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June 2020   

Greetings from FSIM!

Just a reminder ~

We know that some members may have recently lost incomes and jobs, making it challenging to budget expenses and make ends meet. If this is your situation, please contact either Debbie Miller, FSIM President, or Ellen Johnson, FSIM Vice President, to request a partial refund of your 2020 Membership fees (https://www.fsim.org/PractitionerDirectory). We hope that this will make a difference and allow you to remain a member. We love our members and want to keep you and continue to connect with you!

If you didn't renew your membership because of the expense, you can still take advantage of this reduced rate.

We hope you stay healthy and experiencing moments of joy each and every day!  We will continue to offer virtual events so that we may all stay connected.

~Your FSIM Board

FSIM is not an authority in addressing infectious diseases and we urge you to continue to seek appropriate medical advice from your healthcare professional.
FSIM C3 Circle Summer Solstice Celebration
Virtual Bonfire via ZOOM.

Our FSIM C3 Circle (C3 is Conscious, Compassionate, Community)  
Summer Solstice Bonfire webinar will be held via ZOOM!

Join FSIM President Debbie Miller and FSIM Vice-Presidents Michelle Skally Doilney and Ellen Johnson for an interactive evening of setting intentions
and of releasing during difficult times.

"Feng Shui and Identity" and Practical DIY Project Ideas
Presented by Michelle Skally Doilney

Friday, June 19th
7:00 to 8:30 PM

Now. We look at who we are, what we believe, what we are blind to, what is no longer needed, and what we want to mindfully reflect going forward. Our physical locations may be completely different from what they were pre-COVID 19. And, they still reflect and reinforce who we are, seen or unseen by others. No matter how or where we show up physically, we still show up energetically. With gentle resolve, take this time of year, the solstice time of bringing light to darkness, to see yourself and your home in a new light, with new eyes. Learn to see and support yourself, changing our collective awareness.

Michelle Skally Doilney currently serves on the FSIM Board as Co-Vice President. She is a certified Feng Shui Consultant through Wind and Water Center and has been teaching since 2005. She is also a certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 200), former corporate executive, and a lifelong writer.

Drumming and intention-setting with Debbie Miller - plan to drum along!
"Feng Shui and Identity" practical DIY project ideas with Michelle Skally Doilney
"Virtual Bonfire" and releasing with Ellen Johnson
Time for questions, reflections from group

(Please note change of speaker and program from what was previously announced.)

Everyone is welcome, free of charge!
Check the FSIM Facebook page for updated information.
CEUs = 1.0

New to Zoom? Please click the link a few minutes before the start of our event to allow the software to recognize your device.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 7562 0590

Password: 555675

Looking forward to a special FSIM C3 Circle Gathering
 to celebrate the Summer Solstice! 

Join us for the July 2020 Quarterly Meeting

"Tapping into the Spirit of the Forest for Your Wellbeing"
with David Motzenbecker

Tuesday, July 14, 2020
7:00 - 9:00 pm Meeting & Presentation
Via Zoom

There I sat in the forest, staring intently at a snow-covered log.  My eyes scoured its surface, noticing the different textures and forms that the snow (and ice) took depending on their location upon the log.  I saw the way rivulets of water had filled large cracks in the bark, then froze, creating solid wedges that would slowly rend the fallen log apart.  This same minute and glacial movement - writ large - has shaped our planet in the same way it was shaping the log. 
I saw snowflake crystals; noticing how they molded themselves to the palm of my hand.  I then pondered how liquid water behaves in similar fashion when it molds itself to whatever vessel contains it.  I saw autumn leaves, once crispy and dry, now rehydrated and pliable once again after spending some time in the snow.
I then remembered that we - humans - are 60% water, our brains over 70%.  Does this explain why the brain is so adaptable, pliant, and willing to absorb knowledge?  What could this snow tell me about myself?
This was the result of an "invitation" on one of my recent Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing) walks.  A deep noticing that brought forth really profound and touching stories from each person that joined the walk that day.  Not once during my "snow study" did I wonder how many emails were unopened, or how many stores were having post-holiday sales that I could visit afterwards.  I had become buoyed by the flow of time, so much so that I didn't realize fifteen minutes had passed since I had started 'looking'.
These kinds of experiences are what humanity has evolved to desire.  We need nature!  We need conscious and intentional time - critical to both our practices - to slow down and connect to something outside ourselves. 
As practitioners you are undoubtedly aware of the deep nature connection embedded in Feng Shui; the words for your practice being literally rooted in nature.  Those words - wind and water - convey to me a sense of movement, subtle and powerful, and how that energy affects places and their inhabitants.
Unfortunately, contemporary society seems to be going down the wrong path, with a sole focus on the control of spaces or acquisitions of things.  To do this we often sacrifice something even more essential - our time.  We guard our things rabidly, but we'll gladly give away our most precious resource, time - to mindless scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. 
But you can regain that connection to the energy of nature.  You can access permission to be still, to ponder, to heal.  Forests are treasure troves of untapped health benefits.  Humanity has only but scratched the surface on what's out there. 
I look forward to speaking to you in more depth about the benefits and practice of Shinrin Yoku and how it can be complementary to Feng Shui.  I will also be offering to guide you on a walk in July. We'll wander out into the woods where you can experience the power of forest bathing for yourself.
David Motzenbecker is the Founder of Motz Studios, a Shinrin Yoku guide practice and design consultancy in Minneapolis, MN.

