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March 2020   

A Message from FSIM President,
Deborah Miller

The world is facing an issue of enormous scale and human impact caused by the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our FSIM Board of Directors has been monitoring the situation and following guidance from public health officials, including the Centers for Disease Control so that we can make the best decisions concerning the upcoming FSIM scheduled events.

Because of these suggested guidelines, we have decided to postpone our "Heal the Healers" meeting until a later date (TBD). Catherine Duncan, our scheduled April speaker, has graciously offered to speak to us instead of tools that we can use to relax and feel calm during this global crisis. This April 7th meeting will be held via Zoom rather than in person. See more details below in this newsletter.

We will stay in communication with you as developments unfold by posting updates on our FSIM Facebook page, in the FSIM Newsletter, and on the FSIM website.
FSIM wishes to support our Feng Shui community in the best way possible by staying connected and safeguarding the health of our members, family, and friends.

Sending you all Love and Light!

Deborah Miller

FSIM is not an authority in addressing infectious diseases and we urge you to continue to seek appropriate medical advice from your healthcare professional.

"Balance and Ease in a Time of Uncertainty"  
~ Rev. Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC
Integrative Spiritual Consultant

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
FSIM April 2020 Quarterly Meeting
7:00 PM - Meeting with speaker, Catherine Duncan

Balance and Ease in a Time of Uncertainty

We are living today in a time of uncertainty because of Covid-19. Just turn on the news and you will get a blast of fear, and uncertainty. 

How do you lessen the fear and panic that is encircling all of us and bring peace into your life? 

By practicing coming back into your body and your breath, in just this moment, you consciously take a step away from panic and fear. You are preventing fear and anxiety from running your life. You are becoming the master of your mind. 

April 7 - Join our zoom call and learn how to become the master of your mind. Learn about the power of presence through breath, meditation, body movement, tapping, and self-soothing that will bring peace into your daily life. 

Integrative Spiritual Consultant, Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC, Learning To Live LLC, will lead us in several experiential exercises to open your mind, body, and spirit and bring you into peace and equanimity. 

Click on the link below to learn more on creating balance before the zoom call - 

A bit about Catherine:

Catherine is an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ and a covenant member with Plymouth Congregational Church. She is a board-certified chaplain, spiritual director, energy healer, tapping (EFT) practitioner, and certified in neuroplasticity training. She also works with mind-body therapies and aromatherapy.

Catherine received her Master of Arts in Theology and Spiritual Direction Certificate from St. Catherine University in St Paul, MN. She also holds a Master of Divinity equivalency from United Theological Seminary in New Brighton, MN.

Catherine is passionate about whole person healing with a focus on emotional and spiritual health. With a reverence for exploring the sacredness and meaning of life, she companions individuals on their journey. She works extensively in chronic illness, life transitions, grief, loss, and finding meaning and purpose.

Catherine speaks on resiliency, self-compassion, and self-care in the community. Her article on prayer can be found at the University of Minnesota's Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing website - Taking Charge of Your Health. She publishes a bi-monthly blog on awakening.

Catherine has served as a spiritual care provider with Fairview Home Care and Hospice, HCMC, and Good Samaritan. She works with Partners in Resilience, MN Personalized Medicine, and has her own private practice. Learn more about her private practice at www.learningtolive.org.

Catherine lives in Minneapolis with her husband and has two adult children.

Communications Coordinator Position

It is with sadness that we announce that Victoria Kaupp-Barkhoff will be leaving the FSIM Board as Communications Coordinator at the end of her term; she has been named President of the Caring for Cats organization, which will be a huge commitment, and knew she had to let something go. 

 We thank Victoria for the dedication she has given to sending out our FSIM monthly newsletters and event emails, as well as the rest of her contributions to our organization over the past two years.  You will be missed, but we do look forward to seeing you at FSIM meetings!

That leaves the Communications Coordinator position open, so if you are interested in learning more about the position and being a member on the FSIM Board of Directors, please contact Debbie Miller, Michelle Skally Doilney or Ellen Johnson; we'd be happy to talk to you!  Our contact information can be found on the FSIM Practitioners page

A Note from Victoria

I would like to thank the FSIM Board the wonderful opportunity to serve. This is an exceptional group of women! 

I want to thank all of content contributors for the wonderful articles! Keep them coming.

I also want to thank my Constant Contact teachers, Elaine Anderson and the ultimate teacher Cheryl Larson, who has not only taught me but also stepped in when needed. I thank you, both!

As with many of you, I started my FSIM journey as a student of Carole Hyder and the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui. If you would have told me 12 years ago I'd be in this place, I wouldn't have believed it. I am still a student and always learning. 

I am honored to be associated with and be a part of FSIM. 

Thank you!
Victoria Kaupp-Barkhoff
Membership Renewal!

Did You Know?

We are Making Membership Renewal Easier!!

Members can add their OWN Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). We have added a drop-down menu loaded with approved classes an events for you to pick from! Upon completion or attendance of the class or event, simply log into your account. On your member dashboard (the first page you see after signing in) scroll down to the bottom left for the "CEU from EVENT" button and find your class/event. When your renewal time comes, your credits will already be listed for you. If you do not see your class/event listed, you have two choices: Manually add by clicking the "Manual CEU Entry" button or send an email to us and we are happy to help!

Practitioners are required to have 6 CEU credits in order to renew. 

**Wind and Water's Annual Retreat fulfills the entire annual requirement for Continuing Ed.**
**Attending All of our Quarterly Meetings also fulfills the annual requirement for Continuing Ed**

Membership Questions: Membership@fsim.org

Website Questions (including logging into your account): WebsiteCoordinator@fsim.org 
Member Classes/Workshops
To post your classes or events in the next newsletter, 
please contact Victoria at:  Newsletter@FSIM.org


  • New site! Hopefully you've heard the news - we changed our name (slightly), re-branded, launched a new site, and are expanding! Visit www.windwatercenter.com to check out our catalog of classes! We'll be adding more regularly. This will be great for those that have last minute CEU needs; now you'll have a bunch of options at your fingertips. Do let us know if you have a request for a class.
  • Navigate the Voyage: Professional Certification Program will start March 25, 2020. If you know someone that might be interested, have them give us a call!  Also, we offer a discounted rate to past certified students who are interested in reviewing. Contact Lisa for more information. 
Carole Hyder news:

Dowsing & Feng Shui in Real Life

Observe Carole Hyder, Feng Shui expert, and Annette Rugolo, dowsing expert, as they provide advice and suggestions to a real-life client.

See first-hand how collaboration between the two ancient approaches can create
a powerfully harmonious space.
Sunday, April 19, 2020 

Each appointment runs from  3:30 to 6:30 PM and includes:
  • One hour of dowsing
  • One hour of Feng Shui
  • One-and-a-half hours of discussion afterwards
*Group size limited to 10 participants.

Feng Shui Workshop | Change Your Space, Change Your Life
Michele Heisler, Riverway Consulting Feng Shui & Coaching

This workshop is designed to explain the principles of Feng Shui and a starting point in discovering how the energy of things around you impacts your life.

Saturday, April 18, 2020
9:00am - 12:00 Noon
Healing Waters 
6150 Oren Ave N 
Stillwater, MN 55082

 Save the 2020 Dates  
2020 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Open to the public, free to members)   

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 (via Zoom)-Balance and Ease in a Time of Uncertainty, Catherine Duncan

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - TBD, David Motzenbecker

Saturday, October 10, 2020 - Field Trip - Hindu Temple Tour

2020 FSIM Special Event

Saturday, July 25, 2020 - Forest Bathing, David Motzenbecker (rain delay - 8/1/20)


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