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May 2020   

Greetings from FSIM!

Because there is still so much uncertainty at this time, we will continue to to provide events, but have restructured them as Zoom events to adhere to social distancing guidelines.  

Please read on to see the upcoming FSIM events that we're excited to share with you.  We hope that you are able to join us! 

We are committed to continuing to provide events that will help to lift your Chi and remind you of the tools that you have to navigate through this pandemic.

We also know that some of us may have recently lost incomes and jobs, making it challenging to budget expenses and make ends meet. If this is your situation, please contact either Debbie Miller, FSIM President, or Ellen Johnson, FSIM Vice President, to request a partial refund of your 2020 Membership fees (https://www.fsim.org/PractitionerDirectory). We hope that this will make a difference and allow you to remain a member. We love our members and want to keep you and continue to connect with you!

We hope you are all healthy and experiencing moments of joy each and every day! 

~Your FSIM Board

FSIM is not an authority in addressing infectious diseases and we urge you to continue to seek appropriate medical advice from your healthcare professional.
We are pleased to announce an FSIM special event:

The Pandemic as a Mirror of Your Ch'i 
with Carole Hyder and Lisa Janusz

Tuesday, June 9, 2020
7:00PM - 8:30PM - Presentation
via Zoom

This time of quarantine is providing everyone with an opportunity to explore how drastic change can affect our ch'i.  Being a time of enormous transformation, we can tap our infinite wisdom or stay in fear and worry or try to ignore it.  Carole and Lisa will be discussing Professor Lin's energy archetypes, how to better navigate through the negative influences and how to lift your own ch'i.
CEUs = 1.0
Free for FSIM Members; Non-Members $18.

FSIM C3 Summer Solstice Gathering

Date: Friday, June 19th
Time: 7:00 to 8:30 PM

You are invited to our FSIM C3 Circle (C3 is Consious, Compassionate, Community) Summer Solstice Celebration!  We'll be celebrating online with our special guests, Carolyn Vinup, Annette Rugolo, and Cheryl Larson:

Elevate your home.  A Feng Shui Case Study 
Feng Shui sisters, Carolyn Vinup and Cheryl Larson, along with Annette Rugolo, join forces to share how Feng Shui principles, blessing ceremonies, and dowsing up-leveled the consciousness of the Vinup's home.

Activate the Consciousness of the Central Sun

In honor of the Summer Solstice, our time together will focus on the Bagua section of Fame & Reputation and Fire. A high-level overview will explore Fire's ability to destroy or ignite, build momentum, restore, and awaken inner radiance. You will experience a guided meditation focusing on your relationship with the Central Sun, which is in the center of your heart, and can be visualized as the thousand petal lotus flower. The Central Sun meditation will be accompanied by the healing qualities of crystal singing bowls. After, you will feel lighter, brighter, and more radiant. 
You are invited to gather the following items prior to the virtual ZOOM meeting start time.
  • paper and a pen
  • a glass of water that we will charge with an intention
  • an orange
  • paper towel
  • a small baggie
  • a candle and matches
  • blanket or pillow for the meditation portion (you may choose to lie down for the experience)
  • an open and grateful heart
We look forward to our time together. May you find your sacred space where your Soul can dance.

New to Zoom? Please click the link a few minutes before the start of our event to allow the software to recognize your device.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 873 7562 0590
Password: 555675

Everyone is welcome, Free of charge!
CEUs = 1.0

Join us for the July 2020 Quarterly Meeting

"Tapping into the Spirit of the Forest for Your Wellbeing"
with David Motzenbecker