CEUs = 1.5
Free for FSIM Members; Non-Members $18.
Live Stonehenge Summer Solstice Celebration

COVID-19 may prevent us from gathering together for Summer Solstice, but you can participate with a special event live from Stonehenge on Saturday, June 20th, beginning at 3:30 CDT and concluding on Sunday, June 21st, at 12:30 AM.

This event is sponsored by English Heritage and Stonehenge.  If you cannot attend the live event, it will be recorded and available for viewing later. 

More information about the event can be found on their Facebook page at:

"The Pandemic as a Mirror of Your Ch'i"

We were recently treated to an event with Carole Hyder and Lisa Janusz who spoke about "The Pandemic as a Mirror of Your Ch'i".  Carole shared that in this 2020 energy of the Metal Rat that it's about new beginnings - how true that is so far this year - not much is the same as it was at the beginning of the year for many of us!  She mentioned that we are being called to do our inner work.

Carole also shared some information from Professor Lin on the 3 Energy Archetypes; we are each in one of the 3 archetypes, but can change at different times in our lives.  The archetypes and some of their qualities are:

1. Afraid to Die: worried, afraid of change, like routine, change is not positive.
2. Waiting to Die: Not terribly involved, victim thinking - what's the point?
3. Looking to Die: productive, fearless, strong drive, change-makers, risk takers.

After listing some of the characteristics, she encouraged us to replace the word "Die" with "Live"; how does that change how you view each of the archetypes?  Right now, we are being asked to "Look to Die" - when you're okay with dying, you approach life differently.  Each of us is here at the right time - we all wanted to be a part of the change that is happening now.

Both Carole and Lisa shared their perspectives that our inner life is where we need to get our strength, to clear our own waters, and as we get our inner lives balanced, we can make a difference!

Lisa ended the event taking us through a lovely meditation, from releasing our minds from the past and future, to being centered and present.  

Ahh!  Thank you, Carole and Lisa for sharing your wisdom to help us through this tumultuous time we are living in!

Member Classes/Workshops
To post your classes or events in the next newsletter, 
please contact Carol at: Newsletter@FSIM.org

  • Don't forget to check out our catalog!  We've added some new classes and programs.  You may find them useful if you need CEUs for re-certification or for FSIM.  Remember:  If you are a graduate, Wind & Water Re-certification is due July 31st.  More information will be provided, but keep in mind you will need six (6) credits, one of which must be Feng Shui related.
Campfire Story with Carole Hyder.  Join Carole as she reads from and discusses her book "Conversations with Your Home."  The event will be held on Sunday, June 21st, at 7:00 PM.  Register with the Metamorphosis Center at https://metamorphosis.center/events/

 Save the 2020 Dates  
2020 FSIM Quarterly Meetings: (Open to the public, free to members)   

We may be changing meetings depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - Tapping into the Spirit of the Forest for Your Well-being, David Motzenbecker, via Zoom.

Saturday, October 10, 2020 - Field Trip - Hindu Temple Tour

2020 FSIM Special Event

Saturday, July 25, 2020 - Forest Bathing, David Motzenbecker (rain delay - 8/1/20) - POSTPONED


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