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October 2020
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FSIM Annual Meeting
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Via Zoom

Watch for more information coming soon!
Reflections on the FSIM Labyrinth Tour 
Ahhhhh, autumn is in the air! It was a perfect autumn day for our FSIM Labyrinth Tour, which took place on October 10th. In addition to the beautiful autumn day, we were treated to wonderful company, and two amazing labyrinths.

We started at Bethesda Hospital, which is located directly behind the Minnesota State Capitol building. Bethesda was a rehabilitation hospital, is currently being used to treat COVID patients, and will soon be leased to Ramsey County as a homeless shelter. No matter how it’s being used, the hope is for healing, so we sent out healing energy to Bethesda Hospital, along with its current and future residents and employees.

Our second stop was at the David Barton Community Labyrinth and Reflective Garden at Metropolitan State University Library. We experienced an unexpected gift in that one of our FSIM members, Ellen Schultz, who is an educator at Metropolitan State, was instrumental in the creation of this labyrinth! She gave us insights to the labyrinth that we otherwise wouldn’t have learned. She has also introduced her students to the benefits of walking the labyrinth. Thank you, Ellen!

As I reflect back on this experience, I realize that no two labyrinth experiences are alike. Bethesda is a petite, concrete, Tree of Life labyrinth, with options of an easy in/out center access or the longer circular route. It is located in a lovely, quiet park across the street from the hospital near the State Capitol.

In contrast, the David Barton Community Labyrinth is located on busy E. 7th Street; it is a larger, Circle of Peace design (designed by Lisa Gidlow Moriarty), with a grass walking path outlined with pavers. This labyrinth is large enough to truly allow you to enter into a meditative state. Its path takes you into the center and out again retracing the same route. Even though this labyrinth is located on a busy street, it offers “a place of calm, peace, reflection, and beauty”.

Both labyrinths offered the similar feeling of a respite to the day, a feeling I intend to cultivate more often!

A special thank you to Lisa Gidlow Moriarty for compiling this labyrinth tour for FSIM! www.pathsofpeace.com

Ellen Johnson, FSIM Co-Vice President

David Barton Community Labyrinth

Some of our fellow FSIM members are enjoying the David Barton Community Labyrinth on a beautiful autumn day.

Photos by Ellen Johnson
Feng Shui Magic!

My Feng Shui magic experience happened in 2006, during the very first year of my Feng Shui classes with the Wind and Water Center. At the time - my husband had been transferred and living in a different state. He had been commuting for 2 years, travelling home to Minnesota whenever he could. It was such a hardship on our marriage and for our family! 

While I was in one of those first classes, we all worked on creating a Bagua of our own home. Carole Hyder (our instructor) noticed that there was an imbalance with my garage and where it attached to my home. It was outside of the Bagua - off of the Helpful People and Travel area of the Bagua. This created an extension that normally would be considered added bonus energy. The size of the garage actually created unbalance in relationship to the rest of the Bagua. 

It also is an extension to an area that represented the Father area of the Bagua – further illustrating the fact that my husband was living outside of the family Bagua!!!

I adjusted for this by lining up the front of the garage with the left side of the home Bagua (opposite the garage). I buried a quartz crystal there - extending the Bagua to the distance of the front of the garage. I also marked it with a landscape statue of a rabbit. I chose the rabbit statue because the rabbit has a gestation period of 30 – 32 days. I was setting the intention that my husband would be transferred back soon. I couldn’t believe it when it ACTUALLY happened! He was transferred home within the month!! I still get chills thinking about it! 

The point where I placed the crystal and the rabbit statue are in a garden in the front yard of my home and are still there today! I cannot think of a better validation of how Feng Shui and the power of INTENTION can work to improve our lives. 

Deborah Miller
Save the Dates - 2021
2021 FSIM Quarterly Meetings (Free to members, open to the public, even the January annual meeting this year!).
We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.
FSIM will be celebrating the Year of the Metal Ox with several exciting programs.
Tuesday, January 12: Cyndi Dale - Zoom Meeting. Topic: "Activate a New Superpower". Carole Hyder - "The Year of the Metal Ox".
Tuesday, February 9: Susan Shehata - Zoom Meeting. Topic "Transforming Your Life Through Your Space"
Friday, March 19: Spring Equinox - Location TBD
Tuesday, April 13: Catherine Duncan - Location TBD; Topic: "Learning to Live: Five Awakening Lessons".
Friday, June 18: Summer Solstice - Location TBD
Tuesday, July 13: Celeste Rak and Tenzin Geshe - Location & Topic TBD
Friday, September 24: Fall Equinox - Location TBD
Saturday, October 16: Hindu Temple Tour.
Member Classes/Workshops/Services
Wind & Water Center News:
  • We'll be starting another Masters Program in November. Let us know if you want to receive information about this wonderful program that you can customize to meet your needs with additional Feng Shui knowledge, 1:1 time with Carole, advanced blueprint work, and virtual retreats. Fulfills all certification credits.
  • We're gearing up to launch something special for re-certified graduates -- stay tuned.
  • It's not too early to think about reviewing the the program if you need a refresh. You'd start in March 2021. Better yet, get a friend who hasn't been certified and encourage them to take it with you. They'll get a great experience, you can review and will get a referral bonus! Let Lisa know if you want more information.
  • We're still going strong with our weekly podcast! You can find it in our catalog or anywhere you get your podcasts! A new one publishes every week.
  • Have you visited our catalog lately? We're continually adding classes and programs (including some that are free). Just launched: Feng Shui for your Office.
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