSIM Board Members!
Spotlight on Michelle Skally Doilney
Co-Vice President

Alongside my corporate career in project management, I spent years studying energy work, from Reiki to yoga. While working at a publisher's booth at a women's conference back in 2002, I attended a lecture with Carole Hyder and felt "at home" with Feng Shui
enough to sign up for her certification program. I have been learning and sharing my knowledge ever since then! Over the years, what I learn and what I teach/share blended together in a mix of environments: home, office, body, mind.

My path has taken me from Minnesota (where I live a few months out of the year) to Park
City, Utah, where I live full-time with my husband Jim. Though I never had children of
my own, I keep very busy with my 15 nieces, nephews, and step-grandchildren in both
MN and UT. I've spent many years focused on family - both the enjoyable stuff as well
as several long-term family health situations. Lucky to focus on those things as well as to
teach/work on projects a few times a year, I am now looking at teaching and consulting
more, hopefully in UT, MN, and other countries. My work is taking me further into
letting go on all levels (mind and room clutter), and into working with change and death
- life's bookends.

For me, Feng Shui, using one's space to make changes, ties together all environments,
from inner self to outer actions and relationships. Being part of FSIM on the Board is a
way for me to deepen and share my own spaces and experiences. I hope to meet more and
more of our members in person over time as I'm in MN.

Courtesy of
Board of Directors

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest
Member Classes/Workshops
To post your classes or events in the next newsletter, 
please contact Victoria at:  Newsletter@FSIM.org

  Change Your Space - Change Your Life - A New Class Series with      Julie Ann Segal, Metro Interiors

Designing Your Home and Life With Vision Boards
   Saturday, October 26, 2019
   9:30am - 1:00pm

 Diamond Dowsing Basic
 Annette Rugolo, Creating Pathways to an Enlightened Life

 October 25-26, 2019
 9:00am - 5:00pm both days

 Feng Shui Workshop | Change Your Space, Change Your Life
 Michele Heisler, Riverway Consulting Feng Shui & Coaching

 This workshop is designed to explain the principles of Feng Shui and   a   starting point in discovering how the energy of things around you     impacts your life.
 Saturday, January 18, 2020
     9:00am - 12:00 Noon

 Save the 2020 Dates  
2020 Annual Meeting

Thursday, January 9, 2020

2020 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Open to the public, free to members)  

Dates to follow.

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