Tuesday, July 14, 2020
7:00 - 9:00 pm Meeting & Presentation
Via Zoom

There I sat in the forest, staring intently at a snow-covered log.  My eyes scoured its surface, noticing the different textures and forms that the snow (and ice) took depending on their location upon the log.  I saw the way rivulets of water had filled large cracks in the bark, then froze, creating solid wedges that would slowly rend the fallen log apart.  This same minute and glacial movement - writ large - has shaped our planet in the same way it was shaping the log. 
I saw snowflake crystals; noticing how they molded themselves to the palm of my hand.  I then pondered how liquid water behaves in similar fashion when it molds itself to whatever vessel contains it.  I saw autumn leaves, once crispy and dry, now rehydrated and pliable once again after spending some time in the snow.
I then remembered that we - humans - are 60% water, our brains over 70%.  Does this explain why the brain is so adaptable, pliant, and willing to absorb knowledge?  What could this snow tell me about myself?
This was the result of an "invitation" on one of my recent Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing) walks.  A deep noticing that brought forth really profound and touching stories from each person that joined the walk that day.  Not once during my "snow study" did I wonder how many emails were unopened, or how many stores were having post-holiday sales that I could visit afterwards.  I had become buoyed by the flow of time, so much so that I didn't realize fifteen minutes had passed since I had started 'looking'.
These kinds of experiences are what humanity has evolved to desire.  We need nature!  We need conscious and intentional time - critical to both our practices - to slow down and connect to something outside ourselves. 
As practitioners you are undoubtedly aware of the deep nature connection embedded in Feng Shui; the words for your practice being literally rooted in nature.  Those words - wind and water - convey to me a sense of movement, subtle and powerful, and how that energy affects places and their inhabitants.
Unfortunately, contemporary society seems to be going down the wrong path, with a sole focus on the control of spaces or acquisitions of things.  To do this we often sacrifice something even more essential - our time.  We guard our things rabidly, but we'll gladly give away our most precious resource, time - to mindless scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. 
But you can regain that connection to the energy of nature.  You can access permission to be still, to ponder, to heal.  Forests are treasure troves of untapped health benefits.  Humanity has only but scratched the surface on what's out there. 
I look forward to speaking to you in more depth about the benefits and practice of Shinrin Yoku and how it can be complementary to Feng Shui.  I will also be offering to guide you on a walk in July. We'll wander out into the woods where you can experience the power of forest bathing for yourself.
David Motzenbecker is the Founder of Motz Studios, a Shinrin Yoku guide practice and design consultancy in Minneapolis, MN.

CEUs = 1.5
Free for FSIM Members; Non-Members $18.

FSIM Board Updates

New Communications Coordinator
We are very excited to announce that Carol Seiler will be joining the FSIM Board as our new Communications Coordinator! She'll be learning about the position and will be creating our future FSIM Newsletters; in the meantime, if you have any articles for future newsletters, or upcoming classes that you'd like to list (members only), please send to Ellen at: EllenJohnson@FSIM.org
Membership Position
We are saddened to announce that Jane Petrich will be leaving the FSIM board at the end of June; she is leaving her Membership position due to increased responsibilities on the Scholarship Committee she will now be chairing for a local school district. We will miss her heartfelt contributions to FSIM as well as her smiling face at the registration table at our events. We look forward to seeing you on the other side of the table at future events!  Thank you for everything you have contributed to our organization!

If you are interested in finding out more about the open Membership position, please contact Debbie Miller; her contact information can be found on the FSIM Practitioners page.
Member Classes/Workshops
To post your classes or events in the next newsletter, 
please contact Ellen at:  EllenJohnson@FSIM.org


  • New site! Hopefully you've heard the news - we changed our name (slightly), re-branded, launched a new site, and are expanding! Visit www.windwatercenter.com to check out our catalog of classes! We'll be adding more regularly. This will be great for those that have last minute CEU needs; now you'll have a bunch of options at your fingertips. Do let us know if you have a request for a class.
  • Set Sail starts May 27: Get all your re-certification credits by taking this 9-week program! It's a great review with: a video each week, 3 live calls with Carole, Lisa, and other participants, and a Facebook forum. Or if you know someone new to Feng Shui, please recommend this program. Also, if you are currently re-certified, contact Lisa for an extra discount. See the Set Sail page on our catalog for more info about the program.
  • Reminder: If you are a graduate, Wind & Water Re-Certification is due July 31. More info to come but you'll need 6 credits, 1 of which needs to be directly Feng Shui related.
  • We've added some classes and programs to our catalog (including a couple free additions), so be sure to check it out! 

BTB Feng Shui Meditation to Strengthen Your Immune System.  The Blue Medicine Buddha Six Syllable Chi Sound Mediation 
is a powerful way to support and strengthen our immune systems, which is so important  in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic and as a rem
inder of the many tools at our disposal.  

I am happy to share it with you in exchange for 1-3 red envelopes with even a penny in each one. Use your intuition on this exchange. I can also assist you should you wish help with the pronunciation of the Six Syllable sounds. 

Many blessings for abundant health and vitality. 

Barbara Bobrowitz of Energetic Alignments

 Save the 2020 Dates  
2020 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Open to the public, free to members)   

We may be changing meetings depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 - The Pandemic as a Mirror of Your Chi, Carole Hyder and Lisa Janusz of Wind and Water Center, via Zoom.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - Tapping into the Spirit of the Forest for Your Well-being, David Motzenbecker, via Zoom.

Saturday, October 10, 2020 - Field Trip - Hindu Temple Tour

2020 FSIM Special Event

Saturday, July 25, 2020 - Forest Bathing, David Motzenbecker (rain delay - 8/1/20)

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