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January 2021
Special FSIM February Event

Susan Shehata

"Transforming Your Life
Through Your Space!"
When: Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Via Zoom

Susan Shehata, also known as The Space Guru™, is a nationally known Wellness Educator and Creative and Social Entrepreneur, who specializes in helping people transform their lives, by Unsticking the Story that keeps them stuck.

Though her offerings are varied, the goal of her work is the same: to clear deep patterns of resistance. 

Susan's writing has appeared in The Huffington Post, Elephant Journal and the Twin Cities Pioneer Press and her column, The Space Guru™, has appeared in the Edge Magazine. Susan was the co-host and co-producer of the weekly radio show, Raising the Consciousness on AM950, for two years. 

Susan is a connector who is passionate about supporting other entrepreneurs, community building and inspiring individuals to take action in ways that benefit themselves and humanity. 

Visit Susan's website to learn more about her background and work.


The cost is: $0 for Members/$18 for Guests.
What Does your Bedroom Say about
your Relationships?
by Susan Shehata
Your home is a mirror of your life.

When you feel chaotic, your spaces reflect that chaos. And when you tidy the space, you may be rewarded with a more relaxed state of mind.

But beyond the general feelings that are evoked by clean or cluttered spaces, each room of your house represents a unique connection to different aspects of your life.

One of the most potent of these reflections happens in your bedroom. Because of its personal nature, your bedroom represents your identity and your most intimate self.

Your bedroom also reflects your relationship to partnership, whether you are currently involved or single.

Here are four bedroom personalities and what they may be saying about your relationship with yourself and a significant other.

The Perfect Bedroom

What it looks like:

The bedroom is put together. It looks like a magazine feature, every single day. Everything coordinates perfectly and is finished from top to bottom. Objects are in perfect working order and always exactly in place.

What it says:

The perfect bedroom may represent the desire for control in your life and relationship. Control isn't inherently negative. Creating a controlled environment at home, where you feel completely safe and that things are handled, may create more adaptability in the rest of your life. Be mindful, however, if this behavior is keeping you from addressing the deeper issues of control, or lack thereof, that you are experiencing in your partnership.

Consider letting your room get messy this week and don't address it immediately. Pay attention to what comes up internally.

The Cluttered Bedroom

What it looks like:

The bedroom has more stuff than can reasonably fit in the space. Therefore, there is clutter lying around that needs to be dealt with. Many of the spaces in the room are taken up with a project, overflow of a closet or dresser, or some other object that needs attention.

What it says:

The cluttered bedroom may indicate avoidance. Literally, there are things in this space that need your attention, but figuratively, it can mean that something else in your life needs to be addressed. Clutter distracts us, so when we are focused on either the appearance or the maintenance of clutter, it can be a way to avoid relationship issues.

The cluttered bedroom can also be a sign of protection. Having an abundance of objects around us acts like a shield, so when we feel the need to protect ourselves, we create physical boundaries with our belongings.

Experiment with clearing the clutter this week and observe what comes up emotionally.

The Distracted Bedroom

What it looks like:

The bedroom is a very functional space. Think television, books, and a laptop. Heck, maybe you've even managed to squeeze in a desk or home gym.

What it says:

Since the bedroom, by nature, is intended for rest and intimacy, the distracted bedroom can keep us from those goals. If there is a fear or discomfort around intimacy, it can be more comfortable to have other activities that require your attention in the bedroom. Similar to the cluttered bedroom, the distracted bedroom is often a sign of some kind of avoidance.

Try limiting the use of your distractions two to three times a week, and see what you find yourself thinking about or what comes up in your relationship.

The Imbalanced Bedroom

What it looks like:

The bedroom may be imbalanced in layout, space distribution, or design. There may be one side of the bed that has a very narrow walkway, or perhaps only one partner can fit their clothes in the bedroom. Maybe the room was designed with only one partner's taste in mind.

What it says:

The balance of the bedroom corresponds to the balance of power in your relationship. Now, again, power is not a "bad" word. In this context, it means that one person has the dominant personality, or is more likely to get their way in situations. This may be a healthy dynamic for your specific situation, because you have found harmony with it. That being said, it may breed unspoken resentment.

Consider addressing one of these imbalances this week and see how you both react.

Overall, keep in mind that symbolism is individual, so while these four patterns are very common, they are not absolute. Start paying attention to your individual space habits and allow your bedroom to inform you of your own, unique deeper patterns.

Join Susan Shehata for "Transforming your Life through your Space," on February 9th.

Cyndi Dale
Carole Hyder
FSIM's 2021 Annual Meeting
by Nancy Baxter
FSIM's Annual Meeting took place via Zoom on January 12th. Carole Hyder started off the evening with a summary of our upcoming "Year of the Metal Ox." The Ox is considered a gentle sign which carries the Earth element. Earth typically supports Metal, which would be a favorable combination, but in this situation, the Metal is not getting enough sustenance from Earth, which may manifest, for some as anxiety and grief. In general, for the upcoming year, the message is "Stay the Course." It is not necessarily the year for wild adventures or big risks. One can receive additional support or benefit by having a small figure of a rat (the friend of Ox), blessing your home, placing couplets outside your front door, meditating, or doing one good deed every day.

Cyndi Dale then supported us in accessing our Emerging Superpower. She likened
the past year, with its COVID experiences and restriction to "a caterpillar which gos into its cocoon." Inside the cocoon, much of the old is dissolved, so the new can emerge and take flight. Each person carries within some capability that is special and unique. It is housed in the 12th Chakra, the Spirit Chakra, and holds your truth. Cyndi lead us in meditation to go into our heart and touch base with that spark. She later encouraged us to try to stretch gamma consciousness, a way which allows you to move into the potent, higher states of the high level Masters. The more we can hold this higher consciousness, the more readily our Superpowers, or special gifts, can shine and manifest as positive, helpful results. She reminded us that "a gift is only as powerful as we are willing/afraid to use it." Each one of us has an important contribution to make. Our gifts are going to be needed as we move forward into this new era.

Feng Shui Magic!
I moved into my townhouse mid-summer 2019. Because it has many angles and an unusual set up, I never took the time to sit down and draw out the floor plan on the Bagua. I roughly eyeballed sections of the Bagua and made some necessary adjustments and changes. The Career area strongly caught my attention, however, this past March when COVID hit, and I found myself not working at my regular job. At the same time, a door resoundingly closed to a different option as well. I had felt certain this second option was my new path forward!

As I examined the Bagua of my place more carefully, I discovered that the wind chime that I had been ringing in my Career area was actually in my Knowledge area! So what was actually in my Career area? Absolutely nothing but a big empty garage space, and my garbage and recycling bins! My garage takes up nearly all of Helpful People and Career so I moved the garbage can and beautified the walls with appropriate pictures and meaningful objects. My daughter returned from living abroad in Spain, and in the meantime, moved in with me and set out determinedly to find a job. There were ups and downs in the process this fall, but by the New Year, she manifested the perfect job!

I recognize that I am still in process. Sometimes the magic works within days. At other times, it unfolds as we become ready for the next step. Stay tuned!

Nancy Baxter
Save the Dates - 2021
2021 FSIM Quarterly Meetings
(Free to members, open to the public, even the January annual meeting this year!).

We may be changing meeting locations depending on circumstances at the time of any meeting.

FSIM will be celebrating the Year of the Metal Ox with several exciting programs.

Tuesday, February 9: Special Event: Susan Shehata - Zoom Meeting. Topic "Transforming Your Life Through Your Space"

Friday, March 19: Spring Equinox - Location TBD

Tuesday, April 13: Catherine Duncan - Location TBD; Topic: "Learning to Live: Five Awakening Lessons".

Friday, June 18: Summer Solstice - Location TBD

Tuesday, July 13: Celeste Rak and Tenzin Geshe - Location & Topic TBD

Friday, September 24: Fall Equinox - Location TBD

Saturday, October 16: Hindu Temple Tour.
Member Classes/Workshops/Services
Wind & Water Center News:
  • Join us for our Chinese New Year Retreat on Saturday, January 30. This year the retreat is virtual and registration is open now. Special pricing for re-certified graduates and last year's attendees.
  • Feng Shui Re-Set launched January 19! This quarterly review webinar will feature topics from the professional program such as the I-Ching, Ming Gua, and more. Free for re-certified graduates; $18/session for graduates.
  • Next professional certification program starts March 2021. Take it as a refresh or get a referral bonus if you encourage someone else to take it!
  • Have you listened to our weekly Feng Shui and More podcasts? If not, check them out!
  • Find information on these and other classes via our catalog.
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